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Nokia to retire Symbian in the U.S., move forward with WP7

Written by Andre Yoskowitz @ 09 Aug 2011 11:54 User comments (4)

Nokia to retire Symbian in the U.S., move forward with WP7 Nokia has said today that Symbian will be discontinued in the U.S.
The smartphone OS, which was, until recently the most popular in the world, never gained traction in the States despite strong sales in Europe and Africa.

Earlier this year, Nokia signed a deal with Microsoft to place fledgling Windows Phone 7 on Nokia hardware starting in September.

Additionally, the company just released its first MeeGo device, the Nokia N9, which has seen critical success in Europe.

Says Nokia's U.S. president Chris Weber:

Once WP7 comes out, we will essentially be out of the Symbian business, the S40 business, etc. It will be Windows Phone and the accessories around that. The reality is if we are not successful with Windows Phone, it doesn't matter what we do (elsewhere).

Nokia's first WP7 device should each run on 'Mango,' the much anticipated update for the firmware that brings hundreds of new features.

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4 user comments

110.8.2011 00:10

Nokia's first WP7 device should each run on 'Mango,' the much anticipated update for the firmware that brings copy/paste and hundreds of new features.
WP7 already has copy/paste. Just an fyi.

210.8.2011 00:16

Originally posted by Azuran:
Nokia's first WP7 device should each run on 'Mango,' the much anticipated update for the firmware that brings copy/paste and hundreds of new features.
WP7 already has copy/paste. Just an fyi.
Sorry about that, thought it had been pulled from NoDo update. Only have one friend with a WP7 device and last time I saw him he said his phone still didn't have it.

310.8.2011 00:20

That's weird. Mine still does. And I just updated my phone a couple of days ago.

This message has been edited since its posting. Latest edit was made on 10 Aug 2011 @ 12:22

410.8.2011 00:33

Originally posted by Azuran:
That's weird. Mine still does. And I just updated my phone a couple of days ago.
Maybe he just never updated? :p Will update article now, thanks

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