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If NBCU purchase is approved, Comcast will create minority stations

Written by Andre Yoskowitz @ 18 Dec 2010 2:54 User comments (8)

If NBCU purchase is approved, Comcast will create minority stations Cable giant Comcast has said today that if their proposed purchase of NBCU is accepted, the company will create minority channels aimed at the Asian and Black markets.
The channels follow agreements recently made with civil rights groups.

Comcast is still awaiting final decision on the purchase, a 51 percent stake for $30 billion USD, from the U.S. Justice Department and the Federal Communications Commission (FCC).

A multitude of public interest groups have insisted that the Obama administration reject the purchase, fearing that Comcast will leverage its new power to charge other cable companies higher fees for NBCU content, leading to higher bills for consumers and less competition in the marketplace.

As part of the new deals, Comcast will add four new cable networks owned, or partly owned by black people, and at least one new English-language channel that will "cater to" Asian interests.

Tags: Comcast NBCU
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8 user comments

118.12.2010 04:28

F***ing racists...

They want a monopoly, and the government is fine with that so long as they try to turn people against eachother...sickening.

218.12.2010 08:29

Originally posted by KillerBug:
F***ing racists...

They want a monopoly, and the government is fine with that so long as they try to turn people against each other...sickening.
Say Zig Heil to PC zero thought overlords!

318.12.2010 11:04

What if I'm Hispanic who is basically Asian on the inside?

418.12.2010 11:18

Originally posted by 21Q:
What if I'm Hispanic who is basically Asian on the inside?
You can watch the new "Asian Interest" channel with Spanish subtitles. :)

518.12.2010 15:18

don't we already have BET? How much more rap music and tyler perry can they show?

618.12.2010 15:20

Shit... I quit with TV ages ago. SyFy channel with only Wrestling and BET channel which is the most racist channel ever and now this crap?

Put this day on your calendar. The day that the TV paradigm changed forever and people realized that the net is far better.

718.12.2010 21:16

Originally posted by ThePastor:
Put this day on your calendar. The day that the TV paradigm changed forever and people realized that the net is far better.
not if the MPAA lobbyist have there way.

820.12.2010 01:47

You can't stop the can stop the legal channels that feed money to the content creators (as well as the MPAA), but you can never stop the illegal stuff...and guess where people will get their content if you stop the legal sources...

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