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Quick Cliq (64-bit) v2.0.7

Vista / Win10 / Win7 / Win8 / WinXP
Quick Cliq is a portable menu based application launcher and productivity tool with features that you won’t find anywhere else!

Quick Cliq speeds up your daily computer activities by giving you links to folders, files, programs, URLs and command line operations. It also offers window management, extreme clipboard manipulation, and note taking capabilities. All of this is provided in a compact menu that you can show anywhere and within any application or window through customizable hot keys and mouse gestures.


  • Application Launcher
    Quick Cliq offers you the easiest & fastest way to launch your programs, documents and commands. You can create the following types of shortcuts: file, folder, folder menu, folder switch, system shortcut, URL and even email templates. It also provides a group of Special commands you can use to extend the way you run shortcuts, like run an application under admin rights, repeat any shortcut several times or using environmental variables in shortcut targets. One of the more interesting and unique features of Quick Cliq’s launcher is the possibility to run an unlimited number of commands from only one shortcut.

  • Clips – Clipboard Manager
    Quick Cliq provides extends and improves the Windows clipboard. The “Clips” feature adds 9 extra clipboards to use as you see fit. Besides the standard copy-paste commands you can also append data to clipboards and perform quick edit operations like data conversion, case changes, URL retrieval, and the ability to save the clipboard to a file. All clips are controlled by hotkeys, which can be customized to your liking.

  • Memos – personal notes keeper
    To keep your notes, text, and other frequently used data, Quick Cliq offers the Memos feature. At a quick glance the Memos feature looks very similar to the Clips feature but is actually very different.

  • Windows Manager
    The Windows feature is a group of commands you can quickly perform on the currently active window:
    Hide Active Window – hides the window so it becomes invisible in case you want to free up the screen or hide what you are doing. This command can also be performed through a separate hotkey.
    Change Transparency of the active window.
    Make a window always on top of other windows.
    Disable the close button to prevent those accidental closes.

  • Recent Items
    The Recent menu logs recently closed folders, processes, system recent items, and Quick Cliq shortcuts so that you may reopen them quickly.

  • Highly customizable
  • Screenshots:

    Quick Cliq (64-bit) v2.0.7 Quick Cliq (64-bit) v2.0.7 Quick Cliq (64-bit) v2.0.7

    Other editions:

    quick cliq application launcher clipboard memo shortcut hot keys

    License type Freeware1
    Author's homepage Visit the author's site
    Date added 24 Jun 2018
    Downloads 510
    File size 742.56 kB (<1min @ 1Mbps)
    Supported languages English
    Operating systems Vista / Win10 / Win7 / Win8 / WinXP1

    1License and operating system information is based on latest version of the software.

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