AfterDawn: Tech news

Despite exponential growth, Android Market revenue remains low

Written by Andre Yoskowitz @ 21 Feb 2011 8:50 User comments (3)

Despite exponential growth, Android Market revenue remains low According to new data from research firm IHS, the Android Market saw revenue grow by 861.5 percent year-over-year (YoY) from 2009 to 2010, although the actual dollar figures are tiny compared to all the other major app stores.
Revenue grew from $11 million in 2009 to $102 million in 2010.

By comparison, the Apple App Store saw 131.9 percent growth YoY, jumping to $1.7 billion.

More surprisingly, the BlackBerry App World had revenue of $165 million, and the Nokia Ovi store saw revenue of $105 million, both larger than Android despite a much smaller selection of available apps.

Google says there are 300,000 Android phones activated daily.

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3 user comments

121.2.2011 22:04

So no adds supported apps revenue are been counted?
I guess what is good to customer is not good in general.

222.2.2011 00:18

I look at troughs numbers and see Google being the best app store. Though I am sure some developers would argue differently.

323.2.2011 03:49

The idea is too sell a stupid amount of phones with android and sell apps at $1 a piece, it's small now but over time it will grow.

As for the Apple store it has lots of phones but the items are a lot dearer than $1.

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