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Comcast to buy Time Warner Cable in massive $45 billion deal

Written by Andre Yoskowitz @ 12 Feb 2014 11:10 User comments (16)

Comcast to buy Time Warner Cable in massive $45 billion deal

Comcast will announce their plans to acquire Time Warner Cable tomorrow morning in a massive $45 billion deal that will merge two of the largest cable companies in the U.S.
The cable co. will pay $158.82 per share for TWC, which closed today trading at $135 per share.

While the deal requires regulatory approval, there is little doubt that it will go through with the acquisition expected to close by the end of the year.

Time Warner Cable has 12 million subscribers in blockbuster markets like NYC and Los Angeles, and is the second largest cable company in the nation, behind Comcast which has over 22 million subscribers.

In its most recent quarter, Time Warner Cable lost over 300,000 subscribers and notoriously has some of the worst customer service on the planet.

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16 user comments

113.2.2014 01:09

Ugh. The last thing any consumer needs is a bigger Comcrap.

213.2.2014 02:24

DAMN.....and now I will see my prices go up, and being looked at even more for all I download.

313.2.2014 02:29

...notoriously has some of the worst customer service on the planet.
That never improves with takeovers. Expect that to get worse if anything... inevitable staff cuts.

413.2.2014 07:26

I personally can't complain about customer service. The television signal quality however is another story...

The acquisition sounds like a monopoly in the works.

513.2.2014 12:02

Originally posted by rocky38:
I personally can't complain about customer service. The television signal quality however is another story...

The acquisition sounds like a monopoly in the works.
There are certainly doubts that this will go through. The stock is trading at $144 today when the purchase price was $158.

613.2.2014 12:24

Not good as a current TW customer. Commiucast will no doubt give me grief.

713.2.2014 14:14

Originally posted by molsen:
Not good as a current TW customer. Commiecast will no doubt give me grief.
Fixed. Lol

In all seriousness, however, this worries me. How long before another cable service provider is invaded/taken over?

813.2.2014 16:13

This is a total antitrust violation.

I anticipate that this won't get approved by the DOJ.

The 2 biggest ISPs joining to create a behemoth?!?!?!?!?..........No F'ing way!!!

914.2.2014 07:28

Cable companies are government approved monopolies anyway. Nobody actually has a choice of what cable company they want without moving. Just like electric companies and telephone companies! AT&T would have never been split up in today's corrupt corporate government world.

1014.2.2014 09:00

Originally posted by xnonsuchx:
Cable companies are government approved monopolies anyway. Nobody actually has a choice of what cable company they want without moving. Just like electric companies and telephone companies! AT&T would have never been split up in today's corrupt corporate government world.
Times, they are a changing. Choice may not be much, but there are choices available. Take satellites, though the reception may suck on cloudy days and a lack of local programming, this will change in the future. There's also Hulu, Netflex, Vudu, Amazon......

Hopefully more choices in the future will "force" the Big cable companies to offer more "flexible" programming options to choose from instead of the current ones. I hate paying for 80 channels with only about 10 worth watching! This bugs the s*** out of me!

1114.2.2014 13:20

Comcast was w a LOT better than TWC in my area. TWC actually purchased Comcast as my local ISP and cable TV provider and it went down hill from day one. I am glad Comcast it taking it back and hopefully improves becasue TWC is the absolute worse.

1214.2.2014 16:27

It seems that the deal will be in effect soon since the illuminati control the corrupt govt. of U.S.

Comcast will control 38% of the high-speed market.

As now:
Comcast Corp. @ $53.70 +1.39%
TWC Inc. @ $146 +1.19%

This message has been edited since its posting. Latest edit was made on 16 Feb 2014 @ 5:22

1314.2.2014 23:29

This deal is especially stupid here in Texas. Part of the major metro areas were serviced by Time Warner and the other half was serviced by Comcast up till about 5 years or so ago, before they both made some agreement, and Time Warner was given service control by Comcast. And now all the areas are going under Comcast?!?!

Down where I live, there are only 2 major cable companies, TIme Warner and Grande. My apartment complex doesn't allow Grande. Besides, I had already looked into their price for internet, and for the price I am paying for my speeds, I would have to shell out another $20 a month, IF I was even allowed to switch.

1415.2.2014 00:37

I feel ya, here in satx, moved into a apt complex and I used to have grande, but found out that TW has a exclusive right to these apts, so I don't even have a option or a choice, not happy about it, it will cost me more now to use Giganews or other usenet services.

TW sucks.

Intrusions and NSA bull, Obama and his anti-constitutionalists need to go.

Originally posted by rtm27:
This deal is especially stupid here in Texas. Part of the major metro areas were serviced by Time Warner and the other half was serviced by Comcast up till about 5 years or so ago, before they both made some agreement, and Time Warner was given service control by Comcast. And now all the areas are going under Comcast?!?!

Down where I live, there are only 2 major cable companies, TIme Warner and Grande. My apartment complex doesn't allow Grande. Besides, I had already looked into their price for internet, and for the price I am paying for my speeds, I would have to shell out another $20 a month, IF I was even allowed to switch.

1515.2.2014 03:20

All my friends who use Comcast have nothing but problems with their service.

1615.2.2014 12:43

hmm 2 major rival companies becoming 1 sounds like a good idea in a business sense.No competitors = price fixing + $$$$$$

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