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Canadian carriers Rogers, Bell, and Telus sued over misleading ads

Written by Andre Yoskowitz @ 16 Sep 2012 11:27 User comments (7)

Canadian carriers Rogers, Bell, and Telus sued over misleading ads

The major Canadian carriers, Rogers, Bell, and Telus, have been sued by the Canadian Competition Bureau over misleading ads.
The Bureau is seeking $31 million in damages following a five-month investigation in which the carriers were found to use the ads to promote "premium-rate digital content" such as ringtone clips, horoscopes and more without ever revealing the price to customers.

"Our investigation revealed that consumers were under the false impression that certain texts and apps were free," added Commissioner of Competition Melanie Aitken

CCP is demanding $10 million in damages from each of the three carriers, along with customer refunds and an injunction on the ads.

The carriers in Canada are generally considered an oligarchy, and have used that power to keep rates artificially high and features artificially low.

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7 user comments

116.9.2012 17:04

Isn't this the truth. It's why I ignore their ads and just stick with my plan, pay my bill every month. I don't download crap all unless I get the app off the net directly, that way my bill doesn't ever go up. Never trust your carrier, ever, no matter what country you are in, as they will always find a way to harbor "hidden" fees through multiple means.

216.9.2012 17:47

don't have a cell phone nor do i want 1 but i just have to worry about my rogers's cable bill for internet & tv.

316.9.2012 17:56

Whats sad is my wife works for Rogers, but I still refuse to have any service or tech from them despite her employee discount because I just can't stand them.

416.9.2012 19:48

I've been somewhat content with Wind...

516.9.2012 20:56

Originally posted by Morreale:
I've been somewhat content with Wind...
I been waiting for Wind to reach my area.

617.9.2012 08:28

Originally posted by Mysttic:
Originally posted by Morreale:
I've been somewhat content with Wind...
I been waiting for Wind to reach my area.
Me too. I work in Windsor so I could probably already get service there, but I'm guessing it will be years before they cover the area where I live.

For now I will be content with my $25/month prepaid that includes unlimited "Mobile Browsing".
This message has been edited since its posting. Latest edit was made on 17 Sep 2012 @ 8:30

717.9.2012 11:58

Definitely stay away from Rogers they are worse then blood sucking lawyers. I know two people who work for Rogers. One does sales the other did support, and they themselves know how bad they are and would never use them.

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