Version history for RadioBOSS
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Changes for v5.2.2.0 - v5.2.3.0
- Minor improvements. Bugs fixed.
Changes for v5.2.1.0 - v5.2.2.0
- VU meter and spectrum display microphone level with the "Output to encoders only" option enabled
- Switching the "Output to encoders only" option for the microphone does not require restarting
- Bugs fixed in the Track List feature
- Improved Start Time calculation (made more accurate)
- "scheduler on" command now also turns off "Manual" scheduler mode
- Added ability to select multiple folders in the Music Library when importing tracks
- Fixed tag reading error for some files
- Fixed fade on stop bug (under certain circumstances the track stopped abruptly)
- Fixed bugs in the Stream Archive feature
- Fixed ReplayGain implementation
- Fixed: PFL device didn't work if the same device was selected for the Main output
- Lots of minor bugs fixed
- Fixed the "Resume playback" bug when the playlist was stopped
- Added %path variable for HTTP request to export full file name
- Improved mouse wheel scrolling
- Removed Windows "beep" when using hot keys
- Fixed: jingle hot keys interfered with the cart wall hot keys
- Overall software optimization and improvements
Changes for v5.1.3.0 - v5.2.1.0
- New features in RadioBOSS
- Added "Dark" UI color scheme
- Song Request API to receive automated song requests
- Listener number chart in Broadcasting Statistics
- Tag Editor improved: faster artwork and metadata reading, ability to edit tags during playback, and fixed the bugs
- Cart wall improvements: hot keys, progress bar, grid resize, drag-n-drop
- RadioBOSS is accessible by using only the keyboard; improved compatibility with screen reader software
- "DTMF Only" logic changed (see the documentation for more info:
- "Next play" right-click playlist command evolved to Playback Queue
- Track Tool redesigned
- Scheduler Overlay player moved to the bottom left corner
- All tracks that were played in the Overlay player are now included in the report
- VST and Winamp DSP plugins can be used for a Microphone
- Quick DSP configuration for the microphone: right-click the MIC button
- WASAPI driver for pre-listen sound card
- Added a button to the toolbar to record the stream (activates the Stream Archive feature)
- Stream Archive configuration option added: automatic start/stop when MIC is activated and deactivated
- FLAC and OPUS support for Stream Archive
- Level Meter and MIC button can be moved to the center of the window (menu View->MIC and VU meter in the center)
- New columns added to the playlist: Play, Insert stop command
- Playlist file name history for AUX players
- Custom picture can be used as a picture for tracks with no artwork
- Added ability to set the Rating and File Type from the playlist
- Notify when a track is going to end (flash in red)
- "Tag from filename" right-click command added in the Track Information panel
- Notepad tab improved
- Item spacing setting for library search
- Library search: alternate colors in the result
- Station logo (top right corner) preserves image proportions
- "Skip after scheduled track" option for file types
- Status bar shows listener numbers: current and peak
- HTTP Request: %listeners variable to send listeners count
- Lots of minor issues and bugs were fixed
- Code optimization for faster and more stable operation
- Scheduler
- Event sweeper feature improved
- New "getfile" scheduler command added: command allows to select one file from the folder (newest, oldest, or random) and, optionally, delete it after playback
- Scheduler list can be filtered by day of week (List button->Show filters)
- "Weekdays" column added to event list
- New "silencedetector (on/off)" command to control the silence detector from the scheduler
- Warning when the scheduler expiration date is in the past
- Playlist Generator Pro
- UI to generate multiple playlists
- Maximum (MAX), Minimum (MIN), and Average (AVG or AVERAGE) variables to set the playcount priority rules
- Overlap amount can be set with fractions of a second
- Length filter improved (allows to specify seconds)
- Rename presets: right click on the preset name
- Music Library
- New feature: schedule automatic music library update (synchronize track with folder(s), update tags)
- Multiple folders can be added at once from the Add Directory window
- Improved the Check music tracks feature
- Added "Scan BPM" feature (Tools menu)
- Save search results as a music library (xml) file
- Added "item spacing" setting
- Added Bitrate column
- Advertisement Scheduler
- Color indication in the advertisement list to show missed, expired, and disabled tracks
- Presets for grid
- DTMF Only option for events
- Added new feature: create report for advertisement track impressions within a specified date range
- Sweepers to make commercial blocks of desired duration
- Report Generator
- Split into pages/continuous report option added
- Listener field to include the number of listeners in the record for each song
Changes for v5.1.3.0 - v5.2.0.3 Beta
- What's new
- Added "Dark" UI color scheme
- Song Request API: allows to receive automated song requests
- Tag Editor improved: fixed lots of bugs, faster artwork reading, ability to edit tags during playback
- Cart wall improvements: hot keys, progress bar, grid resize, drag-n-drop
- "DTMF Only" logic changed: now it only prevents event startup when there was no DTMF
- "Next play" feature changed to Playback Queue
- Track Tool redesigned
- Scheduler Overlay player moved to bottom left corner
- All tracks which were played in the Overlay player are now included in the report
- VST and Winamp DSP plugins can be used for Microphone
- Quick DSP configuration for microphone: right-click on MIC button
- ASIO and WASAPI driver for pre-listen
- Added a button to toolbar to record stream (activates the Stream Archive feature)
- Stream Archive setting added: automatic start/stop when MIC is activated and deactivated
- Added FLAC and OPUS support for Stream Archive
- Level Meter and MIC button can be moved to the center of the window (View->MIC and VU meter in the center)
- New columns added to the playlist: Play, Insert stop command
- Playlist file name history for AUX players
- Custom picture can be used as a picture for tracks with no artwork
- Added ability to set Rating and File Type from the playlist
- Notify when a track is going to end (flash in red)
- "Tag from filename" right-click command added in Track Information panel
- Notepad tab improved
- Item spacing setting for library search
- Library search: alternate colors in the result
- Station logo (top right corner): preserves image proportions
- "Skip after scheduled track" option for file types
- Status bar shows listener numbers: current and peak
- HTTP Request: %listeners variable to send listeners count
- Scheduler
- Event sweeper feature improved
- New "getfile" scheduler command added: command allows to select one file from folder (newest, oldest or random) and, optionally, delete it after playback
