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FixVTS v1.603

Open source
Win2k / Win98 / WinME / WinNT / WinXP
FixVTS is a very tiny tool that allows you to adjust your DVD files into better DVD compliance, so they can be opened in DVDShrink or VobBlanker. FixVTS does a similar job as what's called an IFOEdit Mock Strip, but only adjust as little information as possible in the VOB and IFO files to allow it to open in a other appication while keeping the DVD as original as possible.

You would use FixVTS if you messed up your DVD, for example by applying the wrong tool, or aborting in the middle of some processing, and the result can no longer be used. Another good use is for DVDs that have been authored with deliberate "errors" in the IFO or VOB files, such that they still play on your player, but won't open in DVD editing tools such as DVDShrink, VobBlanker and others.
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FixVTS v1.603Filesize: 32.17 kB

fixvts adjust dvd title files compliance vob

License type Open source1
Author's homepage Visit the author's site
Date added 15 Jan 2007
Downloads 253,869
File size 32.17 kB (<1min @ 1Mbps)
Operating systems Win2k / Win98 / WinME / WinNT / WinXP1

1License and operating system information is based on latest version of the software.

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FixVTS v1.603

This is a great little tool that couldn't be more simple to use. I use it every time I make a back up.

FixVTS v1.5

When you need a tool for a file fix, this is a good handy tool to have in your arsenault of media software. Makes no sense to ignore this until you "must or bust", then search for the download. I've only used it once, but it worked fine on XP mce; doesn't take up much space and it'd free.

BluesJack...listening to the blues; it makes me happy!

FixVTS v1.25 Beta

I only rated this as very poor due to it dosn't run at least on 98se. I found simular input else where online when researching it.Version was just released 5-1-2006 , I downloaded from different sites and had same 2 errors reported on trying to open the program. Today is 5-9-2006. Hope they fix this.
I replaced the program with an older1.24beta version and it did open fine.