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A bug in Chrome allows you to download Netflix movies

Written by Matti Robinson @ 25 Jun 2016 3:21 User comments (7)

A bug in Chrome allows you to download Netflix movies A group of security researchers have found a vulnerability in Google's Chrome browser that allows downloading movies straight from Netflix. This is obviously not a feature especially the entertainment industry wants in what is the most popular browser on the globe.
David Livshits from the Cyber Security Research Center at Ben-Gurion University in Israel and Alexandra Mikityuk with Telekom Innovation Laboratories in Berlin, Germany have found that the implementation of Widevine EME/CDM technology that is used to stream encrypted video was lacking and enabled downloading of the video. According to Wired, the two researchers informed Google of this bug already in May but it hasn't yet been patched.

This not only works with Netflix but many of its competitors, like HBO. The researchers will not reveal the details to the bug before 90 days has passed since they told Google about it. Google still has time to issue a fix before pirate jump all over this security hole. The researchers have though released a brief video showcasing the vulnerability.

Google has acknowledged that the bug exists and says that it's working on fixing the problem. The vulnerability might also be found on other Chromium based browsers which include for example Opera.

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7 user comments

125.6.2016 23:03

Opera have a very friendly download system.
Had use it for awhile.

4 more info on how to download video from anywhere ...
including baby step's on how to code, etc.

This message has been edited since its posting. Latest edit was made on 26 Jun 2016 @ 6:40

226.6.2016 21:27

Where is the location of the local folder?

327.6.2016 12:00

My files > > > data > opera > files

My files > SD card > Android > data > > files

It takes time to download big HD files tho.
To play save use Wi-Fi.

This message has been edited since its posting. Latest edit was made on 27 Jun 2016 @ 12:35

427.6.2016 14:08

Originally posted by Mrguss:
My files > > > data > opera > files

My files > SD card > Android > data > > files

It takes time to download big HD files tho.
To play save use Wi-Fi.
I can't find it. Please help. edited by ddp
This message has been edited since its posting. Latest edit was made on 28 Jun 2016 @ 7:18

527.6.2016 14:22

Just use the Opera Dragonfly feature to find the source file.

627.6.2016 14:48

Maybe i just have terrible luck because it's not working for me for chrome or opera

727.6.2016 19:56

If you have a computer with XP & Chrome you're in luck. If you have Windows 7 or higher then Google probably patched the "bug" by now.

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