- Scheduler list can be filtered by day of week (List button->Show filters)
- "Week Days" column added to event list
- New "silencedetector (on/off)" command to contorol the silence detector from the scheduler
- Warning when scheduler expiration date is in the past
- Playlist Generator Pro
- UI to generate multiple playlists
- Maximum (MAX), Minimum (MIN) and Average (AVG or AVERAGE) variables to set playcount priority rules
- Overlap amount can be set with fractions of second
- Length filter improved (allows to specify seconds)
- Preset rename: right click on preset name
- Music Library
- New feature: schedule automatic music library update (syncronize track with folder(s), update tags)
- Multiple folders can be added at once from the Add Directory window
- Improved the Check music tracks feature
- Added "Scan BPM" feature (Tools menu)
- Save search results as music library (xml) file
- Added "item spacing" setting
- Added Bitrate column
- Advertisement Scheduler
- Color indication in the advertisement list to show missed, expired and disabled tracks
- Presets for grid
- DTMF Only option for events
- Added new feature: create report for advertisement track impressions within specified date range
- Sweepers to make commercial blocks of desired duration
- Report Generator
- Split into pages/continuous report option added
- Listener field to include the number of listeners in the record for each song
- Fixes and minor improvements
- scheduler off command did not turn off DTMF events
- level meter shows MIC level with "Output to encoders only" option enabled
- main windows library search sometimes failed on big libraries
- main window library search: real track duration is shown
- playback starts faster
- fixed rare crash situation when tracks were added to the playlist
- fixed bug: DSP was not applied to cart wall playback
- fixed several bugs in Stream Archive feature
- file name sorting for Track List and Playlist Generator now uses "natural" sort order (considers numbers in file names)
- fixed scheduled events dragging between groups
- fixed several "multiple action" scheduler event bugs
- fixed: "makelibrary" command sometimes did not perform correctly
- fixed bug: custom Segue Editor crossfade did not work with voice tracks
- fixed: https:// streams did not play
- fixed: "Do not mix" option for file types sometimes did not work
- fixed: "stop" command bug in Playlist Generator
- fixed bug when playlist columns were resized/reordered
- fixed crash when video with no audio track was played
- fixed: BPM filter sometimes did not work correctly in Playlist Generator
- fixed: Music Library BPM sorting
- improved repeat protection for Track List
- fixed: scheduler and playlist columns sometimes were reordered when Windows Remote Desktop connection was used to control RadioBOSS
- fixed: Music Library did not store the Last Played column
- fixed: when files were dragged from Windows Explorer file size was detected as zero
- fixed rare crash when RadioBOSS was closed
- fixed: when sweepers was inserted gap killer was not taken into account
- profile name is shown on the taskbar and tray icon
- web browser is launched as a separate process for stability purposes
- fixed scheduler list font bug
Changes for v5.1.1.0 - v5.1.2.0
- Playlist Generator produces detailed error messages.
- Improved command line interface in Playlist Generator.
- Fixed bug: sometimes RadioBOSS crashed on DTMF signal detection.
- Minor UI improvements.
- Fixed bugs in makelibrary scheduler command.
Changes for v5.1.0.7 - v5.1.1.0
- Minor improvements. Bugs fixed.
Changes for v5.0.3.2 - v5.1.0.7
- New features and improvements
- User Accounts and Rights - password protect software features [RadioBOSS Advanced only!]
- New feature: Notepad - can be added in Zone 2 and Zone 3
- MP3 and AAC encoding quality improved; additional encoder parameters can be specified in the Player.ini file
- Full Screen display - F11 key or menu View->Fullscreen
- Graphical display (stars) for Rating in the playlist
- Better visibility of the Scheduler and Silence detector state
- MIC button is now more visible when turned on
- Improved multi-monitor support
- Prelisten and Delete icons added to the playlist for every track
- Fade In setting for file type crossfades
- Scheduler
- Events can perform multiple actions and/or start multiple tracks
- Run Now button can skip the next scheduled launch
- "download" command can be used to trigger a specific URL (without saving any file)
- "makelibrary" command can use libraries and playlists as track sources
- Group color can be changed: add [#color] tag to the group name (color can be: red, green, or RGB code AABBCC)
- Events can be ended by the DTMF signal
- Scheduled event is not inserted between the voice track and track
- Fixed "wait in the queue" bug
- "Repeat every ... minutes" feature: "No more times" is now optional
- Event groups can be minimized
- Enable/disable all events in a group and rename a group (right-click a group)
- Playlist Generator Pro
- Priority-based track selection (depending on the Playcount, Date last played and Rating: for instance, tracks that were not played for a long time or tracks with a high rating can be boosted in priority)
- Presets can be stored in groups
- File name substitution macro can be used in source filenames
- Now it is possible to use multiple track sources for each category
- Related artists support for no-repeat rules
- Improved random tracks selection
- Each category can override global no-repeat rules
- Fixed bug: for some file types the duration was incorrectly calculated
- Categories can be moved in the list
- Repeat album - an option added to the repeat album of the same artist only
- Fixed BPM filter bug
- UI improvements
- Segue Editor
- Ability to edit current track crossfades
- Time ruler added
- Save for current session only - improved
- Fixed a lot of bugs
- Other improvements
- Highlight duplicate tracks in the playlist (Playlist->Extra->Show Duplicates)
- Playlist state is now preserved after a program restart
- ON AIR - shows the actual server connection state
- Nowplaying: .txt can now be saved in UTF8 format
- HTTP notification: new %casttitle field to send current playlist title
- API: new command - getplaylist
- Search: new feature to search in all libraries
- "Set Active Playlist" right-click option to set the active playlist
- Improved Start Time calculation
- Reset profile settings feature
- Music Library: import music library
- Music Library: filename column display format setting
- Lots of other minor improvements
- Optimizations for faster operation
- Bugs fixed
- Minor improvements and bugs fixed in the Advertisement Scheduler, Report Generator, and Track Tool
- Fixed several bugs in the Track List feature
- Fixed bugs in Voice Tracking
- Other minor bugs fixed
Changes for v5.0.3.2 - v5.1.0.3 Beta
- New features and Improvements
- User Accounts to enable/disable access to software features (RadioBOSS Advanced only!)
