AfterDawn: Tech news

Apple stock falls after rumor of Steve Jobs' health

Written by Andre Yoskowitz @ 17 Feb 2011 2:24 User comments (59)

Apple stock falls after rumor of Steve Jobs' health

Apple's shares have fallen five points today after the National Enquirer posted pictures of the ailing CEO Steve Jobs, claiming he may only have six weeks to live due to pancreatic cancer.
The pictures show Jobs leaving the Stanford Cancer Center looking very weak and frail, with his clothes hanging loosely from his body.

Jobs, at 6'2, is said to have fallen to 130 pounds.

Furthermore, the CEO has thinning hair which is "a sign of the effects of the advanced chemotherapy usually used to treat the disease."

One critical care physician, Dr. Samuel Jacobson said of the pictures (via Econ):

Judging from the photos, he is close to terminal. I would say he has six weeks. He is emaciated and looks to have lost a lot of muscle mass, which spells a poor prognosis.

Despite the tabloid report, more credible agencies like the AP have reported today that Jobs will meet with President Barack Obama today to discuss technology and the U.S.

Whether the rumor is true or not, we at AfterDawn wish Jobs a speedy recovery.

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59 user comments

117.2.2011 14:34

edited by ddp

This message has been edited since its posting. Latest edit was made on 18 Feb 2011 @ 4:15

217.2.2011 15:07

You are wrong.

First of all, are you not human?

Second, Apple is the reason Windows exists (too bad Windows sucks though). Jobs was there to do that, not Microsoft.

317.2.2011 15:45

Originally posted by tatsh:
You are wrong.

First of all, are you not human?

Second, Apple is the reason Windows exists (too bad Windows sucks though). Jobs was there to do that, not Microsoft.
Agreed, that is a disgusting thing to say, whether you like the man or not. Also, while previous versions of Windows have stunk, Win7 is better than any MacOS.

417.2.2011 15:53
Unverified new user

Originally posted by Notcow:
edited by ddp.
What kind of idiot, and I mean the Neanderthal type, makes that kind of comment?
This message has been edited since its posting. Latest edit was made on 18 Feb 2011 @ 4:16

517.2.2011 16:31

it doesn't look good for him, some reports on other sites say he has less than a week to live.

I hope he can spend every last days living out as if they are his last, the way he wanted to live life; he should forget about work unless he knows for sure he's going to get better.

617.2.2011 16:37
Unverified new user

Notcow: you sound like a bitter person with no compassion. Steve Jobs lives on as the brilliant star who helped the rest of the tech world move forward. What have you done lately?

717.2.2011 16:43

Guess what, I still think Apple is over hyped, over priced garbage. but I still wish him a full recovery, nobody should have to die such a slow and painful death. Not even a Douche bag like Jobs.

817.2.2011 17:48
Unverified new user

god bless steve jobs & his entire family. i have so much respect for the fight that steve has endured, im a cancer survivor & it is a difficult journey. mr job set an example that you can beat the odds and live longer than anticipated. this man has given so much to society with his inventions. i am an apple shareholder & could care less if the stock drops, the man is sick and being followed around by goulish perverts trying to get a picture of him entering a treatment center??? parasites that are trying to make a finacial gain off playing the market off this mans poor health. mr. Jobs..thank you for your positive spirit & love for what you do. enjoy everymoment with your family & leave go the responsibility of your company to the people who you have trained well to manage it. they will continue to do a great job.

917.2.2011 18:03

I've always said he's complete scum, in the way he's ran Apple. I also can't help but see why that makes him the great businessman he is.

Any way it's wrong to say summin like "good riddance". You should never wish death upon any one and it's not like Jobbs ever damaged someone's life or hurt any one (at least what we know about). Be a human and treat him wit respect yeah..

Wishing him a healthy recovery, but please fix Apple up afterwards !!

1017.2.2011 18:48

Apple has supported the MPAA and RIAA, a company that fights to restrict our rights and has ruined many peoples' lives...all I'm saying is that this is Karma. He's made bad choices...he should atone.

