AfterDawn: Tech news

50,000 iTunes accounts go up for sale in China

Written by Andre Yoskowitz @ 07 Jan 2011 4:26 User comments (3)

50,000 iTunes accounts go up for sale in China China's Global Times newspaper is reporting today that over 50,000 stolen iTunes accounts are currently being sold via, a Chinese online store.
Some of the accounts are selling for as cheap as 1 yuan (about $0.15 USD) with others going for as high as 200 yuan ($30.15 USD).

An investigative journalist for the paper says he was able to quickly purchase an account for 33 yuan, given an iTunes username and password, and inevitably the user's credit card and billing address.

Says the report:

Potential buyers are promised access to music and movies through iTunes amounting to seven times more than the amount paid. The only restriction is that all downloads should be made within 24 hours of the transaction being completed at [the site].

It is unclear whether all the accounts were stolen through phishing or if some of the accounts were created by taobao users with stolen credit cards.

Apple was quick to respond:

We're always working to enhance account security for iTunes users. If your credit card or iTunes password is stolen and used on iTunes, you should contact your financial institution about any unauthorized purchases, and be sure to change your iTunes password right away.

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3 user comments

17.1.2011 18:54

Stuff like this is why I changed my iTunes account, cancelled my credit card, and only use Gift Cards (that I bought and then promptly use) with iTunes when I buy music.

Let's see them phish that!!

28.1.2011 09:17

So what is apple's word on security because someone just took a byte out of it.

38.1.2011 12:00

I've experienced this first hand. Signed up for an iTunes account, had my iTunes runnning over night,updating my song list, and voila, Was charged around $144 USD on my credit card. Had to go to the bank and they told me to file a police report before I could get my stolen money returned. was rather amusing going to the local cops, telling them that charges for iTunes of Luxembourg were made on my account without my consent. They did fill out a police report, but highly doubt that the city police dept. is going to fly out to Luxembourg to nab the villains. All in all I did get my money back, but had to pay for the copies of my police report. And by the way, I got the exact standard reply from Apple, the one that's posted in this article.

This message has been edited since its posting. Latest edit was made on 08 Jan 2011 @ 12:02

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