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First-party 3DS and Wii U games to be sold digitally

Written by Andre Yoskowitz @ 27 Apr 2012 9:38 User comments (4)

First-party 3DS and Wii U games to be sold digitally Nintendo has announced today a significant expansion to its digital games business.
Beginning in August with New Super Mario Bros. 2, the gaming company will release most of their first-party games via retail packages and as digital downloads in Nintendo eShop.

The company says "the majority of Nintendo-published Nintendo 3DS games will have the same dual-distribution strategy" into the future. Additionally, the majority of Nintendo-published Wii U games will be distributed the same way when the console launches in November before the holidays.

Furthermore, the downloadable games will be available for purchase at retail stores and via retailer's websites. Gamers can purchase the product in store and then be provided with a 16-digit code to download the game in the eShop.

As Nintendo explains, "this will give shoppers more options to find and purchase their favorite games."

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4 user comments

128.4.2012 02:10

I rather have it on the card due to slow internet and I don't want to keep buying new sd card which runs out quickly so I hope Nintendo not going down the same path as Sony making it digital only.... I think I could be wrong since it does have 3ds cart on the handheld unless Nintendo make another handheld without no cart support which is dumb.

228.4.2012 08:56

im so damn glad nintendo think of the little people who dont have internet or even access to internet.

oh thats right they dont give a edited by ddp.

This message has been edited since its posting. Latest edit was made on 29 Apr 2012 @ 7:10

329.4.2012 18:49

Originally posted by 1nsan3:
im so damn glad nintendo think of the little people who dont have internet or even access to internet.

oh thats right they dont give a edited by ddp.
Uh.. you did read that they are selling them via Retail Channels AND as Digital Downloads right?

I know it is sometimes hard to get past the headline but try reading the article before you post idiotic commentary.
This message has been edited since its posting. Latest edit was made on 29 Apr 2012 @ 7:12

429.4.2012 19:11

posts edited

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