This message has been edited since its posting. Latest edit was made on 17 Feb 2011 @ 6:50

1117.2.2011 18:51
Joseph Cool
Unverified new user

I hate Steve Jobs and Apple with a passion and I'm not afraid of letting my opinion be known, but seeing him like that is just sad. I hate Steve jobs the bullshitting bully CEO of Apple . I feel sorry for Steve Jobs the human being. Get well soon Mr. Jobs so I can go back to rippin on ya.

1217.2.2011 21:15

Originally posted by Notcow:
Good riddance....

Apple has supported the MPAA and RIAA, a company that fights to restrict our rights and has ruined many peoples' lives...all I'm saying is that this is Karma. He's made bad choices...he should atone.
SMH. Unbelievable. I am at a loss of words...actually I'm not, but what I would like to say would not be the proper thing for a moderator to do.

1317.2.2011 21:26

Originally posted by Oner:
Originally posted by Notcow:
Good riddance....

Apple has supported the MPAA and RIAA, a company that fights to restrict our rights and has ruined many peoples' lives...all I'm saying is that this is Karma. He's made bad choices...he should atone.
SMH. Unbelievable. I am at a loss of words...actually I'm not, but what I would like to say would not be the proper thing for a moderator to do.
Same. Was literally shocked by the comment. Ironically, his comment will likely bring some really bad karma on him.

As I wrote in the article, I personally wish Steve Jobs an incredibly speedy recovery and no pain. My grandfather died of pancreatic cancer at an early age also, it was brutal.

1417.2.2011 21:27

Originally posted by Notcow:
Apple has supported the MPAA and RIAA, a company that fights to restrict our rights and has ruined many peoples' lives...all I'm saying is that this is Karma. He's made bad choices...he should atone.
This is such a mean thing to say. You should have just kept your evil mouth shut and not make a post at all if that how you feel.
My hatred for Mr. Jobs policies is well documented but I would never wish for someone to die in anyway. And if it wasn't for many of his and his company's innovations we wouldn't have much of the technology we have enjoy today. Never thought I'd be defending him but really man you're the worst kind of person their is

1517.2.2011 21:45

No human being should EVER wish this kind of hardship on another. My prayers go out to the Jobs family.

1617.2.2011 21:56
jj-the man
Unverified new user

REMEMBER- you CANT pick on Steve when he's sick, you must wait for him to be "non-sick" or you are the A-hole, not him. Also, remember, if it wornt for Bill Gates and Adobe, Apple would have withered and died in the 80's. It's all about the business applications. Home users in the 80's and 90's made a small percent of PC prophets. Business was where the $$$ came from. That's why sick-boy is such a dicktator. Remove the user control and take the $$$ and run!

1717.2.2011 22:58

Originally posted by xyqo:
Originally posted by Notcow:
Apple has supported the MPAA and RIAA, a company that fights to restrict our rights and has ruined many peoples' lives...all I'm saying is that this is Karma. He's made bad choices...he should atone.
This is such a mean thing to say. You should have just kept your evil mouth shut and not make a post at all if that how you feel.
My hatred for Mr. Jobs policies is well documented but I would never wish for someone to die in anyway. And if it wasn't for many of his and his company's innovations we wouldn't have much of the technology we have enjoy today. Never thought I'd be defending him but really man you're the worst kind of person their is
I am not making any comparison with Jobs here, but wouldn't you wish Hitler dead if this was 1942?

Still, I hope he makes a full recovery and lives long enough to see his policies drive his company into the ground, his customers sue him into near infinite death, and his former friends and fans leave him in some 3rd rate nursing home. Like I said, he isn't a Hitler or an Osama. AFAIK, he has never actually killed anyone, and everything he has done to his customers was known about in advance; it isn't like he removes features and springs rootkits on the users. If you wish natural death on someone for their evil ways, there are so many better targets, such as certain members of SCEA management.

1817.2.2011 23:21

i hope that he lives. even though i dont too much like apple i love the competition that they make with the other companies. apple made everyone else reinvent themselves to make better electronics.

1917.2.2011 23:50

Originally posted by Prey521:
Originally posted by tatsh:
You are wrong.

First of all, are you not human?

