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Peter Molyneux: Kinect for Xbox One is an 'unnecessary add-on'

Written by Andre Yoskowitz @ 08 Apr 2014 7:16 User comments (15)

Peter Molyneux: Kinect for Xbox One is an 'unnecessary add-on' Outspoken British video game programmer Peter Molyneux has made some interesting comments about the Xbox One, which has been struggling against rival Sony's PlayStation 4.
Always known for his bold (and sometimes controversial) statements, Molyneux says that he wishes "Kinect wasn't a requirement as it feels like an unnecessary add-on" for the Xbox One. The Kinect motion control system is one Microsoft's highly touted features for gaming and gamers overwhelmingly approve.

"Maybe it's because we're in England, and it doesn't really use the TV stuff, but it feels more and more like a joke. My son and I sit there saying random things at it, and it doesn't work," added the designer when asked his thoughts on Kinect.

In the UK, the Kinect has certainly had its issues. Being able to control your TV is not possible due to poor upscaling and framerate problems.

Molyneux previously worked for Microsoft, as a producer for Lionhead Studios (acquired in 2006) and then later as the Creative Director of Microsoft Game Studios in Europe.

Full interview: Edge

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15 user comments

18.4.2014 20:13

umm I think this goes without saying. Everyone feels the same and with the timeline of events from Skype, to snowden, forced connectivity, changing minds and required sale, microphone, blood flow detection, M$ slipping up and admitting they were collecting info from Kinect commands, and not to mention 138GB of HDD space for an OS? It's pretty obvious what the Kinect's purpose is.

Call it a conspiracy theory if you want, but there is way too much evidence supporting a spy tool than there is in the way of supporting it for game enhancement.

28.4.2014 21:32


38.4.2014 23:11

Talk about stating the obvious.

Always known for his bold (and sometimes controversial) statements, Molyneux says that he wishes "Kinect wasn't a requirement as it feels like an unnecessary add-on" for the Xbox One.
-Nothing controversial about this statement; this seems to be the overwhelming opinion of the Kinect (not counting the fanboi base). All I know for sure, is that this thing will never see the light of day in my house.

49.4.2014 03:21

I lost track of the issue customers were angry about before release, but doesn't the kinect need to be "Always-on" and no option provided if you don't want it that way. Call me paranoid, while it should be secure (ya right...). why would any xb0x user want to have the possibility someone outside there house that ability to look in? Heck, just a few days ago a child found a way to hack into his father's live account to play games he should have been able to. Just saying this is the level of security that is in the xb0x, sure doesn't seem that secure. What confidence do we have some hacker/burglar couldn't use the kinect to see if i'm home and rob my house....

59.4.2014 10:01

Sorry but Molyneux is a douche bag!...Why doesn't he STFU and make a good game for a change, all his stuff sucks so he wants to rag on the hardware providers. Don't like Kinect being on all the time? ...get one of these

69.4.2014 11:47

So which one is it Molyneux? Because you praised it as the next coming...remember Milo & Kinect 1.0?

79.4.2014 12:44

R.I.P. Milo

810.4.2014 02:27

wow,conspiracy theories abound.heres an idea.dont buy it.

910.4.2014 21:58

Originally posted by SomeBozo:
I lost track of the issue customers were angry about before release, but doesn't the kinect need to be "Always-on" and no option provided if you don't want it that way.

That was one of the initial ideas that was never implemented & dropped before launch.
Kinect can be turned off or unplugged.

It's just another of the myths that surround the XB1.

1011.4.2014 12:04

It wasn't just an "initial idea". It was what the console was completely built around (that and DRM together).

Remember the day one patch? It was to remove those features that were not just "initial ideas", they were actually implemented and put into the console already on the shelves in warehouses before launch. Forgot about the whole it's not as easy as flipping a switch AngryJoe fiasco? Here's the vid where Larry Herb specifically states ~

"We can’t just flip a switch to turn off DRM. The console was built around it."
Then when MS saw that there were going to completely lose the next gen even before it started they 180'd on it. Only for the issue to be compounded during the Killer Instinct Tournament.

These are not simply "myths that surround the XB1". These are FACTS that happened.
This message has been edited since its posting. Latest edit was made on 11 Apr 2014 @ 12:09

1111.4.2014 12:19

Originally posted by Oner:
It wasn't just an "initial idea". It was what the console was completely built around (that and DRM together).

Thanks Oner for your kind and informative response, too many things to keep track of but as you pointed out i wasn't too far off, well I haven't lost my mind completely yet ;)

1211.4.2014 13:54

Originally posted by Oner:
It wasn't just an "initial idea". It was what the console was completely built around (that and DRM together).

Yet for all that the truth is Kinect can be switched off & left unplugged (and as the original point here was about whether Kinect could or could not be switched off & was 'always on' then that can hardly something the 'console was built around').

As for 'DRM'?
It is ludicrous to single out Microsoft as if they are the only ones using it.
That and the fact that they did roll back on their initial plans.

Those are the facts.
No Kinect always on and DRM much reduced from the initial scare-stories (& much the same as anyone else's).

1311.4.2014 17:12

Originally posted by Interestx:
Originally posted by Oner:
It wasn't just an "initial idea". It was what the console was completely built around (that and DRM together).

Yet for all that the truth is Kinect can be switched off & left unplugged (and as the original point here was about whether Kinect could or could not be switched off & was 'always on' then that can hardly something the 'console was built around').

As for 'DRM'?
It is ludicrous to single out Microsoft as if they are the only ones using it.
That and the fact that they did roll back on their initial plans.

Those are the facts.
No Kinect always on and DRM much reduced from the initial scare-stories (& much the same as anyone else's).

The only fact I see is you trying to play down something you said that was incorrect in reply to a question. It was not just simply an "initial idea" or anything completely close to a "myth" ~ as you specifically said. It was actually implemented and had to be removed upon release from the backlash they got. Which goes to SomeBozo's comment of losing track of all the different BS they spewed. Sorry but I fail to understand how something that factually happened is a "myth"...
This message has been edited since its posting. Latest edit was made on 11 Apr 2014 @ 5:30

1411.4.2014 20:23

Oner the only thing I see is you trying to make a dead issue relevant.

The fact is, however it got there, that Kinect is not always on, it can be turned off and unplugged & XB1 DRM that is now no different to anyone else's.

Going on like this (about something that did not in the end happen) strikes me as rather silly.

1511.4.2014 21:32

Originally posted by Interestx:
Oner the only thing I see is you trying to make a dead issue relevant.

The fact is, however it got there, that Kinect is not always on, it can be turned off and unplugged & XB1 DRM that is now no different to anyone else's.

Going on like this (about something that did not in the end happen) strikes me as rather silly.
What I find funny is what is ultimately misinformation trying to be passed off as fact and when disproven the downplay of it...but whatever. Sorry if facts mean more than myths to me.
This message has been edited since its posting. Latest edit was made on 11 Apr 2014 @ 9:33

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