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Now it pretty sure: Windows 11 will replace Windows 10, Win10 support will end in 2025

Written by Petteri Pyyny @ 14 Jun 2021 8:41 User comments (2)

Now it pretty sure: Windows 11 will replace Windows 10, Win10 support will end in 2025

Rumors surrounding the upcoming Windows event on 24th of June have been pretty wild lately. There has been speculation whether Microsoft will actually roll back on its promise that the Windows 10 would be the last Windows ever. Now, it seems that Windows 10 will, in deed, get a successor.
Microsoft's own Windows product page now lists the end of life date for Windows 10 Pro and Windows 10 Home editions. Both operating systems are listed to reach their end of support life in 2025. This is pretty solid proof that Microsoft is about to release Windows 11 next week.

Windows 10 retirement date listed on Microsoft support page

When Microsoft released Windows 10 back in July, 2015, the company stated that it would be the "last Windows ever". Since then, company has kept its promise and has simply provided big feature updates to its operating system in form of semi-annual big update packs. But now, it seems that the Redmond giant has something so big in pipeline that it wont be just another update, but an entire new operating system version.

UPDATE: Windows 11 officially released

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2 user comments

117.6.2021 12:51

I hope this version is a good one.

222.6.2021 17:34

None too soon, especially if Eleven improves Windows as much as Seven did after the Vista fiasco. For one thing, they could rethink their software-as-a-service approach and allow users (i.e. paying customers)to choose the Windows version that works best with their hardware, needs, and activities. I can say for certain that senior citizens would really like that solution.

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