- Highlight duplicate tracks in the playlist (Playlist->Extra->Show Duplicates)
- Playlist state is now preserved after program restart
- New feature: Notepad (can be added to additional zones)
- ON AIR now shows actual server connection state
- Outro is now displayed in the Nowplaying bar
- MP3 and AAC encoding quality improved (additional encoder settings can be specified in the Player.ini file)
- Full Screen display - F11 (View->Fullscreen)
- Search in all libraries feature
- Fade In setting for file type crossfades
- Better indication for Scheduler and Silence detector state
- Nowplaying: .txt can now be saved in UTF8 format
- Improved multi-monitor support
- HTTP notification: new %playlisttitle field to send current playlist title
- "Set Active Playlist" right-click option to set the active playlist
- Reset profile settings feature added
- Prelisten and Delete icons added to the playlist for every track
- Graphical display for Rating in the playlist
- MIC button is now more visible when on
- API: new command - getplaylist
- Scheduler
- Run Now button can now skip next scheduled launch
- "download" command can now be used to trigges specific URL (without saving any file)
- "makelibrary" command can now use libraries and playlists as track sources
- Group color can be changed: add [#color] tag to the group name (color can be: red, green, or RGB code AABBCC)
- Events can perform several actions
- Events can be ended by DTMF signal
- Scheduled event is not inserted between voice track and track
- Fixed "wait in the queue" bug
- "Repeat every ... minutes" feature: "No more times" is now optional
- Event groups can be minimized
- Enable/disable all events in a group (right-click on a group)
- Ability to rename scheduler group
- Playlist Generator Pro
- Priority based track selection depending on Playcount, Date last played and Rating (tracks which were not played for a long time, tracks with high rating can be boosted in priority) - [detailed information below]
- Presets can now be stored in groups
- File name substitution macro can be used in source filenames (same as in the Scheduler)
- Now it's possible to use multiple track sources for each category
- Related artists support for no-repeat rules
- Improved random tracks selection
- Each category can now override global no-repeat rules
- Fixed bug: for some file types the duration was incorrectly calculated
- Categories can be moved in the list
- Repeat album - an option added to repeat album of the same artist only
- Fixed BPM filter bug
- UI improvements
- Segue Editor
- Ability to edit current track crossfades
- Time ruler added
- Save for current session only - improved
- Fixed a lot of bugs
- Music Library
- Import music library feature
- Music Library: filename column display option
- Fixed
- Advertisement Scheduler: several minor improvements and bugs fixed
- Report Generator: bugs fixed
- Track Tool: sometimes was unable to save the tag bug fixed
- Fixed several bugs in the Track List feature
- Fixed bug with "Treat file type as voice track" option
- Fixed several Start Time calculation bugs
- Lots of other improvements and bugs fixed
- License key:
- If you're a registered user, please use your key.
- To request the free beta tester license key, please send an e-mail to (use "RadioBOSS 5.1 beta" subject). The free key expires August 30, 2014.
Changes for v5.0.2.0 - v5.0.3.0
- Improved Start Time playlist duration calculation
- More reliable method to store user settings
- Fixed a bug: sometimes track title was sent twice to the server
- Hot keys now work in AUX players
- Search feature added for AUX players
- Music Library: bulk set Playcount for tracks
- Extended the "no repeat" period for Track List
- Event-driven mode for WASAPI devices now can be enabled
- Added Polish localization
- Added Portuguese localization
- Fixed rare crash when sending notifications
- Fixed a bug in Report Viewer (track duration was detected as ??:??)
- Ads Scheduler: default priority for tracks is now 5
- Playlist Generator Pro: bulk playlist generation command line improved (new options added)
- Fixed lots of minor issues
Changes for v5.0.0.9 - v5.0.1.0
- Video window stays when RadioBOSS is minimized
- Send Test Email button to test notifications
- Hot keys in AUX players bug fixed
- Slow search in music library fixed
- Fixed a bug in scheduler: "Do not launch event when playlist is stopped" worked incorrectly
- Fixed rare crash bug, which occured on some systems
- Macro can be used in scheduler for commands
- Minor UI improvements
Changes for v4.9.1.0 - v5.0.0.9
- New features
- AUX Players (can be added in Zone 2 and Zone 3)
- Third work zone added. It can host: AUX playlist, Web browser, Cart wall, File explorer and Search (View->Work Zones->3).
