AfterDawn: Tech news

Samsung makes fun of new iPhone 5 with latest ad

Written by Andre Yoskowitz @ 15 Sep 2012 10:43 User comments (35)

Samsung makes fun of new iPhone 5 with latest ad Samsung has blatantly made fun of the new Apple iPhone 5 today with an ad that will start running in national newspapers beginning tomorrow.
The ad shows off the specs of the Galaxy S III against the new iPhone 5, although it really isn't a competition.

Furthermore, the ad starts with "It doesn't take a genius," a clear message that one phone is superior to the other, while also referencing Apple's "Genius" customer service employees.

Most comically, Samsung dismisses Apple's new 'Lightning' dock as "a totally different plug" instead of calling it by name.

Check it here:

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35 user comments

115.9.2012 22:59

hahahaha good on ya samsung!

215.9.2012 23:00

LOL, a totally different plug...hahahah

315.9.2012 23:07

they deserve to as well.. the galaxy 2/3 are good hardware.. real easy to flash

415.9.2012 23:29

Oh, yeah. Thumbs up, Samsung!

Originally posted by Hyasuma:
LOL, a totally different plug...hahahah
I know, huh? Roflmao.

516.9.2012 02:21

Obviously apple just want to make money off their Fanbois.

616.9.2012 05:20

Originally posted by Hyasuma:
LOL, a totally different plug...hahahah
This - best bit of the ad!

716.9.2012 12:18

The "Slavish" copying is quite evident, isn't it...the new iPhone looks just like the old Samsungs.

816.9.2012 16:33

Crapple is going down to hell just like Steve Jobs. :)))

916.9.2012 16:43

I'm just looking out for Samsung sueing their hometown.
Downtown Seoul out to do just fine.

Afterall Apple couldn't get a win in Germany, Holland or the UK.
They had to go to their hometown San Jose to get it.

1017.9.2012 02:46

That ad put a smile on my face.

1117.9.2012 04:36

Oh dear. Samsung really don't understand marketing. This might make iPhone envyers feel a little bit better but it just confirms that the iPhone is the gold standard. Selective specs can't hide the fact that the iPhone is slimmer, lighter and faster. I expect Apple to spend some of the $1 billion they got from Samsung highlighting all the cool things you can do on an iPhone that you can't do Android.

Shake to update? Tilt to zoom? Are we sure this isn't an ad for the iPhone?

1217.9.2012 10:22


"slimmer, lighter".....come on now, say it as it really is, you mean the iPhone is just plain smaller.

When it comes to a decent screen that is rarely better.

As for "faster"?
Well if there really is anything in that we're talking nanoseconds, it it's true at all.

As has been reported here on this site the $1 billion Apple managed to get out of their hometown court I'd say it already looks like at least a chunk of it is coming back to Samsung in component price rises.
Reaping what the sowed.
Talk about short-sighted.

Oh and it's not over yet, Samsung say Apple are infringing their LTE patents with iPhone 5.

Originally posted by SeventhSon:
highlighting all the cool things you can do on an iPhone that you can't do Android.

Go for it, let's hear about all these things, sounds like you think there are a lot of enormous differences.

Seriously, I'm open to hearing what they are.

Originally posted by SeventhSon:
it just confirms that the iPhone is the gold standard.
It really doesn't.
It does show that the Samsung Galaxy S3 is the superior phone.....and it manages to do that for less cost than the iPhone.

It's all about knocking Apple off their perch (you ought to be aware of that concept), they once were the market leader, that's true.
This ad spells out exactly why they no longer are.

.....oh and don't get the idea I'm some rabid Samsung/Android fan either, my expectation is that the new Windows 8 phones are going to be the next big thing, there will be a few excellent choices to come when they get into their stride.

