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Fake Grand Theft Auto V torrent download packed with malware

Written by Andre Yoskowitz @ 09 Sep 2013 8:11 User comments (14)

Fake Grand Theft Auto V torrent download packed with malware

A fake torrent of Grand Theft Auto V has hit the Internet, an elaborate hoax posing as a leak of the new game.
Fans of the game franchise looking to possibly begin the game earlier than its September 17th release date are warned to avoid the torrent as it is packed with malware and was created as a scam.

How the scam works is as follows: Users who download the game will get to a certain point in the installation where it says it cannot be completed until a survey is completed and a confirmation code is sent. In order to receive that code, you need to provide a valid mobile number and to send a text to a certain number provided.

With your number, the scammers sign you up for a premium service that charges your mobile bill daily until the service is cancelled.

While you are being scammed on your mobile bill, the installation finishes, installing the well-known malware, Trojan.GenericKDV.1134859 to your PC and leaving you with a pirated copy of the game 'The Cave.'

As stated, stay away from any current torrents of the GTA V game.

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14 user comments

19.9.2013 20:37

They've tried the same scheme with Diablo 3 and the new Simcity. Bloody underhanded.

29.9.2013 20:59

I suppose the safest thing to do is wait until there is a release from a reputable group.

39.9.2013 21:24

Simply put, if you are one of the ones that downloaded this fake/malware program, thinking it's the "real deal", you don't need to have a computer, nor be on the internet the least.

49.9.2013 21:43

Ya gotta be dumb if you fall for that. Especially since you're stealing it.

59.9.2013 22:31

Um... They have to be pretty stupid to install this on their PC anyway. GTA V has not even been announced for PC.

But serves the pirates right if they are going to try and steal a game and are too stupid to check it for malware before they click the exe.

610.9.2013 10:28

Not afraid to admit I'm a rabid pirate at all. However I will be purchasing this game. The amount of time and money put in to this game make the price a steal in itself IMO. Perfect title for the Fall/Winter.

...I just hope my PS3 game save will work IF a PS4 version is released...


710.9.2013 13:03


810.9.2013 14:45

It's a WELL-KNOWN fact that Rockstar brings out the GTA PC version almost always 1 year AFTER console releases so anyone that attempts to jack this deserves any and all hassles and troubles that come with it.

and to Kreayshawn: you should be afraid to state you're a rabid pirater. It shows a person's character when they rarely if ever GIVE BACK.

This message has been edited since its posting. Latest edit was made on 10 Sep 2013 @ 2:49

911.9.2013 02:37

Serves them right, only a moron would go to that extent.

1011.9.2013 14:28

Originally posted by hearme0:
It's a WELL-KNOWN fact that Rockstar brings out the GTA PC version almost always 1 year AFTER console releases so anyone that attempts to jack this deserves any and all hassles and troubles that come with it.

and to Kreayshawn: you should be afraid to state you're a rabid pirater. It shows a person's character when they rarely if ever GIVE BACK.
Trust me I support A LOT. You have to agree we are living in an age where there is more media than one has time to consume. I will be buying GTAV.

I support music and buy blurays.

There is TOO much media to buy bro. Pirating is the same as renting. If I like a title enough, I will seek out a legit source.

But sorry if I don't want to wait 6 months for a TV season bluray when the WEB-DL's are available.

Why should I be afraid? Because you're living in the past?

Even Neil Young said Piracy is the new radio.

Lastly, it's been noted MANY times Pirates buy more than NON-Pirates.

1112.9.2013 22:38

Originally posted by Kreayshawn:
Originally posted by hearme0:
It's a WELL-KNOWN fact that Rockstar brings out the GTA PC version almost always 1 year AFTER console releases so anyone that attempts to jack this deserves any and all hassles and troubles that come with it.

and to Kreayshawn: you should be afraid to state you're a rabid pirater. It shows a person's character when they rarely if ever GIVE BACK.
There is TOO much media to buy bro. Pirating is the same as renting. If I like a title enough, I will seek out a legit source.

Just hope if you ever get busted the judge you get feels the same.

1212.9.2013 23:47

Yes! There really is a God! And I hope all of you j-erks, who tried to (illegally) download it, got infected big time!

Kreayshawn, I certainly hope that you are one of them. "Pirating is the same as renting. If I like a title enough, I will seek out a legit source". Spoken like a true dildo, I mean pirate.

1313.9.2013 13:21

I bet ROCKSTAR released it.

1414.9.2013 21:49

I look at the whole piracy thing in a different light. Although I am not into gaming at all I treat all software as shareware. With limited budget availability I most certainly want to try out a new software / OS to see if I an comfortable with it or whether the upgrade is worth it before shelling out hard earned money. I most certainly don't fall for those "30 day guaranteed money back" deals !

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