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Transformer Prime ICS lockups to be fixed next month

Written by Andre Yoskowitz @ 28 Jan 2012 11:37 User comments (1)

Transformer Prime ICS lockups to be fixed next month Hundreds of users have complained of "random lockups" of their Transformer Prime after updating to Android 4.0 ICS, but that should be a problem of the past, soon.
Asus says it "hope[s] to have a fix available in early February" for the issue.

Most of the users who had the issue saw lockups of the tablet while browsing or in high-performance mode. There are about 400 replies in the XDA Developers thread in response to the issue.

The first ever quad-core tablet has been marred by issues since its launch, including Wi-Fi signal and Bluetooth problems. The tablet has built-in GPS but it so useless Asus has removed it from the spec sheet.

Furthermore, Asus is releasing an unlock tool for the bootloader next month, as well, making it easier for devs to create custom ROMs.

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1 user comment

130.1.2012 13:37

"Next month"?????? about next week??

How discourteous of Asus to lollygag on this one.

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