If the iPhone 5 is anything to go by Apple are getting left behind, they certainly didn't advance things with their latest offering (just as the iPhone 4S didn't either).
This message has been edited since its posting. Latest edit was made on 17 Sep 2012 @ 10:34

1317.9.2012 12:26

Originally posted by SeventhSon:
Oh dear. Samsung really don't understand marketing. This might make iPhone envyers feel a little bit better but it just confirms that the iPhone is the gold standard. Selective specs can't hide the fact that the iPhone is slimmer, lighter and faster. I expect Apple to spend some of the $1 billion they got from Samsung highlighting all the cool things you can do on an iPhone that you can't do Android.

Shake to update? Tilt to zoom? Are we sure this isn't an ad for the iPhone?
That extra 21 grams will just strain my hand I better get the iphone 5 then, disaster avoided. Not that the added weight is from the almost 1 inch larger screen and possibly bigger battery. I also guess the "gold standard" is less talk and standby time, smaller resolution and so on. Android does all of what an iphone can do, I mean what do you want me to say? App for app Android most likely has it as well. If you love Apple and gotta catch em all then have at it, but don't call the iphone a "gold standard".

1417.9.2012 13:49

Originally posted by SeventhSon:
Oh dear. Samsung really don't understand marketing. This might make iPhone envyers feel a little bit better but it just confirms that the iPhone is the gold standard. Selective specs can't hide the fact that the iPhone is slimmer, lighter and faster. I expect Apple to spend some of the $1 billion they got from Samsung highlighting all the cool things you can do on an iPhone that you can't do Android.

Shake to update? Tilt to zoom? Are we sure this isn't an ad for the iPhone?
I understand where you are coming from. Despite not having the best hardware nor software (by a long shot), the iPhone is in fact the "gold standard" for a smartphone, for the time being, thanks to perceived brand value.

However, this is slowly but surely changing. Samsung (and even companies like Nokia) are innovating at a quicker pace than Apple is, and brand value for Samsung has been skyrocketing for years now. Go out an ask the "average consumer" what smartphone makers are out there, and I can almost guarantee they will say "Apple and Samsung" with maybe the occasional person saying Motorola, as well.

I'd venture to say that if Samsung continues to innovate at the speed it has been, and Apple continues to lag, there could be a larger mainstream shift in the next 2-3 years away from iPhones.

As for the "slimmer, lighter, faster" comment, you knew that was silly when you typed it didn't you? :p

1517.9.2012 14:05

Originally posted by Mr_Bill06:
App for app Android most likely has it as well.

Does anyone, even the bitter Apple haters on this website, believe this? For every 10 apps projects started, 7 are for iOS. iOS first, Android (maybe) leter. But it is not just the quantity or the fact that iOS is the platform of choice, it's the quality. iOS apps are designed specifically for the devices they target. They are conceived as iOS apps. Android apps are an afterthought and are targeted at the lowest common denominator or, more often, developers don't bother with Android at all. Any sector you can think of - educational apps, interactive books, travel apps, streaming music, TV tie ins, banking and financial apps - iPhone is better supported.

Android phones are good cheap phones. The build quality and customer care don't come remotely close to Apple's but if you want a phone with a decent camera, a media player and the occassional game of Angry Birds, Android phones are fine. They are what economists refer to as 'inferior goods'. Google it.

If you really think otherwise, perhaps you should get down to your local Apple store and tell the hundreds queuing for the new iPhone that the Samsung is the more desirable phone.
This message has been edited since its posting. Latest edit was made on 17 Sep 2012 @ 2:17

1617.9.2012 14:47

Does anyone, even the bitter Apple haters on this website, believe this? For every 10 apps projects started, 7 are for iOS. iOS first, Android (maybe) leter

As the falsely hyped iPhone loses ground this will continue to change. Pretty much the reason why Android is so vehemently anti-Apple.
Sure, they have the apps first. But only because of the over-hype. As the masses become more and more educated and Apple loses more and more ground the developers will shift to Android, which is where they should be.

1717.9.2012 14:53

@ SeventhSon

Nope, you've not really told me anything but a general comment.

Apple iPhones are in large part Samsung phones under the hood anyway so the quality comment is just silly.

You app comment is confused, the reality is that it is the higher Apple revenue stream that has devs interested in making apps for it - as long as Apple can maintain a solid position in the market.