- Email notifications on error, silence detector actions, and other events
- Do not launch events when MIC is on (Settings->Inputs->Advanced)
- Play intro file when broadcasting encoder connected
- Podcast playback (check "Podcast" when adding a URL)
- A setting added to change the font in secondary windows (Settings->View->Other windows font)
- New settings added to change color scheme + two default color schemes (dark/silver)
- Added ability to change the playback control buttons' style
- Playlist columns show/hide (View->Playlist columns)
- Ability to load/save Cart Wall to a file
- Loop option in Cart wall
- Now it's possible to make the playlist tab non-playable (right click a tab)
- Custom title format for encoders, also possible to disable metadata for the encoder
- OPUS broadcasting and playback
- File types
- Treat the file type as a voice track
- Custom title format for the track type
- New option: do not mix tracks of this type with other tracks
- Bed for file types
- Scheduler
- Automatic sweepers: insert a sweeper before event launch to make the event start at the specified time without an interruption of the playing track
- Scheduler can now wait a specified time frame to launch an event between the tracks (Maximum time to wait in queue -> Play action)
- Events can be assigned into groups
- Save as a new event/Delete event buttons in the Event window were added
- New scheduler command: download - downloads a file and saves it to a disk
- Advertisement Scheduler
- Grid copy/paste feature
- "Add to queue" schedule event option
- Improved grid color scheme
- Report Generator
- Date/time is now included in reports
- Filters: filter by file type, track title or filename
- Report generator now doesn't need to access original music files
- Reports generated much faster
- Playlist Generator Pro
- Ability to add commands and network streams
- Playlist export options: add to the end or overwrite
- An option added: crossfade amount to take crossfading into account
- Music Library
- New feature: files verification - test all files in the library and report broken/unplayable (Tools->Check Music Tracks)
- New feature: scan files and cut silence - scan all files and set their Cue In/Cue Out points to remove silence
- Last played column added
- Added ability to print music library
- Improvements
- Overlay playback: playlist pause/unpause is now performed smoothly
- Numerous improvements in UI graphics
- Stream playback quality control: restarts the stream if any problems are detected (works only on streams with the duration set)
- Crossfades edited with Segue Editor are now marked in the playlist (Custom Mix column)
- ON AIR indicator when broadcasting is on (Settings->Broadcast->Show On Air)
- RadioBOSS API file duration bug fixed
- RadioBOSS API new commands added: delete, move, trackinfo, mic
- Library search: tracks are now sorted by artist and then title
- Export next track information to nowplaying and HTTP request
- Improved track selection for the Track List feature
- Report files are now saved in UTF8 encoding and contain all track information
- File type for commands
- An option added "identify sound cards by driver name" for Windows XP systems with multiple sound cards with the same name
- Fadein/Fadeout options for microphone
- DSP manager grays out the plugin types that are turned off
- More user actions are now logged in the report
- A setting added: fade out when the Stop button is clicked
- Improved Stream Archive feature
- Event window shows a warning on incorrect Repeat settings
- Fixed
- Track waveform display in Now Playing didn't take the end time into account
- WMA tag reading/writing problem
- Incorrect encoding with some ID3v2 tags
- Fixed several Cart wall bugs
- m2ts video files playback
- AIFF audio files playback
- Prelisten bug on Search tab
- Playlist and Scheduler printout didn't work on some machines
- Track artwork display for some files
- File Type incorrectly detected for events with "Send task name as title" option
- "Back" button works in the Encoder Configuration Wizard
- Overlay player sometimes didn't close
- MIME type correctly sent when using the integrated server
Changes for v4.9.1.0 - v5.0.0.0 Beta
- New features
- AUX Players (can be added in Zone 2 and Zone 3)
- Third work zone added. It can host: AUX playlist, Web browser, Cart wall, File explorer and Search (View->Work Zones->3).
- Feature: do not launch events when MIC is on (Settings->Inputs->Advanced)
- Play intro file when broadcasting encoder connected
- Podcast playback (check "Podcadt" when adding a URL)
- A setting added to change font in secondary windows (Settings->View->Other windows font)
- New settings added to change color scheme + two default color schemes (dark/silver)
- Added ability to change playback control buttons style
- Playlist columns show/hide (View->Playlist columns)
- Ability to load/save cart walls to a file
- Loop option in Cart wall
- Now it's possible to make the playlist tab non-playable (right click on a tab)
- Custom title format for encoders/disable metadata for encoder
- OPUS broadcasting and playback
- File types
- Treat file type as a vioce track
- Custom title format for track type
- New option: do not mix tracks of this type with other tracks
- Scheduler
- Automatic fillers: insert filler before event launch to make event start at the specified time without playing track interruption
- Scheduler can now wait a specified time frame to launch event between tracks (Maximum time to wait in queue -> Play action)
- Events can be assigned into groups
- Save as new event/Delete event buttons in the Event window added
- New scheduler command: download - downloads a file and saves it no a disk (download URL FILENAME)
- Advertisement Scheduler
- Grid copy/paste feature
- "Add to queue" schedule event option
- Improved grid color scheme
- Report Generator
- Date/time is now included in reports
- Filters: filter by file type, track title or filename
- Report generator now doesn't need to access original music files
- Reports generated much faster
- Playlist Generator Pro
- Ability to add commands and newtork streams
- Playlist export options: add to the end or overwrite
- An option added: crossfade amount
- Music Library
- Files verification feature - test all files in library (Tools->Check Music Tracks)
- Last played column added
- Added ability to print music library
- Improvements
- Overlay playback: pause/unpause is now performed smoothly
- Numerous improvements in UI graphics
- Stream playback quality control: restarts the stream if any problems detected (works only on streams with duration set)
- Crossfades edited with Segue Editor are now marked in the playlist (Custom Mix column)
- ON AIR indicator when broadcasting is on (Settings->Broadcast->Show On Air)
- RadioBOSS API file duration bug fixed
- RadioBOSS API new commands added: delete, move, trackinfo, mic
- Library search: tracks are now sorted by artist then title
- Export next track information to nowplaying and HTTP request
- Improved track selection for the Track List feature
- Report files are now saved in UTF8 encoding and contain all track information
- File type for commands
- An option added "identify sound cards by driver name" for Windows XP systems with multiple sound cards with the same name
- Fadein/Fadeout options for microphone
- DSP manager grays out plugin types which are turned off
- More user actions are now logged in the report
- A setting added: fade out when Stop button clicked
- Improved Stream Archive feature
- Event window shows a warning on incorrect Repeat settings
- Fixed
- Track waveform display in Now Playing didn't take end time into account
- WMA tag reading/writing problem
- Incorrect encoding with some ID3v2 tags
- Fixed several Cart wall bugs
- m2ts video files playback
- Prelisten bug on Search tab
- Playlist and Scheduler printout didn't work on some machines
- Track artwork display for some files
- File Type incorrectly detected for events with "Send task name as title" option
- "Back" button works in the Encoder Configuration Wizard
- Overlay player sometimes didn't close
- MIME type correctly sent when using the integrated server
- License key:
- If you're a registered user, please use your key.
