Australia is well known to have less licensed content available via legal channels, despite being a developed nation. CK agrees with this, noting that it is in many cases easier to pirate.
Here is Louis CK's full (1 minute) rant about the subject:
Just shows how far behind the industry is including movie studio's,if your not making it available then people will find a way of getting it,even CK thinks his distribution company sux..lol..
if they got rid of region coding and made all movies and tv shows available to the public same time frame + same price they would cash in and piracy numbers would drop.
Quote:Not true!
"...despite it not being available in the country legally."
What Comedian Louis CK try to say is;
The Greedy basters Copywriters holders like MPAA, RIA, etc. They will never release anything around the world at the same time:
1.- 'cos they are no as big as they think.
2.- Their Greed blind them & they can't think stray, since they F-ing everybody including the actors, artists, producers, public, etc.
3.- Since they can't supply the world at once. Piracy is doing the job for FREE.
4.- Independent artist is the way to go. Send the Middle Man to burn in Hell.
I just happy that the Internet is fixing the scumbags MPAA & RIA witch are just a small group of people trying to control the demand for: You guessed, More $$$. To the point that they were some how, behind the NSA spying (Human-Behavior) for profits.
God Bless p2p.
the problem with foxtel and cable in general here is they try to sell you a bunch of crap you don't need raise the price and make it sound like a good deal.
I actually knew someone paying about $140 a month for internet with a cable box and 10 movies on demand a month + home phone and couple of other useless things and he honestly believed he got a good deal.
Just to clarify it wasn't foxtel it was a telstra t-box bundled with home phone and net and 10 movies on demand plus a bunch of free to air tv shows and a record function.
i mean in australia where i live.
Originally posted by xboxdvl2:true... true
the problem with foxtel and cable in general here is they try to sell you a bunch of crap you don't need raise the price and make it sound like a good deal.
I live in Australia and pay for Foxtel, have what is known as a Platinum account (all channels), plus I have Internet and landline (never use landline), in a package and pay $240 p/mth and I don't get 10 free pay per views a month!
Then on top of that I pay $55 p/mth for my mobile. Thing is I don't get to watch a lot because I'm away from home half time working in a regional area. I pay through the nose for my entertainment and I'm probably nuts for doing so.
There's so much I hear about that's showing internationally and half the time by the time the crowd here get wind of a show downunder it's cancelled or into the series for a few seasons, or spasmodically aired without any commitment to keep the show airing at the same time weekly. There have been a number of shows that I consider good by the write-ups and if I find someone that has 'found' them online I try to watch. There's even times I buy direct from the States or the UK (case in point Twin Peaks complete series on Bluray.. the shops here haven't even heard of this new release).
Sick of Australia being considered backwater to everywhere else in the world.
I think the way to go is streaming using a PS4 or else. Just like: You guessed. Most of us !!!
Now with the PS4 new native YouTube app. things just getting better.
Video Game Consoles Are Still The Most Popular Streaming Devices For TVs ("Free" Entertainment).
Streaming in Oz... forget it.
Since they got in power the Liberal conservatives in our country are torpedoing the National Broadband Network (NBN) fibre-to-the-home initiative. They are doing their best to suck as much cash out of circulation as they can.
Originally posted by tropolite:That's crazy. I use to pay $180 per month for cable tv (with premium channels), internet, and home phone here in the US. The thing is, I hardly watched tv. When I did watch tv, it was reruns of CSI, Law and Order, and NCIS. I cut the cord 7 or 8 years ago and never looked back. I pay 55 per month for 20Mb connection. I can download or stream whatever I want to watch or listen to. That's all I need. I also have an Amazon prime account that's $99 per year. I got it for the free 2 day shipping, the streaming video (and now music) is an added bonus.
I live in Australia and pay for Foxtel, have what is known as a Platinum account (all channels), plus I have Internet and landline (never use landline), in a package and pay $240 p/mth and I don't get 10 free pay per views a month!
I live in Australia and have never heard of this guy. Seems I should do as he said and go looking for some torrents, huh?
Originally posted by Dr_Shifty:Aye, ye be ta scurge of ta modern society, matey. an ye be savin a few bucks ta boot.
I live in Australia and have never heard of this guy. Seems I should do as he said and go looking for some torrents, huh?
Originally posted by Dr_Shifty:As I said, he's been on ABC2 (chan 22).
I live in Australia and have never heard of this guy. Seems I should do as he said and go looking for some torrents, huh?
Originally posted by Jemborg:in his defense your honor, Louis gave him the idea.
Originally posted by Dr_Shifty:As I said, he's been on ABC2 (chan 22).
I live in Australia and have never heard of this guy. Seems I should do as he said and go looking for some torrents, huh?
Originally posted by DXR88:It's OK, Mr D. Jemborg is just pretending he doesn't recognise irony. :)
Originally posted by Jemborg:in his defense your honor, Louis gave him the idea.
Originally posted by Dr_Shifty:As I said, he's been on ABC2 (chan 22).
I live in Australia and have never heard of this guy. Seems I should do as he said and go looking for some torrents, huh?
Hey Jemborg, good to see the DSE VZ300 in your sig. I've got a Cambridge Z88 sitting on my desk - a bit of nostalgia for those old enough to remember the 80s.
I just figured you'd missed my earlier post heh.
I did a quick scan of ABC iView for louie and he's not there atm. They've repeated him before I think... they'll do it again.
Yeah, those crazy Z80 machines. Puts it in perspective hey?