AfterDawn: Tech news

News Corp talking with Vevo on possible MySpace deal

Written by James Delahunty @ 29 Mar 2011 5:37 User comments (5)

News Corp talking with Vevo on possible MySpace deal News Corporation is reportedly in talks with over a possible deal involving MySpace.
News Corp reportedly approached with an offer to buy MySpace outright just weeks ago, but Vevo was not interested. Now, Reuters cites sources in reporting that News Corp is discussing exchanging MySpace for a stake in a new venture.

Possibly the most valueable asset of MySpace is MySpace Music, a collaboration with Universal, Sony Music Entertainment, Warner Music Group and EMI Music. Vevo is a joint venture owned by Abu Dhabi Media Co., Universal and Sony Music.

Reuters source indicates that the chances of something coming out of these talks for News Corp. is "very slim." MySpace has been bleeding users at an accelerating rate, and an attempt to relaunch it as a social entertainment hub seems to have mostly failed in its goals.

Web analyst comScore reported last week that MySpace lost about 10 million users in a single month. Specifically, it reports 63 million users of MySpace in February this year, down from 73 million just a month before.

Tags: MySpace Vevo
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5 user comments

129.3.2011 20:25

HA, people still use myspace?

230.3.2011 02:24

Who uses this still? Most of the people I know use Facebook and I hope Myspace goes under for ruining IMEEM where music was good.

330.3.2011 11:44

Child molesters and predators use MySpace. It's a haven for nasty assed criminals and should be shutdown.

FB sucks too but it's a huge step up from MySpace.

Frankly, those that still rely upon or use MySpace are always there are some exceptions to this.

431.3.2011 08:13

Social networking is for people with no life and no excitement in their life that they have to check and stalk what other people in the social network are doing at every minute of every day. Facebook and the whole social idea is great and i approve it 100% but as anything else in this world the service is abused and once some goes corporate they have this huge log up their arse that could not even be removed with micro surgery. With saying that Fuck myspace and Fuck Facebook i have a life

531.3.2011 11:10

Originally posted by Zealousi:
Social networking is for people with no life and no excitement in their life that they have to check and stalk what other people in the social network are doing at every minute of every day. Facebook and the whole social idea is great and i approve it 100% but as anything else in this world the service is abused and once some goes corporate they have this huge log up their arse that could not even be removed with micro surgery. With saying that Fuck myspace and Fuck Facebook i have a life


While there's nothing wrong with FB.........I do absolutely hate it........even though I have an account and visit from time to time (only to post pictures from my New Orleans Jazz Fest visits with people I hung out with down there)

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