That lasts for as long as they don't trail Android too much.

As for the hundreds queuing for an iPhone 5?
Well it's obvious, Apple still has some pull, nobody said otherwise.....but I could say the same thing about those who lined up for the SGS2 & 3 or the Notes.

TBH if you are typical of how Apple intend to appraoch this & they insist on pushing the 'inferior goods' line then I'd say the future looks bleak for them.

They haven't had anything to back that up iPhone-wise since the launch of iPhone 3 (or maybe even 2).

You can't keep feeding the buying public inferior products just because there was once, for want of a better term, a snob-value attached to your brand.
Eventually you just end up looking & sounding absurd - and alienating a lot of people.
This is especially so as people learn that you manufacture nothing yourself & your stuff is full of a range of components bought from the self-same manufacturers you're spending time looking down your nose at.

Now, sillyness aside and because I'm asking out of genuine interest.
Please, tell me what the iPhone can do that the Samsung Galaxy can't?

I did a lot of looking into this when I was buying recently and in my opinion the Samsung was the best phone out there (even if I opted for the SGS2 on costs as I couldn't justify the SGS3 for my needs).
The SGS2 beat the Iphone 4/4S in my opinion and I'm seeing nothing that shows the SGS3 doesn't beat the iPhone 5.

I will give you this much, I have seen & used the iPhone 2, 3 & 4, and one of my family has an iPad 2 and another a Mac-air(?).

The Apple OS is very slick, very well presented & user friendly & if you're into the whole Apple thing it usually works very easily & well with their other devices.....but a leap on from Android?
I don't think so.

The Mac-air has now broken down 3 times.

This message has been edited since its posting. Latest edit was made on 17 Sep 2012 @ 2:59

1817.9.2012 16:13

Originally posted by Interestx:

.....oh and don't get the idea I'm some rabid Samsung/Android fan either.

1917.9.2012 16:58

SeventhSon, what country are the iphones made in?

2017.9.2012 21:24

The only reason Apple sells a lot of there phones is because they have so many nuts that have no clue besides "it's the latest and I need to have it" attitude. The Apple circle is very snobby, just like your remark about if it isn't Apple it's junk or it's second best. You think if it's made by the almighty Apple or that the price tag justifies that it must be better. That's why you see a lot of people around here rip Apple up. They don't make a piece of there hardware, it comes from other manufactures that are making phones like Samsung. Then people like you come here and call it junk. The only thing that is Apples is the logo and there OS. Sure if you want more apps get an iphone if you want a phone better at pretty much every thing spec wise and cheaper get the Samsung, it doesn't take a genius.... well maybe it does.

This message has been edited since its posting. Latest edit was made on 17 Sep 2012 @ 9:29

2117.9.2012 22:15

Originally posted by SeventhSon:
Originally posted by Interestx:

.....oh and don't get the idea I'm some rabid Samsung/Android fan either.

Ah, ok.
It's like that is it?

So when asked to give these many and outstanding benefits the iPhone can offer that Android can't that you keep talking about your response giggle, infer a little ad hominim and then refuse to answer.

I think we can all draw our own conclusions.

2218.9.2012 09:21

Originally posted by Interestx:
Originally posted by SeventhSon:
Originally posted by Interestx:

.....oh and don't get the idea I'm some rabid Samsung/Android fan either.

Ah, ok.
It's like that is it?

So when asked to give these many and outstanding benefits the iPhone can offer that Android can't that you keep talking about your response giggle, infer a little ad hominim and then refuse to answer.

I think we can all draw our own conclusions.

What is really funny is that the Galaxy S2 now happens to be top of my shortlist. There are some great deals around right now and it does what I need it to do and more. I won't be bitter about not having an iPhone though. And I won't be giving up the iPad.