Changes for v4.8.3.0 - v4.9.0.11
- What's new:
- Remote control via HTTP protocol
- Removed Crossfades, Tag Editor, and Plugins tabs
- Track information/Tag Editor is now shown under the playlist (can be turned on/off by pressing Ctrl+I or the small "i" button)
- Send the station logo and track artwork to the Shoutcast v2 server
- An artwork file can be generated along with the nowplaying.xml file
- Crossfade settings have been moved to the Settings->Crossfades menu
- Crossfading: MIX point is now detected based on the sound level
- Crossfading: new setting added to start fading out on mix
- Redesigned FX tab: removed the Equalizer and Tempo effects; added DSP Manager
- DSP Manager can be used to add various DSPs: Winamp DSP/VST plugins/integrated DSPs
- Ability to choose the source for broadcasting encoders: RadioBOSS Out/Line.IN/Line2.IN
- Reworked Line.IN/Microphone settings, category renamed to Input
- Added second line input: Line2.In
- Added DSP manager for Microphone: allows you to use the Equalizer or Compressor DSP for microphone
- Changing playback devices doesn't require you to restart the program anymore
- Playlist and scheduled events list printout
- Added new columns in the playlist: BPM, Rating, and Play count
- Added Search feature for file explorer (Right click->Show search bar)
- New right-click menu command for playlist: "move under the currently playing track"
- File Types: ability to set the background color for the file type
- File Type can be assigned from the Track Tool
- Scheduler: set the font and background color for events
- Scheduler: commands can be inserted after the currently playing track (instead of immediate execution)
- New scheduler command: makelibrary - create/update music library files
- New scheduler command: adsupdate - update playlists and events from the Advertisement Scheduler
- New scheduler command: createbackup - create settings backup
- Added settings backup and restore feature
- Ability to assign multiple beds for a voice track
- Added a feature to assign SayTime or Text-to-Speech to the cart wall
- Drag-n-Drop to the Cart Wall from Windows Explorer
- Improved MP3 encoding quality
- Improved AAC+ encoding: added low bitrate profiles (8, 12, and 16 kbps), improved quality on bitrates under 56 kbps
- FLAC broadcasting is now possible when using a built-in server
- Improvements in an integrated broadcasting server
- DTMF: added an option to delay an event launch
- Active playlist is now marked in bold font
- Improvements in the Search tab
- Added a "Play count" field for HTTP request
- Improved support for large fonts
- Added item spacing setting for playlist (Settings->View)
- Added a setting to change the voice track folder (Settings->General)
- Added keyboard shortcuts for the voice track recorder
- Web Browser tabs preserve the last visited website address
- Improvements in the TrackList feature (better track selection)
- URL playback is now possible when using Overlay Playback in the scheduler
- Fixed video playback problems for some MKV files
- Playlist duration, start time, and playing time left calculations are more accurate
- Wine compatibility: RadioBOSS can now be used under Wine in Linus/OSX
- Improved Prelisten feature
- Improved sorting in the Music Library
- Numerous other UI improvements and program code optimizations
- Playlist Generator Pro:
- Ability to set the total playlist duration in days
- Playlist Generator Pro can store the last position in the source when selecting "In Order" - this allows you to take subsequent tracks each time the playlist is generated
- Added a no-repeat rule for album and track title
- Added filter by BPM for categories
- Advertisement Scheduler:
- New settings for generated Scheduler Events
- The first day of the week (Sunday or Monday) now depends on the system language
- Ads Overview feature: view all ad blocks on one screen
- Empty block generation: include intro/outro/intro+outro option added
- Active/Start date/End date options added
- Fixed:
- When tagging mp3 files the tag version now doesn't change to ID3v2.4
- Search in music library could produce incorrect results
- OGG broadcasting sometimes caused sound corruption
- Sometimes voice tracks weren't recorded when the ASIO device was used for the Microphone
- Edit->Undo command removed the current/next track marks
- Recording and playback devices now do not depend on Default device selection in Windows
- ReplayGain information wasn't read for some OGG and MP3 files
- Several bugs were fixed in the Ads Scheduler
- Scheduled tasks sometimes could be skipped on slow or high-loaded computers
- Several other minor fixes
- Now it's possible to disable MIC or any of the Line inputs in the settings
Changes for v4.8.2.0 - v4.8.2.1
- Settings for DTMF tone detector: threshold, time frame
- Time Zone setting allows to change time for RadioBOSS only
- Fixed "connect" command
- Fixed: ReplayGain for some MP3's didn't work
- Minor improvements
Changes for v4.8.1.0 - v4.8.2.0
- Settings for DTMF tone detector: threshold, time frame
- Time Zone setting allows to change time for RadioBOSS only
- Fixed "connect" command
- Fixed: ReplayGain for some MP3's didn't work
- Minor improvements
Changes for v4.8.0.13 - v4.8.1.0
- Chained OGG support
- Web-browser now remembers the last opened URL
- Search works much faster now
- Added a timer in voice track recorder
- Removed unnecessary options on "Broadcasting" settings tab
Changes for v4.7.7.1 - v4.8.0.13
- Events can be started by DTMF signal. The signal is checked on the line input (configured via Settings->Microphone/Line.In->LINE.IN).