Second, Apple is the reason Windows exists (too bad Windows sucks though). Jobs was there to do that, not Microsoft.
Agreed, that is a disgusting thing to say, whether you like the man or not. Also, while previous versions of Windows have stunk, Win7 is better than any MacOS.

I would disagree, go back and check the history for graphical user interfaces... Xerox was the first to pioneer them, and was one of the main arguements Microsoft used when Apple sued Microsoft for being too close... Gate's response was just because Apple stole the design from Xerox doesn't mean they have exclusive right to what they stole from Xerox...

2017.2.2011 23:53

i give him a week maybe two and he'll be dead. my father died from the same disease, it is a very slow very painful death. wouldn't wish it on anyone.

Steve Jobs is a business man, such as he is. everything he has done has been for the best interest of his company. Many of his strong arm tactics in business where necessary to secure his companies investments. many years from now Steve's business tactics will be learned remembered and used.

its not about what you've done in this life, its about what you've left behind.

Godspeed, Steve.

2118.2.2011 03:44

I'm just surprised you are using the National Enquirer as a reputable source. If this is being reported by other non-tabloid supermarket trash, it would make for a more believable story.

2218.2.2011 08:21

Originally posted by Notcow:
Good riddance.
Hmmmmm.... An expected response from an idiot. Sorry what was your name and what did you invent or revolutionise? Where are you on the rich list?

Close the door on the way out

2318.2.2011 12:13

I've purposely stayed away from Apple stock because the company relies on Mr Jobs for direction and will flounder when he's gone. I never liked Apple products due to high prices and proprietary accessories that can only be bought from Apple. I-Tunes is overpriced too. A digital download should only cost around 30 cents since there is no shipping, handling or packaging involved with the product. I respect the man as an innovator but despise him as a huckster.

2418.2.2011 12:31

Originally posted by Notcow:
Good riddance.
Your a fuckin prick...

2518.2.2011 12:31

Originally posted by rockjockey:
I've purposely stayed away from Apple stock because the company relies on Mr Jobs for direction and will flounder when he's gone. I never liked Apple products due to high prices and proprietary accessories that can only be bought from Apple. I-Tunes is overpriced too. A digital download should only cost around 30 cents since there is no shipping, handling or packaging involved with the product. I respect the man as an innovator but despise him as a huckster.
Excellent points and well said. I considered for the longest time Apple computers had a niche for graphics were way over priced and a closed system, much like you said. What always perplexed me, given the Apple ][ was so open and was so popular because of all the mods you could get for it. Why did Mr. Jobs ever close the Crapintosh as much has he did.

Anyway above all, as a person I wish the best for Mr. Jobs, sorry to see a tragedy like this happen to anyone.

2618.2.2011 12:36

Over priced and closed, agree completely.
But as of this moment am running OS X on my PC and gettin to like it.
With Apple using Intel x86 architecture, its easier than ever to run it on PC.

2718.2.2011 14:33

This is what he gets for edited by ddp over his sheep customers for years. I wish him a fast and painless death (even though that isn't going to be the case)

This message has been edited since its posting. Latest edit was made on 18 Feb 2011 @ 4:17

2818.2.2011 22:50

Originally posted by SomeBozo:
Originally posted by Prey521:
Originally posted by tatsh:
You are wrong.

First of all, are you not human?

Second, Apple is the reason Windows exists (too bad Windows sucks though). Jobs was there to do that, not Microsoft.
Agreed, that is a disgusting thing to say, whether you like the man or not. Also, while previous versions of Windows have stunk, Win7 is better than any MacOS.

I would disagree, go back and check the history for graphical user interfaces... Xerox was the first to pioneer them, and was one of the main arguments Microsoft used when Apple sued Microsoft for being too close... Gate's response was just because Apple stole the design from Xerox doesn't mean they have exclusive right to what they stole from Xerox...

I was about to mention the Xerox origins Bozo. It's all very well to point out Apple cleverly exploited the idea but no way did they have the inspiration that created GUI.

I have a grudging respect for Steve Jobs and Apple but I don't pretend their operating systems are totally original - i.e. not based on Unix. Machead fanboyz credit them with too much. e.g. graphical superiority, a bygone laurel.

