AfterDawn: Tech news

Sprint will wait before removing BlackBerry devices from stores

Written by Andre Yoskowitz @ 29 Sep 2013 7:10 User comments (2)

Sprint will wait before removing BlackBerry devices from stores Sprint CFO Joe Euteneur says the company is taking a "wait and see" approach in regards to BlackBerry and whether it will follow rival T-Mobile in its strategy of removing BB devices from its retail stores.
Euteneur says the company does not want to "rock the boat" with its business customers, who have always been the biggest consumers of BlackBerry devices.

T-Mobile no longer offers the devices in their stores, but continue to take orders online and in-store for direct ship.

Earlier in the week, Verizon CEO Lowell McAdam said their decision on BlackBerry would be based completely on their customer's wishes.

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2 user comments

130.9.2013 14:53

Not surprised!!......... and when an INVESTMENT FIRM is looking to buy BB as was reported last week...............ya know a company is in deep shizzy!!

One word came to my mind regarding that possible purchase....."LIQUIDATION"

No R.I.P. to Blackberry........that company deserves everything coming for bad business practices and the brutal stench of stagnation for so many years!

Ba Bye Crackberry

230.9.2013 16:39

In another words: T-Mo, Spring & "Verizon" will only sale locked smart-phones to the shipples !?

This message has been edited since its posting. Latest edit was made on 30 Sep 2013 @ 4:40

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