The movie starring James Franco and Seth Rogen was given the green light by Sony after cancelling the premiere because of threats. Hackers who obtained confidential data in a security breach have been threatening Sony and the theaters for possible releases. The threats have not materialized.
The reason behind Apple's reluctance to add the movie immediately after Sony had contacted the online distributors to release the film was not revealed. The prices are the same $6 for rental and $15 for purchase as they are in the competing services.
The film was also released in couple hundred independent theaters that sold out many of the showings. The online version from Sony's own service was leaked on to pirate sites from where it has since been downloaded millions of times.
Sony has estimated that the film has made over $15 million in online revenue, mostly from Google's online services.
The reason behind Apple's reluctance to add the movie immediately after Sony had contacted the online distributors to release the film was not revealed. The prices are the same $6 for rental and $15 for purchase as they are in the competing services.
The film was also released in couple hundred independent theaters that sold out many of the showings. The online version from Sony's own service was leaked on to pirate sites from where it has since been downloaded millions of times.
Sony has estimated that the film has made over $15 million in online revenue, mostly from Google's online services.