There were precursors to the iPad. But there is a carry on like they were the first. How I wish that sometimes Amiga had kept going just to wipe the smugness from a few faces.

Just once I would like to see a truly knowledgeable Mac enthusiast describe why they like the machines and why they are prepared to pay so much for them and not resort to imaginary innovations, superiority and whatnot doing so.

It's sad when a company's shareprice is tied into the hero worship of it's CEO. Jobs should come clean and detail a succession process or whatever it's called. But because he hasn't maybe the reports of his impending doom are exaggerated and it really is just the effects of the chemo. Look at the way Michael Douglas has bounced back and he looked like death warmed up!

If he is on the way out I hope he passes as painlessly as possible - I don't like to see anyone in his position.

2918.2.2011 22:54

Originally posted by Sudds:
Over priced and closed, agree completely.
But as of this moment am running OS X on my PC and gettin to like it.
With Apple using Intel x86 architecture, its easier than ever to run it on PC.
Hang on, don't Macs do x64 yet???

I have considered building some Machead friends Hackintoshes to save them a bit of cash but they are a bit too gutless to try it. :)

3018.2.2011 23:25

Edit my comment? Seems free speech has no place in the world any more...

If I were to say the same thing I had said about Hitler, I wonder if you would have censored me as well...

3119.2.2011 00:58

Originally posted by Notcow:
Edit my comment? Seems free speech has no place in the world any more...

If I were to say the same thing I had said about Hitler, I wonder if you would have censored me as well...
Did you just compare Steve Jobs to Hitler? Really? Really?? You need to stop posting in this thread, simple.

3219.2.2011 01:02

Notcow, could have deleted your post but it would cause the other posts not to make sense.

3319.2.2011 01:06

Originally posted by ddp:
Notcow, could have deleted your post but it would cause the other posts not to make sense.
Can we simply delete Notcow :)

Thanks for moderating. Nice to have intelligent meaningful conversations.

3419.2.2011 01:27

Originally posted by Jemborg:
Originally posted by Sudds:
Over priced and closed, agree completely.
But as of this moment am running OS X on my PC and gettin to like it.
With Apple using Intel x86 architecture, its easier than ever to run it on PC.
Hang on, don't Macs do x64 yet???

I have considered building some Machead friends Hackintoshes to save them a bit of cash but they are a bit too gutless to try it. :)

If i read Apple's own comments for x64 support ( it seems they say it is build with x64, and ready for the future.... So it reminds me of Microsoft's good old Win32s... If I read Apple's post correctly there stuff is now built to support running in x64 but the system itself only emulates it until they truly support it natively...

One of the biggest issue going from 32 to 64 bit, are the word/byte alignment issues... (, it isn't as easy to simply switching from a 32bit compiler and recompiling in x64. Going through many program ports at work the errors would pop up in the strangest places, thank god for all the automated tests we had :)

This message has been edited since its posting. Latest edit was made on 19 Feb 2011 @ 1:30

3519.2.2011 03:47

@notcow- I rarely post on this site anymore and I forgot why until now. While I do not care for how Jobs has run Apple and I despise their tactics saying what you said IS STILL wrong. Then you proceed to throw in a hitler comment?!?

Now this is coming from someone who has had firsthand experience caring for someone who recently died from pancreatic cancer. The rest of what I want to post here would definitely get me banned so I'll hold my tongue except for this last line and if it gets me banned so be it...

Free speech or NOT you need to STFU and go away.

3619.2.2011 06:26

Freedom of speech is important...important enough that we have to tolerate it when people say things we don't like. If you want Steve Jobs dead, you should be able to say it. Telling someone to kill him is a whole other story...but saying that you hope his cancer is terminal is a constitutional right (one of the few bits that were not damaged when George W and Obama wiped their a**es with it).

I don't want Steve to die; I want him to suffer for a very long time in a very terrible way...I hope he never escapes the pain and misery, and I hope he comes to wish that he was simply being tortured...yet for some reason, this is considered nicer than wishing him a peaceful death.