- In the event properties set the "DTMF" option and set the sequence, eg. "764C".
- Automatic time announcements (demo voices can be downloaded from the "Download" section)
- Added second work zone which can host Search, File expolorer, Cart wall or Web browser. It can be shown/hidden via menu: View->Work Zones->1 or 2 or using hot keys Ctrl+1/Ctrl+2
- Search feature extended: now it can search in different music libraries
- Added button to check for updates: Help->Check for Updates
- Added a setting to change a font used in the Player window (Settings->View->Window font) and font used to display countdown timers under the On Air box
- Added ability to move tabs in work zones
- Added new commands: "streamarchive on" and "streamarchive off" to turn on and off stream recording
- Playlist Generator Pro can be launched from the command line
- Mouse drag-n-drop for categories and playlist structure in the Playlist Generator Pro
- Added Text-To-Speech feature (Playlist->Extra->Add TTS)
- Improved network stream playback (now it re-establish the connection in case of error)
- Improvements in the Adverticement Scheduler module
- Improved "Add command..." feature (Playlist->Add command menu)
- Improved "Restart program if it crashes or hangs" feature
- Fixed performance issue in Music Library when loading large libraries (100k+ tracks)
- Fixed performance issue in Playlist Generator Pro when generating with "Read additional info" option
- Fixed an error when program failed to start on some systems
- Fixed a large number of bugs + numerous overall improvements
Changes for v4.7.7.1 - v4.8.0.12
- Events can be started by DTMF signal. The signal is checked on the line input (configured via Settings->Microphone/Line.In->LINE.IN).
- In the event properties set the "DTMF" option and set the sequence, eg. "764C".
- Automatic time announcements (demo voices can be downloaded from the "Download" section)
- Added second work zone which can host Search, File expolorer, Cart wall or Web browser. It can be shown/hidden via menu: View->Work Zones->1 or 2 or using hot keys Ctrl+1/Ctrl+2
- Search feature extended: now it can search in different music libraries
- Added button to check for updates: Help->Check for Updates
- Added a setting to change a font used in the Player window (Settings->View->Window font) and font used to display countdown timers under the On Air box
- Added ability to move tabs in work zones
- Added new commands: "streamarchive on" and "streamarchive off" to turn on and off stream recording
- Playlist Generator Pro can be launched from the command line
- Mouse drag-n-drop for categories and playlist structure in the Playlist Generator Pro
- Added Text-To-Speech feature (Playlist->Extra->Add TTS)
- Improved network stream playback (now it re-establish the connection in case of error)
- Improvements in the Adverticement Scheduler module
- Improved "Add command..." feature (Playlist->Add command menu)
- Improved "Restart program if it crashes or hangs" feature
- Fixed performance issue in Music Library when loading large libraries (100k+ tracks)
- Fixed performance issue in Playlist Generator Pro when generating with "Read additional info" option
- Fixed an error when program failed to start on some systems
- Fixed a large number of bugs + numerous overall improvements
Changes for v4.7.6.3 - v4.7.7.1
- Changes:
- Resolved several streaming-related issues:
- Sudden disconnects
- Slow track switching
- 'Chopped' sound
- Buffering on listener side
- Unstable work on ADSL connections
- ... and the like
- New Help File
- A bug fixed "Send task name instead of track titles" sometimes didn't work
- Several UI-related improvements
Changes for v4.7.5.0 - v4.7.6.0
- Changes:
- Encoder Wizard improved: if started again, all fields are pre-filled with existing values, allowing for faster configuration changing
- Custom title can be specified for URLs and Pause
- File Types: new option "Do not add files of this type to report" added
- Added "prelisten" feature for Cart Wall
- Mix Point is now shown in Now Playing box (red line)
- Voice Tracking: now voice track is played closer to subsequent track's intro. It can be configured via Settings->Playback->Fading.
- Voice Tracking: it's now possible to set bed for voice tracks. It's used for long voice tracks which don't fit in the intro+outro.
- Segue Editor: volume control extended
- Fixed a bug: on some systems registration key was not stored
- Playlist Generator Pro now doesn't crash if it's closed while playlist generation is in progress
- Fixed a bug with WMS broadcasting in PULL mode
- Dutch translation added
- Several bugs, related to "Start time" and "Playing time left" calculation, are fixed
- Fixed a bug: on some systems in very rare cases program crashed at startup
- Numerous UI improvements
Changes for v4.7.4.1 - v4.7.5.0
- Changes:
- New feature: Push-To-Talk for microphone
- Added ability to turn off additional info reading in Playlist Generator Pro
- Several user interface issues fixed
- Turning off VST plugins now turns off all loaded plugins
- Fixed APE tag writing for some files
- Fixed statistics display for Icecast KH servers
- Fixed a bug: under certain circumstances broadcasting stream was broken causing players to buffer
- Fixed broadcasting in OGG and FLAC
Changes for v4.7.2.0 - v4.7.3.1
- Windows Media Services streaming support (PUSH and PULL modes)
- Wizard to help set up broadcasting encoders
- Improved profile loading speed and fixed couple of minor bugs
- Playback of tracks now starts faster
- Memory usage of TrackTool and Segue Editor reduced significantly
- TrackTool loads tracks much faster
- Bug fixed in the Microphone/Line.In settings
- Bug fixed: encoders edit while statistics was open resulted in error message
- Bug fixed: silence detector triggered when was used in "windows mixer control" mode
- Several other improvements and fixes
Changes for v4.7.1.0 - v4.7.2.0
- Improved startup speed; minor tweaks and fixes.
