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FAA advises not to take Note7 on planes

Written by Matti Robinson @ 09 Sep 2016 1:53 User comments (2)

FAA advises not to take Note7 on planes

Samsung's newest addition to its Galaxy smartphones was received well until it was exposed that the phone can spontaneously combust because of its faulty battery. Now after Samsung's recall of more than 2 million units, customers are advised to not take the explosion sensitive phone on planes.
The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has warned people not to use the phone while on plane but also not to pack it with their checked-in luggages, BBC reports. Airlines such as Qantas and Virgin Australia have told customers not to charge or use the phones while flying with them.

The reports from Samsung say that first Note7 replacements start shipping on September 21 in Australia. Samsung has not disclosed information on other regions.

For Samsung the faulty battery – or probaly the fail-safe circuitry – has obviously been hugely costly. A lot of early customers have switched to a different device and presumably to different manufacturers. In early September when the recall was made there were 35 reported cases of Note7 catching fire.

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2 user comments

19.9.2016 14:18

Because Samsung mills this sh*t out!!!

TV's too!!!

I'm not saying their phones are total P.O.S.'s but between their TV's and cell phones, they are more substandard than most other manufacturers.

Both Samsung televisions AND cell phones are among the most unreliable, even though they're most popular but quality is lacking.

F'ing S. Koreans think their shizzy doesn't stink and can mill out garbage w/o negative effects............well......HERE'S YOUR FIRST.

29.9.2016 22:32

It isn't because they are from South Korea, it is because their product design cycle doesn't leave time for adequate testing. Kia and Hyundai are also from South Korea, and while I personally think their cars look terrible to the point that I'd be embarrassed to drive a brand new one, they are well made. Samsung does make some nice stuff; their higher-end TV's and monitors are lovely. I gave up on their phones long ago, but that was actually more because of their war on root than any quality issues...if they spent as much effort testing the batteries as they do trying to keep people from using Titanium Backup, the FAA would be asking them to make new batteries for the 787.

I'm afraid that they may have copied a bit too much of the Apple thing where you focus on meeting a specific launch date and appearance and completely forget that people will actually be using it. At least there are about a hundred other companies making Android phones.

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