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System tools

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Kingo HTC Bootloader Unlock v0.2.0

Kingo HTC Bootloader Unlock is a free tool that you can use to unlock a HTC device' Bootloader.

Date updated:12/26/2013 Downloads:3,081 Filesize:8.61 MB
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MyDefrag (JkDefrag) v4.0

MyDefrag is a disk defragmenter and optimizer for Windows.

Date updated:07/18/2009 Downloads:3,078 Filesize:1.51 MB

PartitionLogic (CD version) v0.74

Partition Logic is a free hard disk partitioning and data management tool. It can create, delete, format, defragment, resize, and move partitions and modify their attributes.

Date updated:07/13/2014 Downloads:3,075 Filesize:3.48 MB
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XdN Tweaker v0.9.3.0

XdN Tweaker is a free tweaking program for Windows.

Date updated:01/03/2013 Downloads:3,049 Filesize:387.84 kB
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UpdateStar v9

UpdateStar is the program that lets you stay up-to-date with all of your personal software.

Date updated:11/14/2012 Downloads:3,041 Filesize:5.55 MB
(No votes)

SIW (System Information for Windows) for U3-Sticks 2011 (build 0916)

SIW (System Information for Windows) performs computer configuration analysis and diagnostics.

Date updated:09/20/2011 Downloads:3,035 Filesize:3.20 MB
(No votes)

Reg Organizer (Portable) v7.12

Reg Organizer is a set of Registry tools required for effective System Registry management.

Date updated:05/12/2015 Downloads:3,015 Filesize:5.97 MB

4NT v8.02 Build 102

4NT, console mode command processor, is a powerful alternative to Window's default command processor (CMD.EXE) for interactive and batch file processing.

Date updated:12/10/2007 Downloads:3,003 Filesize:4.14 MB
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Context Menu Manager (April, 2011)

Context menu Manager allows you to manage, activates and deactivates Windows Explorer context menu elements quickly and easily.

Date updated:04/02/2011 Downloads:2,992 Filesize:610.98 kB

Wise Program Uninstaller v2.3.7

Wise Program Uninstaller is able to remove your software by safe uninstall.

Date updated:02/25/2020 Downloads:2,946 Filesize:27.88 kB
(No votes)
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