AfterDawn: Tech news

Apple removes all vape apps amid health concerns

Written by Matti Robinson @ 18 Nov 2019 12:51

Apple removes all vape apps amid health concerns Electronic cigarettes, or vaping as the kids call it, has grown in popularity immensely in the past decade or so. It has largely grown out of people wanting to get rid of traditional cigarettes for a healthier option, but it also differs in terms of technology.
Vaping involves a technology that uses usually electricity to turn liquid into inhalable vapor. This combined with the fact that everything is nowadays intermingled with smartphones, you expect there to be vaping apps too, right?

Well there's an app for it, in fact tons of them. However, Apple's recent decision has purged all of them from the App Store.

This is due to the fact that recently some deaths and other health issues have been connected, however loosely, to vaping. Not too long ago China banned the selling of electronic cigarettes online.

While that might not be because of realistic health concerns, who knows what kind of market control idea is really behind it, Apple seems to believe there's a reason to discourage vaping. In fact, the company had halted the submit process for vaping apps already June.

To go a step further, now they are all gone from the App Store.

According to Apple, the removal decision has been made with help of CDC as well American Heart Association who've determined that vaping has resulted lung injuries.

"Recently, experts ranging from the CDC to the American Heart Association have attributed a variety of lung injuries and fatalities to e-cigarette and vaping products, going so far as to call the spread of these devices a public health crisis and a youth epidemic."

While vaping apps are no longer permitted in the App Store, the ones you've previously downloaded and installed on your devices do remain in place and working.

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