Regarding MY question (i.e. the question I first asked you, you failed to answer, and are now asking me) I've already given half a dozen examples of services which are either not availabe on Android, have restricted functionality or are limited to a handful of devices - BBC iPlayer, Skype Video, Sky Go, Netflix, Love Film, Spotify etc etc. If you don't like BBC you will find that ITV have iOS-only apps for all their top shows - Xfactor, Britain's Got Talent, The Only Way is Essex, The Cube etc. I've also mentioned all the cool new toys coming this Christmas which are designed to interact with iOS devices (but not Android). I've even provided a link to some independent analytics which explain WHY Android will always come second when it comes to content. But most people - even rabid Android fans - already know this.

I'll give you one more example and then let you have another try.

Go to the Electronic Arts website and you will see that they have 100 iPhone titles. There are 58 titles optimised for the iPad. How many for Android? Just 24. And those 24 tend to be the simpler games too. So there you go, thats another 76 things you can't do on Android. It's a similar story with Activision who, apart from iOS of course, will be restricting their new titles to Amazon's Kindle devices. Is that the future for Android?. A controlled ecosystem?

Thats the two largest independent games publishers in the world but it is exactly the same with small publishers. I could also have chosen any of the other areas I mentioned - education, entertainment, business etc.

So, over to you AGAIN.

I'm not interested in piracy or porn. If I'm being 'controlled' by Apple, tell me what cool stuff I'm missing out on.

Running Linux? Meh. Emulating a C64 on my phone? Why?

Surely you can do better than that?
This message has been edited since its posting. Latest edit was made on 18 Sep 2012 @ 2:29

2318.9.2012 12:52

based on the link you provided for the game iphone and ipad games mostly look like rewritten flash games.where as the android games look more like proper pc games.

2418.9.2012 15:57


The SGS2 is a nice phone, you'll not go far wrong with one of them, as for the apps you mention.

OK well my experience is BBC stuff works fine on my SGS2 (I'd expect the SGS3 to be even better.....and the coming JellyBean update to enhance the multi-media side of things).

I don't know if (cos I've never tried or needed to) downloading the Beeb stuff to the (up to 64gb external card or 16gb internal) works.
If it doesn't I don't see that as a loss of any serious practical value.
I stream what I want when I want.....and I use the pc at home to d/l if I want to keep.

I'm not sure why you keep mentioning piracy or porn, I haven't said anything about them.
But again why would anyone want to use their usually costly data up doing something the home pc is far more suited to if that is where your interests lie?

xboxdvl2 makes a very fair point about the game stuff you mention.....and EA games?
Once again anyone with a console is hardly going to be that bothered.
But it is ludicrous to suggest Android lacks quality games.

You're also studiously avoiding the whole open source issue. I can understand why but trying to talk as if this is about Linux is silly (tho for dedicated Linux users it is no doubt a quality they greatly appreciate).

You're also throwing in ridiculous comments like "I won't be bitter about not having an iPhone though".
Who is?
Are you really so blinkered as to imagine that most into this stuff haven't had, used or know people with iPhones?

I chose the Samsung cos it was the best spec/cost phone out there (and got a cracking deal on brand new looking unmarked factory refurb @ £220 to which I added a 3rd party 2yr warranty for £70, bargain).
If money was no consideration at all I'd have gotten the Samsung Galaxy 3 but just couldn't see it was 'worth' double the price to me.
I could have got one if I'd want tho.
I'm sorry if it is hard for you to accept but Apple's iPhone got rejected on the grounds that it was such a poor deal, I could easily have afforded one if I had wanted but just didn't.

Similarly I know people who love their iPad but compared to the tablet I got it's just such a poor deal for what you get (Ainol Novo 7 Fire which has the nice Nexus 7 type HD screen £121).

I like to stretch my cash as much as possible, not chase brand nonsense.

This message has been edited since its posting. Latest edit was made on 18 Sep 2012 @ 4:01

2518.9.2012 16:20

@ SeventhSon

BTW the Huawei Ascend G300 Smartphone you liked the look of is on an incredible deal on Vodafone right on at Tesco.

PAYG for just £60 (and there's an extra £15 off with £30 spend on groceries, that offer is £15 off any phone £50 or over when you spend £30 on anything else instore) @ Tesco instore.

