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Microsoft adds new content partners to Xbox Live

Written by Andre Yoskowitz @ 11 Dec 2012 11:38 User comments (2)

Microsoft adds new content partners to Xbox Live

Microsoft has announced new content partners for its Xbox Live service.
Joining Netflix, ESPN, and HBO and other current partners will be MTV, PBS and The CW among a plethora of new partners.

Altogether, Microsoft will add 40 partners, starting with 10 over the next week. The complete rollout will finish by March and leave Xbox Live with 115 total content partners.

Besides MTV and PBS, some of the more popular partners include Napster, Machinima, PopcornFlix, Ameba TV, CBC's Hockey Night in Canada, Deezer and Flixster.

Xbox Live currently has 40 million active users worldwide.

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2 user comments

112.12.2012 12:10
Unverified new user

MOdded control Montage

212.12.2012 13:41

pbs will actually be kinda cool, hopefully they get a good app made

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