...And he did not compare Steve with Hitler; he simply exposed the hole in the defective logic that a death is never a good thing, and that we should love everyone. Death can be good...and there is no reason to love a tyrant.

3719.2.2011 08:20

Jobs may be a tyrant but he's not a mass murderer. LOL

3819.2.2011 14:16

Notcow, until you know what it is like to hold somebody's life in your hands, you might want to keep those comments to yourself. i personally know about holding a person's life in my hands as i had to give the hospital this past wednesday permission to amputate my mother's right leg above the knee because of flesh eating disease. then gave them permission to put her on dialysis so hopefully her kidneys recoverful as they have almost shutdown. all this without her knowledge as she is not awake yet. not looking forward to having to tell her when she wakes up that she is now missing part of her leg.

3919.2.2011 14:30

Hope you get well soon Mr Jobs!

4019.2.2011 14:34

Originally posted by ddp:
Notcow, until you know what it is like to hold somebody's life in your hands, you might want to keep those comments to yourself. i personally know about holding a person's life in my hands as i had to give the hospital this past wednesday permission to amputate my mother's right leg above the knee because of flesh eating disease. then gave them permission to put her on dialysis so hopefully her kidneys recoverful as they have almost shutdown. all this without her knowledge as she is not awake yet. not looking forward to having to tell her when she wakes up that she is now missing part of her leg.
Also about notcow's complain about freedom of speech, I'd be the first to defend one's rights for it, but it also doesn't mean people are without consequences for what they say. I can freely hell out "FIRE" in a crowded place, cause a panic and be responsible if anyone happens to get hurt.

Also freedom of speech doesn't allow people the right to freely insult or demean others with personal attacks. The spirit behind "The freedom of speech" is often taken out of context of it's real meaning. It was the one's political or ideological views should be free and with out governmental controls, should be for an idea that has merit, I personally love seeking out people from all political views and talk and exchange ideas. This is what "Freedom of speech" and it's intention was for. Not a means to justify one simply being rude and immature...

Too bad more people don't live by the golden rule, "Do to others as you wish done to you.", on the other hand if you wish a slow painful death for Mr. Jobs, assuming that is what you want done to you, i hope you enjoy your experience.
This message has been edited since its posting. Latest edit was made on 19 Feb 2011 @ 2:40

4119.2.2011 15:02

"Freedom of Speech" has absolutely nothing to do with this. It boils down to just one little thing...and that's aD's Forum Rules ~

Administrative actions

Messages that break any of the rules above can be removed or edited by the moderators and administrators of these forums. Even if something isn't specifically mentioned in the rules, it doesn't mean that it would be permitted. It is up to the moderators and administrators to determine what is appropriate and what is not.
Is it that you have forgotten them? Or maybe you don't care to follow/be mindful of them? Either way I am sure any one of us can quite easily help you with that or hasten you on your way if you so desire.
This message has been edited since its posting. Latest edit was made on 19 Feb 2011 @ 3:03

4219.2.2011 15:21

hello oner.

4319.2.2011 15:39

Originally posted by ddp:
hello oner.
LoL ~ Hey ddp.

4419.2.2011 17:21

Originally posted by SomeBozo:
Originally posted by ddp:
Notcow, until you know what it is like to hold somebody's life in your hands, you might want to keep those comments to yourself. i personally know about holding a person's life in my hands as i had to give the hospital this past wednesday permission to amputate my mother's right leg above the knee because of flesh eating disease. then gave them permission to put her on dialysis so hopefully her kidneys recoverful as they have almost shutdown. all this without her knowledge as she is not awake yet. not looking forward to having to tell her when she wakes up that she is now missing part of her leg.
Also about notcow's complain about freedom of speech, I'd be the first to defend one's rights for it, but it also doesn't mean people are without consequences for what they say. I can freely hell out "FIRE" in a crowded place, cause a panic and be responsible if anyone happens to get hurt.

Also freedom of speech doesn't allow people the right to freely insult or demean others with personal attacks. The spirit behind "The freedom of speech" is often taken out of context of it's real meaning. It was the one's political or ideological views should be free and with out governmental controls, should be for an idea that has merit, I personally love seeking out people from all political views and talk and exchange ideas. This is what "Freedom of speech" and it's intention was for. Not a means to justify one simply being rude and immature...