Get yourself a £5 unlock on eBay if you need to & you're done.

Amazing value.

If I was buying today that's the one I'd have gone for.

Just heard there are limited stocks around the country - they're obviously clearing stocks for their new dual & quad core (Huawei G600 is being mentioned) phones coming, you might find one tho.

This message has been edited since its posting. Latest edit was made on 18 Sep 2012 @ 6:27

2621.9.2012 07:19

@ SeventhSon

Can you please tell me how to attach a document to the 10 page email I've just finished typing on my iPad3? :( I never did figure out how to do it on my iPhone4s either ...

My workplace just gave me a new Samsung Galaxy S3 and to be completely honest, after thinking that nothing could possibly beat iOS products, I am blown away and will never EVER go back to any Apple product until they come out with something innovative and useful. I can type an email and attach as many documents as I want to it on my Android ... the screen is beautiful ... the phone is fast ... the OS design with "Widgets" is beautiful and functional compared to the ugly and basic iOS I was used to using for so many years ... I found some amazingly awesome free apps like "Pulse" (to update various news feeds into 1), and Google maps which is free (free?!!?) and actually speaks to you when you're driving ... I was blown away when I was looking for a particular house on a street, and glanced at my phone to see the Google Street-view picture of the house on the screen!!!

Here's how I see the "bigger picture":

- Blackberry was the original innovator
- Apple copied, improved upon, and became the "peoples champion"
- Googles android rose up from the ashes and has begun to break the back of Apples stranglehold of the market
- All the while Microsoft has been consolidating and building various parts of its business model ... and it's all coming together with Windows 8.

In 5 years time I see:

- Microsoft at #1 for businesses
- Google Android at #1 for consumers
- Apple trailing quite far behind struggling to "innovate" and gain additional followers ... they'll likely end up being a "niche" product once again and might need to target minority groups such as homosexuals to stay afloat.

I hope hardware vendors such as HTC and Nokia keep going too ... because they make beautiful phones :) My boss has always been an avid Apple fanboy since day 1 ... but over the past few weeks he's been talking about ditching his iPhone and getting a Nokia Lumia 920 with Win8 !! Wow ...

2721.9.2012 08:43

Originally posted by h0g1e:
Apple trailing quite far behind struggling to "innovate" and gain additional followers ... they'll likely end up being a "niche" product once again and might need to target minority groups such as homosexuals to stay afloat.

LMAO, very funny but naughty.

Maybe they could go with the slogan ' we're here, we're queer, we're the Apple ringing in you ear, get used to it'?

2821.9.2012 09:08

Pepsi vs Coke

Everyone knows Coke is the real thing but will drink Pepsi when they can't get Coke.

This message has been edited since its posting. Latest edit was made on 21 Sep 2012 @ 9:09

2921.9.2012 15:52

Originally posted by h0g1e:
@ SeventhSon

Can you please tell me how to attach a document to the 10 page email I've just finished typing on my iPad3? :( I never did figure out how to do it on my iPhone4s either ...

My workplace just gave me a new Samsung Galaxy S3 and to be completely honest, after thinking that nothing could possibly beat iOS products, I am blown away and will never EVER go back to any Apple product until they come out with something innovative and useful. I can type an email and attach as many documents as I want to it on my Android ... the screen is beautiful ... the phone is fast ... the OS design with "Widgets" is beautiful and functional compared to the ugly and basic iOS I was used to using for so many years ... I found some amazingly awesome free apps like "Pulse" (to update various news feeds into 1), and Google maps which is free (free?!!?) and actually speaks to you when you're driving ... I was blown away when I was looking for a particular house on a street, and glanced at my phone to see the Google Street-view picture of the house on the screen!!!

Here's how I see the "bigger picture":

- Blackberry was the original innovator
- Apple copied, improved upon, and became the "peoples champion"
- Googles android rose up from the ashes and has begun to break the back of Apples stranglehold of the market
- All the while Microsoft has been consolidating and building various parts of its business model ... and it's all coming together with Windows 8.

