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New 'Glyph' VR headset nearly triples its Kickstarter goal in just four days

Written by Andre Yoskowitz @ 25 Jan 2014 8:02 User comments (4)

New 'Glyph' VR headset nearly triples its Kickstarter goal in just four days

After smashing its goal in just 24 hours, the Avegant Glyph VR headset has now nearly tripled its goal in just four days.
Needing $250,000, the company has now raised $671,847 from 1400 backers on the crowdfunding platform.

The Glyph in of itself is a very interesting concept. The VR noise-canceling headset has a flip down feature that turns the device into a personal display, compatible with nearly all of your devices, including consoles, smartphones and computers.

Says the company:

Since the beginning of personal display technology, screens have been getting smaller and closer to our eyes but with one limitation: image quality. At Avegant we've solved that problem using a new technology that mimics the way that we as humans naturally see light. Using a Virtual Retinal Display we've figured out how to project images directly onto your retina, creating sharp, stark images unlike anything you've seen before.

Over the past two years we've worked to miniaturize the technology to fit into a portable headset good for mobile or home use. The product of our work is the Glyph. Combining a unique flip-down form factor, super sharp imagery and premium noise-cancelling audio, we created a device that is a revolution in personal display technology.

The Glyph uses a simple HDMI input to display anything in your content library, from the movies that you already own to streamed Netflix over your iPhone to the desktop environment in your Mac or PC. The Glyph is also great for gaming, whether in playing Call of Duty Ghosts on your Playstation or Real Racing on your mobile phone. And with an integrated 9 Degree of Freedom head-tracker, a whole world of interactive gaming, Point of View (PoV) imaging and interactive storytelling is within our reach.

Glyph backers can get the headset for $499, $200 more than the Oculus Rift VR set that set Kickstarter ablaze last year. The Glyph is expected to ship in December of this year for backers, and the company will show off alpha prototypes during a roadshow that includes stops in Florida, Chicago, Los Angeles, San Francisco, New York, Seattle, London, and Hong Kong throughout February.

Check the Glyph page here: Glyph: A Mobile Personal Theater With Built In Premium Audio

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4 user comments

125.1.2014 20:05

just hurry up and make 3d porn already. come on.

227.1.2014 06:17

ok, i want one, i saw some years ago, but where not universal, these look good, especially on a plane trip

327.1.2014 21:53

I think this is cooler then the rift and way more practical for public use. Looks like Oculus might have some serious competition ahead if they don't release soon.

428.1.2014 02:13

So it does head-track.

Looks good from the reviews.

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