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Netflix raised prices in the U.S. for all tiers

Written by Matti Robinson @ 15 Jan 2019 12:18 User comments (10)

Netflix raised prices in the U.S. for all tiers

Netflix is a fairly affordable way to watch TV, but it was even cheaper a few years back.
Actually, the streaming giant has been steadily increasing the prices in the U.S. and abroad. Now another price hike has been implemented, which means a dollar or two more for every subscription, the number of which total 58 million in the United States.

Previously Netflix's Basic plan was sold for $7.99 a month, but after the most recent price hike it goes to $8.99. The second tier, Standard, is now $12.99 compared to $10.99 earlier, and the elite tier, Premium, also goes up two bucks to $15.99 from $13.99.

A 13 to 18 percent rise across the board is fairly significant, and in fact its the largest of four price hikes in streaming service's history.

Netflix's increasing Originals production, including shows and movies of all stripes, has put pressure on prices. One can assume that the spiral will continue, and further price hikes are in the future for other regions.

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10 user comments

115.1.2019 14:52

Netflix is getting too greedy. Every year they keep raising their prices for the same boring selection movies. Once in a awhile they will throw us a bone and give us a main title, but the rest of the shows are old and low budget films.

215.1.2019 16:44

Originally posted by g_slide:
Netflix is getting too greedy. Every year they keep raising their prices for the same boring selection movies. Once in a awhile they will throw us a bone and give us a main title, but the rest of the shows are old and low budget films.
What a complainer!
$10 a month is nothing unless your poor. Content is good and we enjoy it. Much better content than what abc,nbc, and cbs has to offer.

315.1.2019 17:43


This message has been edited since its posting. Latest edit was made on 15 Jan 2019 @ 5:47

415.1.2019 17:43

Originally posted by nu2duo:

What a complainer!
$10 a month is nothing unless your poor. Content is good and we enjoy it. Much better content than what abc,nbc, and cbs has to offer.
It’s not $10.99 a month, it is going to be $12.99 a month. You don’t get it anyways so why even bother. It’s not just about the money, it’s about every year they keep raising their prices, when does it end? I guess mommy and daddy are still paying your bills, how old are you 17?

Also “better than ABC, NBC, CBS”. You must be poor yourself if you don’t have cable program channels and only have local channels. Tell mommy and daddy that they shouldn’t have cut the cord.

You're just another sheep and little kids like you are the reason why they keep raising prices and companies like Netflix give consumers nothing in return because you just go along with it.

Maybe if you paid your own bills, you will look at the big picture for the annual cost. Next year they will raise it again and again as they have previously done and you still get the same crappy movies created by Adam Sandler.

GTFOH Newbie!
This message has been edited since its posting. Latest edit was made on 15 Jan 2019 @ 6:01

516.1.2019 02:28

I use to have Amazon prime as well as Netflix. I believe Amazon Prime is much better and has allot more to offer the consumer. I'm back to viewing Netflix simply Amazon Prime is not block here in the Philippines.

616.1.2019 07:05

Keep calm and continue watching Stranger things. :)

717.1.2019 13:26

Originally posted by nu2duo:
Originally posted by g_slide:
Netflix is getting too greedy. Every year they keep raising their prices for the same boring selection movies. Once in a awhile they will throw us a bone and give us a main title, but the rest of the shows are old and low budget films.
What a complainer!
$10 a month is nothing unless your poor. Content is good and we enjoy it. Much better content than what abc,nbc, and cbs has to offer.
$12.99+tax = approx. $13.87 per month = 166.40 per year

To illustrate the importance of good money management, I inputted the exact price of Netflix's current standard plan into an investment calculator. Assuming someone chose to invest in an index fund instead of subscribing to Netflix, and invested only this money from the time they turned 18 until they retire at age 69, they would be left with over a half a million dollars.

Never underestimate the value of money. To say "It's only $10, who cares?" is ignorant in my opinion.

Variables: $13.87 monthly from age 18 to 69 with annual rate of return of 12% for a total of $8,488 in total contributions.

818.1.2019 07:03

12% gains? Is that realistic? And is that 500k at today's value or in 51 years from now? Do most people retire at 69 now? Thought it was earlier.

I get it though, $10 here, $10 there. It adds up. But considering that my cable co (optimum) (or the town) won't let fios in, and the rediculous prices they charge... Sometimes you gotta pick your crook.

918.1.2019 07:05

Imo, i enjoy netflix's variety and overall selection.

1021.1.2019 11:07

I think I'll keep on renting from Redbox, though they are also increasing costs. Where I am from it's $1.75 + tax = $1.95 each DVD rental.

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