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RGS-AvaCam v3.6.5

Vista / Win7 / Win8 / WinXP
RGS-AvaCam is a simple full features Webcam tool to view your webcams or other video device you have installed.

AvaCam is a program that will allow you to view the images taken by any of your video devices. Should you have a webcam or any video capture device connected to your computer, this program will allow you not only to view what that device is capturing live, but also to record and save videos or pictures.

This program can save videos as .AVI files, using any compression method. AvaCam has a built-in Viewer that can be used to select the pictures you would like to edit, launching your preferred graphics editor.

Key Features:
  • Intuitive and modern user interface
  • Easy to use
  • Can be used with ANY type of video device (not just webcams)
  • View multiple Cam's/video devices
  • Motion detection feature: allows you to save an image automatically when movement is detected
  • AutoSave feature (time-lapse): allows you to save a snapshot every xxx-seconds
  • Includes an avi creator build-in wizard which allows you to create AVI video files from jpg's or bmp's!!
  • Stretch and/or fit the video to the screen resolution
  • Full screen video!
  • Build-in viewer/editor/player/browser
  • One-click photographical effects to improve the image
  • Take a snapshot of the videostream and save it as JPG, JPEG or BMP formats
  • Burst mode
  • Record video as AVI-file to disk with any available compression
  • Save JPG's with user selectable compression quality
  • Print your snapshot's
  • Print preview
  • Remote Monitoring (via Lan, Internet etc)
  • Define your own favorite viewer or paintprogram
  • Activate and de-activate AvaCam's
  • AutoSave or Motion Detection features at designated times
  • Run multiple copies of AvaCam which can be configured separately
  • IrfanView support
  • Embed date and time into the saved snapshots!
  • Record video on motion


RGS-AvaCam v3.6 RGS-AvaCam v3.6

rgs-avacam webcam video viewer

License type Freeware1
Author's homepage Visit the author's site
Date added 13 Nov 2014
Downloads 517
File size 1.04 MB (<1min @ 1Mbps)
Supported languages English
Operating systems Vista / Win7 / Win8 / WinXP1

1License and operating system information is based on latest version of the software.

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