Changes for v4.7.0.14 - v4.7.1.0
- Changes:
- Smooth seeking (configurable via Settings->Playback->Fading)
- Fixed scheduler event bug: changing the source folder/playlist for "play one track" didt't take effect; random selection sometimes didn't work
- Program hang on Windows 2003 Server and sometimes on other systems fixed
- Better operation with no sound card
- Fixed "read_folder" command
- Configurable network playback buffer (Settings->Playback->Miscellaneous)
- Improved stability
Changes for v4.6.5.919 - v4.7.0.14
- Changes:
- Added Graphical Segue Editor
- VST plugins support
- Auto-restart feature in case the program crashes or hangs
- Winamp General (gen_*.dll) plugins supported (experimental)
- Multiple Winamp DSP plugins can be used simultaneously
- Local Mute feature for microphone (disable local echo for microphone)
- ReplayGain support (Playback->Miscellaneous)
- Playlist Generator Pro: "use all tracks from source" option
- "Maxium time to wait in queue" option for scheduled events
- Repeat protection for the Track List feature
- Custom broadcasting title for events
- Export selected events from the scheduler feature
- Improved Shuffle mode
- Auto-save for the scheduler event list
- Improved voice track playback, now the voice track is played in the intro/outro portion of the tracks and the music is attenuated
- Fade in/out settings for the cart wall (Settings->Playback->Fading)
- "Do not crossfade short tracks" option added
- "Do not fade out tracks in manual mode" option added
- Graphical intro/outro indication during playback
- "Ask on close" option added
- Track Lists are now preloaded to avoid any possible gap when reading big playlist/folder
- Several HTTP requests can be used
- Ability to name broadcasting encoders
- Configurable mouse double-click function for playlist
- Substitution macro for scheduler (?yyyy, ?mm, ?dd, ?hh)
- Total listeners peak statistics
- "Start time" takes crossfading into account for improved accuracy
- Option added: "do not send info about this track to the server" for the file type
- Track Tool improved and fixed several errors
- Fixed MP4 playback and tag reading
- Fixed errors in video file playback
- Bugs fixed in Playlist Generator Pro and Playlist Generator
- Several Microphone-related bugs fixed
- Fixed player window position when second monitor was disconnected
- Minor fixes in the Voice Track recording tool
- Stream Archive feature fixed
- Fixed the prelisten bugs
- Improved stability
Changes for v4.6.3.905 - v4.6.4.914
- Fixed numerous minor bugs
- new feature: timed pause.
Changes for v4.6.2.902 - v4.6.3.905
- Changes:
- Report Generator: custom printable reports of what was played
- Playlist Generator PRO:
- better shuffling
- fixed some UI issues
- error log now includes the category name
- several bugs fixed
Changes for v4.6.2.900 - v4.6.2.902
- Changes:
- Added Shoutcast 2 broadcasting support
- Added a ?Manual? mode to the scheduler. In this mode, tasks are not launched automatically, but the program shows a task launch countdown instead. Tasks in this mode are started manually by clicking the ?Start? button. This feature is useful for live broadcasts.
- Fixes in the Track Tool program
- Some interface issues fixed
Changes for v4.5.6.859 - v4.6.0.895
- Voice tracking, improved scheduler, FLAC broadcasting and more!
Changes for v4.5.5.849 - v4.5.6.856
- Playlist Generator Pro has been updated; some issues with the Scheduler's work corrected. Minor bugs fixed.
Changes for v4.5.4.833 - v4.5.5.849
- Track Tool improved; fixed tags reading/writing; numerous minor features and fixes.
Changes for v4.5.3.824 - v4.5.4.833
- Changes:
- the microphone can be used in the Mono mode
- you can now set the duration for Line.In
- a new option for tasks in the scheduler: "do not remove after playback "
- the scheduler now allows you to launch programs
- you can now set an arbitrary format for tracks in the playlist
- a microphone amplifier
- Greek localization
Changes for v4.5.2.814 - v4.5.3.824
- Many fixes in Playlist Generator software; scheduler can be turned on/off at set times; allows to use different station info for every encoder.
Changes for v4.5.1.751 - v4.5.1.794
- Fixed random program crashes
- TrackTool vertical zoom now works correctly
- Fixed slow starting of some mp3 files
- Many other minor fixes
Changes for v4.5 Beta - v4.5.0.735
- Changes:
- Includes new Playlist Generator Pro software - advanced playlist generation tool
- Allows use of microphone and linear input using ASIO or WASAPI API's, which minimizes latency; Microphone/ settings are completely revised.
- Broadcasting improved. Now RadioBOSS allows to use any number of encoders (instead of fixed up to 5 encoders in earlier versions); Possible to resample or change number of channels for broadcasting encoders
- Changes in user interface
- ASIO and DirectSound outputs: optimized CPU usage
- added "Last played" section
- added "Remaining in this hour" timer
- removed track bar for changing track position. Now its function is included in the "On Air" display(right-click to change track position). "On Air" also shows intro duration and Fade Out position.
- Music Library optimized and now works several times faster
- New fields in the Broadcast area: AIM, IRC
- New hot keys: F1-F8 for Explorer, Search, etc
- Silence Detector now triggers only if playback was started before; and doesn't after playback was stopped
- optimized CPU usage when using ASIO and/or DirectSound
- Track List: when source is a folder, it's possible to read whole directory tree
Changes for v4.4.1.667 - v4.5 Beta
- Allows use of microphone and linear input using ASIO or WASAPI API's, which minimizes latency.
- Microphone/ settings are completely revised.
- Broadcasting improved. Now RadioBOSS allows to use any number of encoders (instead of fixed up to 5 encoders in earlier versions)
Changes for v4.4.0.657 - v4.4.0.662
Changes for v4.3.1.557 - v4.4.0.657
- Changes:
- Possibility to work with several playlists (in addition to Main, Temp). The program supports an unlimited number of playlists.
