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ABC to live stream the Oscars, but only to some cities and you must have a pay TV subscription

Written by Andre Yoskowitz @ 27 Feb 2014 10:33 User comments (6)

ABC to live stream the Oscars, but only to some cities and you must have a pay TV subscription ABC announced earlier this year that they would be live streaming the Academy Awards for the first time ever this year, but now we know the restrictions are vast.
To watch the stream, you will need to have a pay TV subscription from a supported provider, which include AT&T U-verse, Cablevision, Charter, Comcast, Cox, Verizon, Google Fiber, and Midcontinent but does not include Time Warner Cable, the nation's second largest cable company.

Restricting even further, the stream will be available in just eight cities: New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Philadelphia, San Francisco, Houston, Raleigh-Durham and Fresno.

If you are one of the few people who can access the live stream, the features should be pretty intriguing. You will be able to switch away from the main stage feed to other camera views of the "Winners Walk," "Audience" and "Press Room." If watching from a mobile device, there will be an ongoing stream of social media and a photo gallery.

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6 user comments

128.2.2014 11:08

Despite all of this, I still won't watch the Oscars. They have always been a very long and boring self important award show. Besides, the older I get, the less relevant they are in my eyes (and in the eyes of others, in my opinion.)

228.2.2014 18:37

You couldn't pay me to watch this self absorbed crap, Hollywierd can keep their Oscars.

328.2.2014 19:14

Originally posted by Mr-Movies:
You couldn't pay me to watch this self absorbed crap, Hollywierd can keep their Oscars.
Amen, brother. When good movies like "Saving Private Ryan" back in 1998, or "The Dark Knight" in 2008 get snubbed, and only TDK gets one other award besides Heath Ledger's legendary performance, then the whole legitimacy of the whole process is called into question.

428.2.2014 21:18

No doubt.

51.3.2014 15:56

Hollywood Monopoly Mafia at it best; brainwashing the people of the world for more $$$ people care less & less about them as the time goes by.

This message has been edited since its posting. Latest edit was made on 01 Mar 2014 @ 5:10

62.3.2014 12:42

.....people STILL watch the oscars.. i mean, wow there are people who actually CARE who wins. lol really... so ya got best movie actor ...ummmm so.

i would rather be watching sesame street!!!

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