Too bad more people don't live by the golden rule, "Do to others as you wish done to you.", on the other hand if you wish a slow painful death for Mr. Jobs, assuming that is what you want done to you, i hope you enjoy your experience.
Wow, I certainly wasn't demeaning him in any way, and you're right. You're not allowed to yell FIRE in a movie theater because it would cause a public panic. I'm not causing a public panic, or demeaning him. Simply expressing an opinion that you all obviously disagree with.

Thank you KillerBug for being rational and defending free speech.

Freedom of speech is important...important enough that we have to tolerate it when people say things we don't like. If you want Steve Jobs dead, you should be able to say it. Telling someone to kill him is a whole other story...but saying that you hope his cancer is terminal is a constitutional right (one of the few bits that were not damaged when George W and Obama wiped their a**es with it).

I don't want Steve to die; I want him to suffer for a very long time in a very terrible way...I hope he never escapes the pain and misery, and I hope he comes to wish that he was simply being tortured...yet for some reason, this is considered nicer than wishing him a peaceful death.

...And he did not compare Steve with Hitler; he simply exposed the hole in the defective logic that a death is never a good thing, and that we should love everyone. Death can be good...and there is no reason to love a tyrant.
This message has been edited since its posting. Latest edit was made on 19 Feb 2011 @ 5:32

4519.2.2011 18:48

Originally posted by Oner:
"Freedom of Speech" has absolutely nothing to do with this. It boils down to just one little thing...and that's aD's Forum Rules ~

Administrative actions

Messages that break any of the rules above can be removed or edited by the moderators and administrators of these forums. Even if something isn't specifically mentioned in the rules, it doesn't mean that it would be permitted. It is up to the moderators and administrators to determine what is appropriate and what is not.
Is it that you have forgotten them? Or maybe you don't care to follow/be mindful of them? Either way I am sure any one of us can quite easily help you with that or hasten you on your way if you so desire.
Power trippin' at the gates of hell!

You're seriously in danger of reducing yourself to his level.

People have expressed their opinion of his view...

ddp, sorry to hear about your mum. I had to look after mine when she had bowel cancer. I hope she survives... mine didn't.
This message has been edited since its posting. Latest edit was made on 19 Feb 2011 @ 7:11

4620.2.2011 11:40

Originally posted by Jemborg:
Originally posted by Oner:
"Freedom of Speech" has absolutely nothing to do with this. It boils down to just one little thing...and that's aD's Forum Rules ~

Administrative actions

Messages that break any of the rules above can be removed or edited by the moderators and administrators of these forums. Even if something isn't specifically mentioned in the rules, it doesn't mean that it would be permitted. It is up to the moderators and administrators to determine what is appropriate and what is not.
Is it that you have forgotten them? Or maybe you don't care to follow/be mindful of them? Either way I am sure any one of us can quite easily help you with that or hasten you on your way if you so desire.
Power trippin' at the gates of hell!

You're seriously in danger of reducing yourself to his level.

People have expressed their opinion of his view...

ddp, sorry to hear about your mum. I had to look after mine when she had bowel cancer. I hope she survives... mine didn't.
And there is the expected comment singling Oner out (by the usual one(s) to do so) for something other people have said or feel as well...Odd isn't it? So let me make this clear ~ it's not a power trip, just the job of a moderator. But I guess I can't be human and make my view/emotions be known as to how ghastly inappropriate and of low character to point out what was said. Seriously? FFS he wishes the man to die and you want to somehow compare me to him! .. .... ........

Time to bite my tongue as I do REALLY have 3 words I would like to say but again, as a moderator I can't really say what I would like to in this situation, but I am sure most people have an idea or have said exactly what I feel already.

4720.2.2011 11:41

Originally posted by Sudds:
Originally posted by Notcow:
Good riddance.
Your a fuckin prick...
Well said. I despise Job's business ethics, and the way he treats his partners and vendors. And I absolutely hate Apple and their DRM-laden shit, but cancer is a living death. This man is a human being and nobody deserves to be taken by cancer. NotCow, was your heart and humanity removed when you were born?