- Possibility to save additional track parameters (genre, rating, language, crossfade parameters). To do that, launch the TrackTool program from the playlist or Music Library.
- Added an integrated web browser.
- Cart machine
- Added a possibility to broadcast using a proxy server.
- Added a possibility to use proxies for playing streams
- Added a plug-in for MIDI playback
- Cart machine
- Improved AutoAmp AGC (Automatic Gain Control) feature
Changes for v4.4.0.622 Beta - v4.4.0.634 Beta
- improved Music Library (new fields in the table, added toolbar)
- many fixed and other minor improvements
Changes for v4.3.1.557 - v4.4.0.622 Beta
- Major Changes:
- Possibility to work with several playlists (in addition to Main, Temp). The program supports an unlimited number of playlists.
- Possibility to save additional track parameters (genre, rating, language, crossfade parameters). To do that, launch the TrackTool program from the playlist or Music Library.
- Added an integrated web browser.
- Cart machine
- Minor Changes:
- Added a possibility to broadcast using a proxy server.
- Added a possibility to use proxies for playing streams
- Added a plug-in for MIDI playback
Changes for v4.3.0.541 - v4.3.1.557
- Concurrent playback on several sound cards
- Output through ASIO
- Output through WASAPI (recommended for Win7/Vista and above)
- Adjustable sampling rate during mixing
- Improvements in the scheduler. You can now set the start date for a task and make it recurring – that is, make it start on specific days of the week or with certain periodicity. You can also schedule tasks for a specific minute of specific hours during a day.
- Added a new option to the scheduler - “clear the Main playlist"- that enables you to completely clear the playlist when changing a block.
- Added a possibility to launch a track from the playlist according to the schedule.
- The task editing window now has a wizard that simplifies the addition of commands, Internet streams and so on.
- Changed profiles for AAC/AAC+ broadcasting for improved sound quality with the same bitrate + fixed some AAC+ broadcasting bugs.
- The time remaining till the start of scheduled tasks is now calculated with greater accuracy
- Fixed a bug that caused the next track to be shown incorrectly in the Shuffle (random playback) mode
- Fixed a bug that caused the program to work incorrectly on computers without a sound card
Changes for v4.1.8.500 - v4.3.0.537
- Support of ASIO and WASAPI, lots of improvements in the scheduler and multiple bug fixes.
Changes for v4.1.5.490 - v4.1.7.496
- updated the help file
- improved the scheduler algorithm
- the position of the video playback window is now saved
- improved the "resume playback" function
- fixed a bug in the getrandomplaylist command (sometimes the playlist did not start)
- fixed a bug that caused the program to start twice when the “start automatically” option was enabled
- fixed a bug in the connect/disconnect commands, automatic reconnection to the server now works correctly
Changes for v4.0.8.473 - v4.0.9.475
- a feature for playing one track from a playlist or folder has been added (the Playlist->Add Track List menu command)
- an error in the AutoAmp function has been fixed
Changes for v4.0.7.467 - v4.0.8.473
- Changes:
- Added connect/disconnect commands (for connecting to/disconnecting from a streaming server) to the scheduler. Now you can specify the number of the output you need to connect to/disconnect from by adding it as a parameter to a corresponding command (after a space). If no number is specified, the command affects all the servers.
- Improvements in the operation of the "Hide the URL of the stream" option.
- The “Next track" field can now show the nearest scheduled events.
- Added a silence cropping threshold setting for files (set in dB).
- Fixed a bug in the silence detector; CPU load decreased.
Changes for v4.0.5.457 - v4.0.7.467
- Changes:
- Bug fixed: the silence detector did not work correctly in the "no sound card" mode
- Added a possibility to set the duration of playback for audio streams (the value is specified in minutes after a space, e.g. "http://stream/p.m3u 60")
- Changes in the program architecture: improved stability and decreased CPU load
- Added a possibility to disable visualization
- Added a possibility to select a tracks database in the playlist generator
Changes for v4.0.2.441 - v4.0.3.449
- Changes:
- tag read/write added for FLAC, MPC, APE, TTA files.
- removed tag support for WAV files
- improved line in/MIC support
- fixed scheduler errors: playlist generation and streams playback
- fixed MMS streams playback error
Changes for v3.2.0.371 - v4.0.0.417
- Application got split into versions: Express, Standard, and Advanced.
- Windows Vista and Windows 7 Compatible.
- Modified player’s interface.
- Added resizing of interface units (versions Standard and Advanced).
- Video playback (version Advanced).
- Support for Unicode in file names, interface and tags (except ID3v1).
- Player now shows which track is to be played next.
- Added launching playlists over air.
- Fixed error when generating playlists by schedule.
- Added ‘Pause’ command to scheduler.
- Information on ‘Stop’ and ‘Pause’ button clicks now gets recorded to the report.
- Modifying broadcast settings no longer requires restarting the application.
- Encoder priority when airing now matches the priority of the RadioBOSS application.
Changes for v3.0.1.354 - v3.1.0.359
- scheduler: FADEOUT command is added (syntax: fadeout , e.g. fadeout 500) to smoothly stop the playlist playback
- scheduler: drag-n-drop feature for tasks in the list, the opportunity to change column order
- scheduler: the new "remove from the list in the specified time" feature is added
- scheduler: now it is possible to tag the tasks for more convenience
- new events are registered in the report file: playlist open, scheduler on and off
- when listening a track in the secondary output it is now possible to set the volume over 100 units (additional intensification)
- music base: the new feature is added to automatically tag the group of files using file name; bugs in the tag editor are fixed
- fixed: hot keys for Shuffle and Repeat buttons worked even when they were inactive
- fixed: sometimes the time of track start was counted incorrectly
- fixed: the calculation of time before the start of a scheduler task