According to the most recent NetApplications data, both Internet Explorer and Chrome gained market share for January.
The month was the third of full availability for IE11, which finally surpassed its predecessor.
Altogether, IE gained just 0.30 percentage points to 58.21 percent while Firefox dropped 0.27 percentage points to 18.08 percent and Chrome fractionally gained 0.06 percentage points to 16.28 percent.
Safari, which is only used by Mac and iPad/iPhone owners, stayed flat at 5.80 percent.
Internet Explorer has made an impressive comeback since the beginning of 2013, following a dip under 55 percent for the first time ever.
Altogether, IE gained just 0.30 percentage points to 58.21 percent while Firefox dropped 0.27 percentage points to 18.08 percent and Chrome fractionally gained 0.06 percentage points to 16.28 percent.
Safari, which is only used by Mac and iPad/iPhone owners, stayed flat at 5.80 percent.
Internet Explorer has made an impressive comeback since the beginning of 2013, following a dip under 55 percent for the first time ever.