4820.2.2011 11:58

Originally posted by LiveChaos:
Originally posted by Sudds:
Originally posted by Notcow:
Good riddance.
Your a fuckin prick...
Well said. I despise Job's business ethics, and the way he treats his partners and vendors. And I absolutely hate Apple and their DRM-laden shit, but cancer is a living death. This man is a human being and nobody deserves to be taken by cancer. NotCow, was your heart and humanity removed when you were born?
Thank You LiveChaos. I rest my case.

4920.2.2011 13:30

Originally posted by SomeBozo:
Originally posted by Jemborg:
Originally posted by Sudds:
Over priced and closed, agree completely.
But as of this moment am running OS X on my PC and gettin to like it.
With Apple using Intel x86 architecture, its easier than ever to run it on PC.
Hang on, don't Macs do x64 yet???

I have considered building some Machead friends Hackintoshes to save them a bit of cash but they are a bit too gutless to try it. :)

If i read Apple's own comments for x64 support ( it seems they say it is build with x64, and ready for the future.... So it reminds me of Microsoft's good old Win32s... If I read Apple's post correctly there stuff is now built to support running in x64 but the system itself only emulates it until they truly support it natively...

One of the biggest issue going from 32 to 64 bit, are the word/byte alignment issues... (, it isn't as easy to simply switching from a 32bit compiler and recompiling in x64. Going through many program ports at work the errors would pop up in the strangest places, thank god for all the automated tests we had :)

It automatically runs the programs in 64bit if they support it on my machine.
I can boot the 64bit kernal, but i dont really need to, a only have 4gigs of ram in my system.

5020.2.2011 22:15

apple and steve jobs needs to go away. Stop selling junk and useless products.

5121.2.2011 08:40

Me too I love WP7 to me is better than Iphone but i wish that Steve Jobbs get well soon . He is a great man,God bless you Steve.

5221.2.2011 12:03

Why would even post up pictures or this article? Terrible.....when did National Enquirer become a legit source? Get off your pedestal, and stop ripping on notcow!

5321.2.2011 13:28

Originally posted by mpicarell:
Why would even post up pictures or this article? Terrible.....when did National Enquirer become a legit source? Get off your pedestal, and stop ripping on notcow!
Well no offense but this picture show how bad conditions the man have now and this is sad,very sad

5422.2.2011 04:41

Originally posted by jannypan:
An expected response from an idiot. Sorry what was your name and what did you invent or revolutionise? Where are you on the rich list?
I have invented a video game, drinks machine and reinvented a electronic module for a central heating boiler. I am not on any rich list but and what little money I have is going towards patents for my inventions to protect them. It's a costly experience to say the least. Say what you will and mock all you want.

It's not easy building a company or products from scratch or improving on items already on the market. I have first hand experience at this. If you don't like his products or company, leave it be. The comment written by Notcow was very spiteful and it's usually jealous or broke people who know little about business who make such remarks

5522.2.2011 10:28

Tragic for anyone to get any kind of disease but why let a troll hijack the whole thread? On the other side though this guy isn't Jesus or any other God...Not seeing the point of being heartless but I do see some are not going to be sad to see Jobs go.

5622.2.2011 10:53

Originally posted by dEwMe:
Tragic for anyone to get any kind of disease but why let a troll hijack the whole thread? On the other side though this guy isn't Jesus or any other God...Not seeing the point of being heartless but I do see some are not going to be sad to see Jobs go.

I agree, especially the next person to step into his shoes full time. I might send in my curriculum vitae later :)

5723.2.2011 02:25

Originally posted by Oner:
Originally posted by Jemborg:
Originally posted by Oner:
"Freedom of Speech" has absolutely nothing to do with this. It boils down to just one little thing...and that's aD's Forum Rules ~

Administrative actions

Messages that break any of the rules above can be removed or edited by the moderators and administrators of these forums. Even if something isn't specifically mentioned in the rules, it doesn't mean that it would be permitted. It is up to the moderators and administrators to determine what is appropriate and what is not.
Is it that you have forgotten them? Or maybe you don't care to follow/be mindful of them? Either way I am sure any one of us can quite easily help you with that or hasten you on your way if you so desire.
Power trippin' at the gates of hell!

