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Microsoft ordered to remove Xbox 360 and Windows 7 from Germany

Written by Andre Yoskowitz @ 02 May 2012 11:36 User comments (10)

Microsoft ordered to remove Xbox 360 and Windows 7 from Germany A German court has ruled today that Microsoft has infringed on a number of Motorola Mobility patents.
The ruling also demands Microsoft remove their Xbox 360 console and Windows 7 OS from the entire German market.

Despite the ruling, the Redmond giant has been granted a preliminary injunction in the U.S. that will prevent Motorola from enforcing any court orders from other nations. This injunction will likely keep the products on shelves for the future.

Says Microsoft: "Motorola is prohibited from acting on today's decision, and our business in Germany will continue as usual while we appeal this decision and pursue the fundamental issue of Motorola's broken promise."

This week's decision was part of the much larger smartphone patent epic being fought by Apple, Microsoft, Samsung and others. German judge Holger Kircher noted today that Microsoft breached an agreement with Motorola Mobility in "using certain video-compression software in products including Windows 7 and Xbox."

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10 user comments

13.5.2012 01:05

The patent wars are getting really ridiculous now.

23.5.2012 01:22

Might be cheaper and faster to just get some Dueling Pistols for everyone.

33.5.2012 01:39

Originally posted by JST1946:
Might be cheaper and faster to just get some Dueling Pistols for everyone.
Seconded. (Let Apple get blanks)

43.5.2012 08:26

so pull it! Fu** Germany, Microsoft will not go under. pull windows right off all of the Government computers

53.5.2012 08:59

The Fatherland has spoken.........Seig Heil!

63.5.2012 17:26

Originally posted by chefdp:
All this is a load of crap motorola thinks they can just jump in and say stop and microsoft thinks because there so big they can just take over ant the patents are only as good as the paper there written on and we all know this. all this is about is money i cant wait for ubuntu to take over microsoft and i have always been a fna of windows but ubuntu 12.04 looks so sweet and is so easy to use and sweet it just keeps geting better and better and is free what more coulkd you ask for and all this crao about oney and power needs to stop motorola vs microsoft vs apple vs samsung ect grow up get a life
Ubuntu is an awesome operating system (use it on two boxes myself) I'm just waiting for it to get too big for its britches and join the ranks of microsoft and mac OS in that it will come with a price of some kind.

73.5.2012 18:49

Originally posted by dodger5:
Originally posted by chefdp:
All this is a load of crap motorola thinks they can just jump in and say stop and microsoft thinks because there so big they can just take over ant the patents are only as good as the paper there written on and we all know this. all this is about is money i cant wait for ubuntu to take over microsoft and i have always been a fna of windows but ubuntu 12.04 looks so sweet and is so easy to use and sweet it just keeps geting better and better and is free what more coulkd you ask for and all this crao about oney and power needs to stop motorola vs microsoft vs apple vs samsung ect grow up get a life
Ubuntu is an awesome operating system (use it on two boxes myself) I'm just waiting for it to get too big for its britches and join the ranks of microsoft and mac OS in that it will come with a price of some kind.
you can support Ubuntu by buying their copies the OS or merch if you like them so much. its like 5 euros for a pack of 5 cds.

84.5.2012 12:21

Pull out? Doesn't sound manly to me... I say leave it in there till we get the job done. George Carlin.

The Chihuahua gets one lucky shot on the nuts of a Great Dane & now they think they rule the world. I'm not saying that Motorola doesn't have their due, but delusions have most certainly set in. You'd think they had just taken the main thrown at Jonestown, Guyana. Kinda quaffed down a bit of that Cool-Aid...

The greed withdrawal of all these corporations in this economy has developed a kind of starvation style of madness, don't you think? Seems to me if these idiots had laid off all the lawsuits & the money thrown down the shitter (kinda like lottery tickets) that all that cost, just waited out the financial crisis instead of trying to lace their jackets with the virgin pelts of even more fleeced customers & slacks made from the leathered asses of war torn corporate thieves, they might have been just fine.

Personally... Let 'em have Germany. Motorola will completely fold & M$ will come in & literally buy up all that they once were. They'll be a gigantic f*king joke. Like Germany won't go out of the country to get their software/products from another source.

Completely laughable.

94.5.2012 12:32

Originally posted by arnould1:
so pull it! Fu** Germany, Microsoft will not go under. pull windows right off all of the Government computers
Who says their government is even using legit software to begin with?

105.5.2012 22:29

Since all of the companies involved in these patent wars produce both software and hardware, it seems clear where all of this is headed. Some absolutely kick-ass corporate robot armies, settling these disputes!!!!

This message has been edited since its posting. Latest edit was made on 05 May 2012 @ 10:39

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