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YouTube adds spark comments from competitors and complaints from customers

Written by Rich Fiscus @ 23 Aug 2007 6:52 User comments (8)

YouTube adds spark comments from competitors and complaints from customers

YouTube executives are getting no shortage of criticism from site visitors after launching their InVideo advertising Wednesday.
Users responding to an official blog post requesting feedback overwhelmingly disapprove of the ads, including one viewer who made his point with a video.

One comment said "You guys ripped off VideoEgg. What happened to innovation?"

VideoEgg, which apparently introduced an advertising system similar to YouTube's current approach even has a banner on their main page saying "Welcome YouTube, Seriously. We invented the video Overlay ad about a year ago. We are delighted that the market is finally catching on to a vital new approach to video advertising."

While YouTube has made no claim to inventing the technology they're using for advertising, it would certainly be more than a little ironic if they ended up in another court battle over royalty payments for it.

Source: Computerworld

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8 user comments

123.8.2007 08:04

Just remember kids, the good artists get inspiration from others, the great artists outright steal.

223.8.2007 13:46

made a video to share his displeasure
I love the irony of this.

323.8.2007 20:08

a video, what better way to let people know your pissed off. wish i would have thought of it first.

424.8.2007 10:06

I don't understand why anyone allows an advertisement to be shown over their video. That's modifying a copyrighted work for profit without permission or compensation, which I've heard is a crime.

524.8.2007 14:25

i saw this coming.

624.8.2007 15:00

Originally posted by Steve83:
I don't understand why anyone allows an advertisement to be shown over their video. That's modifying a copyrighted work for profit without permission or compensation, which I've heard is a crime.
Copyright infringment has never been a crime. Overlay advertisments are not copyright infringment anyway.

731.8.2007 14:05

To me the fact of the matter is i am not watching an ad before the youtube clip unless its actually from a preview of a movie. Youtube should have ads like it does around the video on the page but not on the actual video.

818.10.2007 00:04

spam removed

This message has been edited since its posting. Latest edit was made on 18 Oct 2007 @ 1:03

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