You're seriously in danger of reducing yourself to his level.

People have expressed their opinion of his view...

ddp, sorry to hear about your mum. I had to look after mine when she had bowel cancer. I hope she survives... mine didn't.
And there is the expected comment singling Oner out (by the usual one(s) to do so) for something other people have said or feel as well...Odd isn't it? So let me make this clear ~ it's not a power trip, just the job of a moderator. But I guess I can't be human and make my view/emotions be known as to how ghastly inappropriate and of low character to point out what was said. Seriously? FFS he wishes the man to die and you want to somehow compare me to him! .. .... ........

Time to bite my tongue as I do REALLY have 3 words I would like to say but again, as a moderator I can't really say what I would like to in this situation, but I am sure most people have an idea or have said exactly what I feel already.
I have not singled you out in particular Oner, I am referring to both you and ddp.

But you don't express an opinion above mate, lol I can read... it was threats and intimidation. All you did was tell him that you had the right to can him on a whim. However, he broke no forum rules and ddp already censured him, so what more do you want? Believe me, you don't come across as heroic.

Instead of the usual re-inventing what I posted, take it from me: express your opinion as much as you like (this is kind of what I wrote before). Sounds like you confuse your job with expressing your opinion though. I stand by what I wrote... yes, by your bullying you are in danger of reducing yourself to his level in terms of meanness. Gloating that freedom of speech is an illusion that how AD wants to appear, like a police state? Well good for you then.

For goodness sake, Jobs is despised my many people here. Even though it was insensitive etc., you should have expected that someone would post something along those lines. Surely there are guidelines for mods as well as punters... aren't there? Something along the lines of threatening to ban members who don't agree with you?

It certainly was not that "odd" to me that you made that initial posturing, nor was the subsequent martyring with it's whiff of desperation. Come on, if LiveChaos expressed what you wanted to say... why didn't you just say that?

Take care,

P.S. I will make you a better person! (ROFL. Just kidding.)

This message has been edited since its posting. Latest edit was made on 23 Feb 2011 @ 2:47

5823.2.2011 02:34

Originally posted by Sudds:
Originally posted by SomeBozo:
Originally posted by Jemborg:
Originally posted by Sudds:
Over priced and closed, agree completely.
But as of this moment am running OS X on my PC and gettin to like it.
With Apple using Intel x86 architecture, its easier than ever to run it on PC.
Hang on, don't Macs do x64 yet???

I have considered building some Machead friends Hackintoshes to save them a bit of cash but they are a bit too gutless to try it. :)

If i read Apple's own comments for x64 support ( it seems they say it is build with x64, and ready for the future.... So it reminds me of Microsoft's good old Win32s... If I read Apple's post correctly there stuff is now built to support running in x64 but the system itself only emulates it until they truly support it natively...

One of the biggest issue going from 32 to 64 bit, are the word/byte alignment issues... (, it isn't as easy to simply switching from a 32bit compiler and recompiling in x64. Going through many program ports at work the errors would pop up in the strangest places, thank god for all the automated tests we had :)

It automatically runs the programs in 64bit if they support it on my machine.
I can boot the 64bit kernal, but i dont really need to, a only have 4gigs of ram in my system.
4gigs is plenty for 64 bit. Sounds like it's done in emulation if you don't boot that kernal.

5923.2.2011 17:41

Originally posted by Jemborg:

You say this & that but as always it doesn't add # 45 you single me out yet you say you didn't. This is expected, continuous and a regular occurrence. So which one is it now? You know what NVM, my answer is clearly in B&W already. The funny thing is I said nothing different than most others here but because you have specific issue with me you ALWAYS try your damnedest to make it something bigger i.e. somehow comparing me & him as the same in some weak attempt to stir the pot...get over yourself, give it up and move onto something new already.

Whenever you want to close this DDP, DVDBack23 or anyone else please go ahead.
This message has been edited since its posting. Latest edit was made on 23 Feb 2011 @ 5:49

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