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Report: Apple HDTV will include 'iRing' wearable motion controller, 'mini iTV' tablet

Written by Andre Yoskowitz @ 03 Apr 2013 9:50 User comments (13)

Report: Apple HDTV will include 'iRing' wearable motion controller, 'mini iTV' tablet According to Apple analyst Brian White of Topeka Capital, Apple's oft-rumored HDTV will come with a ring-shaped motion controller, allowing users to control their TV with the wave or point of a finger.
In his client note, the analyst claims Apple will finally launch the TV later this year, and it will "revolutionize the TV experience forever."

The iRing will be one of the centerpieces of the new experience, as it acts as "a navigation pointer," enhancing motion detection and replacing some of the basic functions of a remote control.

Additionally, White says all TVs will come with a "mini iTV" 9.7-inch display that can be used phone calls, video conferencing and to view other content: "Essentially, we believe the 'mini iTV' screens will be able to capture content from the 60-inch 'iTV' across a distance of up to 200 meters, allowing a user to view 'iTV' content in the kitchen, washroom, garage, bedroom, backyard, etc. We believe Apple will offer one 'mini iTV' per 'iTV,' but package options will include up to four screens (i.e., one screen is part of the standard package and pay extra for each additional."

Moving on to prices, White says the TVs will cost $1500 for a 50-inch TV with one mini iTV and up to $2500 for a 60-inch TV with multiple mini iTVs.

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13 user comments

13.4.2013 22:20

Revolutionize the TV experience?? Nothing seems really revolutionary here. I can already do this stuff with my current TV and an app on my tablet over WiFi. Watch Video on demand taking it from the TV to my computer or tablet on the fly. Same features wrapped up in a more expensive Apple package.

24.4.2013 07:46

Sounds dumb to me.

34.4.2013 08:17

An iRing will make a pleasing accessory to the zipper that runs up the back of the head of people who buy into this steaming pile of dog turds.

44.4.2013 11:01


54.4.2013 14:25

Originally posted by bobiroc:
Revolutionize the TV experience?? Nothing seems really revolutionary here. I can already do this stuff with my current TV and an app on my tablet over WiFi. Watch Video on demand taking it from the TV to my computer or tablet on the fly. Same features wrapped up in a more expensive Apple package.
Yes, but when apple invents this pretty soon, they will sue you for copying their idea. I can't wait for their next invention, a long tubelike device that one can apply a negative pressure upon to draw up a liquid through it into the mouth. They will call it I suck, and users will have to log into iTunes in order to sync up with a soda

64.4.2013 14:53

And i thought that it was hard to find the romote control sometimes.

74.4.2013 14:55

Originally posted by seths:
Originally posted by bobiroc:
Revolutionize the TV experience?? Nothing seems really revolutionary here. I can already do this stuff with my current TV and an app on my tablet over WiFi. Watch Video on demand taking it from the TV to my computer or tablet on the fly. Same features wrapped up in a more expensive Apple package.
Yes, but when apple invents this pretty soon, they will sue you for copying their idea. I can't wait for their next invention, a long tubelike device that one can apply a negative pressure upon to draw up a liquid through it into the mouth. They will call it I suck, and users will have to log into iTunes in order to sync up with a soda
LOL then they have some companies to sue because this type of television/media content viewing is already being done. My LG Smart TV has a PC App and Tablet app I use on my phone where I can capture screens and share content. My DirecTV has similar features in their VOD services and DVR services where shows can be paused and played on other devices. So like most apple products that claim to be innovative and revolutionary they are really not.

84.4.2013 15:53

Did people hate Sony this much in the 80's, back when they were the king of the hill?

98.4.2013 09:47

Apple has hired Edward Nigma for the creation of the hdtv. Now they can really brainwash the isheep.

108.4.2013 10:26

Ohhhhhhh Loook another "Crapple turd in the punchbowl" yumm thanks Crapple!!!

118.4.2013 10:28

Bah Humbug! How about an antenna that works for people who live out in the sticks with a bunch of hills inbetween. How I wish I could pick up free OTA.

128.4.2013 23:08

Originally posted by attar:
An iRing will make a pleasing accessory to the zipper that runs up the back of the head of people who buy into this steaming pile of dog turds.
Yup there will be iSheep who will just have to have this device.

1310.4.2013 06:02

crapple innovation? JUNK!!

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