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Xlight FTP Server (Portable) v3.5

Vista / Win2k / Win7 / Win98 / WinME / WinNT / WinXP
Xlight FTP Server is a high performance and easy to use ftp server software for Windows. It is designed to handle thousands of simultaneous ftp clients and use very little CPU and memory.

Xlight FTP Server has three editions: personal, standard, professional. Personal edition is free for personal use and home users. You can click here to see the difference of three editions.

Main features:
  • Support virtual servers - Xlight FTP Server can run multiple virtual servers on the same IP address.
  • System Service - It can run as window system service.
  • Native User Isolation - Each user has separate virtual paths from other users, he can never see virtual paths of others. There is no need to lock a user in his home path any more.
  • Hierarchy Virtual Paths - FTP server has public and group paths, which make access control and permission management easier. Group path can be seen only by users of a group, public path can be seen by all users.
  • GUI based Remote Administration - Xlight FTP server can be securely administrated from anywhere.
  • 128 bits SSL - FTP sessions can be protected by industry security standard. Support SSL client authentication.
  • Support SFTP(SSH2) protocol - SFTP virtual server can be created and managed the same way as FTP virtual server.
  • Store users in the database - User settings and password can be stored in the external database and retrieved through ODBC connections. Stored procedure is supported to facilitate the integration of database applications.
  • Store file transfer logs in the database - File transfer logs can be stored in the external database through ODBC.
  • Email Event Notification - Automatically notify events happened in the ftp server by email. Such events include file upload, download, delete and disk space low etc.
  • Active Directory - Users can be authenticated against Active Directory. Settings of ftp users can be stored in the Active Directory.
  • Support LDAP - Users can be authenticated against the LDAP directory Server. Settings of ftp users can be stored in the LDAP directory server.
  • Support UPnP - Configuring ftp server behind the UPnP broadband router becomes much easier.
  • UNC Path Impersonation - FTP server can can use the impersonation account to access password protected network shares.
  • Advanced Configuration Management - Configuration changes will take place in real-time, without restarting the ftp server.
  • Advanced Access Control - Provides many methods to control user's access right.
  • Advanced Bandwidth Control - Bandwidth can be fine-tuned by different virtual servers, groups and users level or scheduled by time range.
  • Auto Block IPs - It can prevent server from hammers or malicious behaviors.
  • Deny or Allow IPs - It can deny or allow user's access by his ip address.
  • Login Time Control - It can control login period by each user.
  • File Access Control - It can control user only downloading or uploading certain files.
  • Detail Server Status - It has detailed bandwidth usage and user connections information, download and upload status.
  • Server Log - It has detailed logs for recording users' activities and server errors.
  • xferlog Support - Support writing ftp transfer log in UNIX ftp xferlog format.
  • Anti Leech Support - Support anti-leech function to prevent unauthorized people from leeching ftp links.
  • MODE Z Support - Support real time data compression during the data transfer.
  • UFT-8 Support - Support OPTS UTF8 command to turn on and off UTF-8 encoding.
  • IPv6 Support - IPv6 is seamlessly integrated in all server functions.


Xlight FTP Server (Portable) v3.7

Other editions:

xlight ftp server ssl sftp ssh2 ldap

License type Shareware1
Author's homepage Visit the author's site
Date added 26 Jul 2014
Downloads 12,972
File size 498.37 kB (<1min @ 1Mbps)
Operating systems Vista / Win2k / Win7 / Win98 / WinME / WinNT / WinXP1

1License and operating system information is based on latest version of the software.

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