In 5 years time I see:

- Microsoft at #1 for businesses
- Google Android at #1 for consumers
- Apple trailing quite far behind struggling to "innovate" and gain additional followers ... they'll likely end up being a "niche" product once again and might need to target minority groups such as homosexuals to stay afloat.

I hope hardware vendors such as HTC and Nokia keep going too ... because they make beautiful phones :) My boss has always been an avid Apple fanboy since day 1 ... but over the past few weeks he's been talking about ditching his iPhone and getting a Nokia Lumia 920 with Win8 !! Wow ...
Hey mate

You said google maps is free . im not sure how that all works
i wanted to use google maps multiple times , but my provider here
in Canada , tells me it uses up my data (maybe even alot they said)
So ive avoided using it . Once you go over your account allowed
data even by a .01 , its 10 dollars a gig . Owch so im strict within
my plan

So is this free google maps perhaps something free from your provider or in your country ? id use google maps a heck of alot
if it was TOTALLY free


3021.9.2012 18:15

Originally posted by kapo13:
So is this free google maps perhaps something free from your provider or in your country ? id use google maps a heck of alot if it was TOTALLY free.
It is 100% free. It isn't a subscription service (unlike other mapping providers), you pay no money for the service (unlike other mapping providers), it is FREE (unlike other mapping providers). You don't even need to log in... unlike other mapping providers.

The only way it costs is IF you go over your data allowance. But then, if you use anything, even browsing, you run that risk. G-Maps is the same as any data you download in that respect. But in and of itself, it is a no cost, no sign up, service.

Some mobile service providers do deals that allow unlimited data use for some things. So that your data allowance isn't used by those activities. Mapping or social networking are typical on various deals.

This message has been edited since its posting. Latest edit was made on 21 Sep 2012 @ 6:20

3121.9.2012 19:18

Originally posted by Zoo_Look:
Originally posted by kapo13:
So is this free google maps perhaps something free from your provider or in your country ? id use google maps a heck of alot if it was TOTALLY free.
It is 100% free. It isn't a subscription service (unlike other mapping providers), you pay no money for the service (unlike other mapping providers), it is FREE (unlike other mapping providers). You don't even need to log in... unlike other mapping providers.

The only way it costs is IF you go over your data allowance. But then, if you use anything, even browsing, you run that risk. G-Maps is the same as any data you download in that respect. But in and of itself, it is a no cost, no sign up, service.

Some mobile service providers do deals that allow unlimited data use for some things. So that your data allowance isn't used by those activities. Mapping or social networking are typical on various deals.

Thanks mate i appreciate that

i understand now


3221.9.2012 19:49

I also believe Google maps on the phone will still operate if you turn your data "off" ... but you'll lose some of the interesting functionality such as street view. It should operate via GPS ... I used to use the Google maps app on my iPhone without data turned on (GPS is free :)), however unfortunately google stripped that app down to the bare minimum so it doesn't "dictate" to you whilst driving :( ... the Android version is much better ...

3321.9.2012 22:10

Originally posted by h0g1e:
I also believe Google maps on the phone will still operate if you turn your data "off" ... but you'll lose some of the interesting functionality such as street view. It should operate via GPS ... I used to use the Google maps app on my iPhone without data turned on (GPS is free :)), however unfortunately google stripped that app down to the bare minimum so it doesn't "dictate" to you whilst driving :( ... the Android version is much better ...
Cheers again

I have Samsung galaxy S3 So do i have the android version you speak of ?


3421.9.2012 23:04

You do indeed ...

3523.9.2012 01:28

Originally posted by SeventhSon:
Originally posted by Mr_Bill06:
App for app Android most likely has it as well.

Does anyone, even the bitter Apple haters on this website, believe this? For every 10 apps projects started, 7 are for iOS. iOS first, Android (maybe) leter. But it is not just the quantity or the fact that iOS is the platform of choice...
Keep in mind while saying something like this, that iOS has a market share around 30-33% while Android makes up over 50% so I guess the platform of choice is Android.

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