AfterDawn: Tech news

Petition to allow third-party YouTube video recording reaches million mark

Written by Andre Yoskowitz @ 29 Jul 2012 1:32 User comments (12)

Petition to allow third-party YouTube video recording reaches million mark

Google recently joint forces with the RIAA to help shut down sites that allow for the download and conversion of YouTube videos.
Such sites let you download the video in MP4 form or as MP3 audio files.

A German man, using, is trying to petition to get Google to allow such third-party recording, and the petition has been successful.

As of writing, there are over 1.26 million signatures for the campaign, with a target of 1.5 million.

The petition is in English, French, German and Turkish. Reads the statement: "In the past people have been able to record TV shows and CDs using home recording equipment. Now, Youtube wants to block users doing the same from its site. I launched this petition to make the point that changing technology should not affect peoples' rights as a consumer. I have been amazed at the response to my petition but surprised that the company has not responded. I would very much like to sit down with them and discuss this issue."

Check it here: @Youtube & @GoogleDE : Allow third party recording tools for YouTube #FreedomOnYoutube

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12 user comments

129.7.2012 17:48

Put that in your ass & smoke it RIAA... Word of the mouth is STILL the best form of advertising you'll ever get. Sure, it's not always the fastest, but it is the finest, most incontrovertible means by which to not only get your message, but to bury the sale on your next 'to be' customer.

Nauseating, Blitzkrieg, every 5 minute repetitious ad campaigns on TV & radio are simply causing all of us to tune out & find other ways to AVOID YOU! This in turn causes a lax in the general public ruling out what could be some really great talent.

In turn, Ryan Seacrest shotgunning us twat slobbering festivals like Justin Bieber, just so you can lace your pockets with the latest feminine crotch drooler isn't helping matters either.

One should be shot for taking advantage of teenage age girls & robbing them of their hard earned cash (Which should virtually be called pedophilia in my book) & the other should be shot for thinking he had that much talent to continue on with his behavior. I'll let you all choose.

Sermon has ended... Reverend Russ has left the pulpit.

229.7.2012 19:38

The Luddites are doing their King Cnut routine, nothing more.
It's a cynical rear-guard action to try & squeeze the last final dregs out of a dead way of doing business.

Oddly they seem incapable of understanding just how much damagae this moronic counter-productive foolishness is to them for the future.

When it all goes t*ts up nobody will be able to say the warnings were not given & obvious.

....oh yeah and way to go pi$$ing off a whole (much more numerous) raft of newcomers to this party with the stupid restrictions on Youtubes playing over smart TVs.


This message has been edited since its posting. Latest edit was made on 29 Jul 2012 @ 7:40

330.7.2012 00:19

This will kill more busniess

430.7.2012 03:20

this wont help them at all.

530.7.2012 06:22

Google only dislikes people downloading videos because they lose control over them. How can you delete every video containing part of some classical masterpiece at the request of some studio who used it in a movie (for free, because it is public domain) if half the copies are on the hard drives of users?

630.7.2012 11:56

Originally posted by KillerBug:
Google only dislikes people downloading videos because they lose control over them. How can you delete every video containing part of some classical masterpiece at the request of some studio who used it in a movie (for free, because it is public domain) if half the copies are on the hard drives of users?
Another point expertly stated. These knob jumpers should be junk punked repeatedly for continuing to claim ownership (or scarf up cash) on works that have long since been passed into 'public domain'.

Who do 'we' get to build a class action suit against them for holding our wallets hostage by constantly repurchasing the same (name your media)?

I'll be damned if I'm gonna buy Dean Martin's "Volare'" on anything else for the remainder of my life... mark my words.
This message has been edited since its posting. Latest edit was made on 30 Jul 2012 @ 11:56

730.7.2012 13:47

Originally posted by LordRuss:
Put that in your ass & smoke it RIAA... Word of the mouth is STILL the best form of advertising you'll ever get. Sure, it's not always the fastest, but it is the finest, most incontrovertible means by which to not only get your message, but to bury the sale on your next 'to be' customer.

Nauseating, Blitzkrieg, every 5 minute repetitious ad campaigns on TV & radio are simply causing all of us to tune out & find other ways to AVOID YOU! This in turn causes a lax in the general public ruling out what could be some really great talent.

In turn, Ryan Seacrest shotgunning us twat slobbering festivals like Justin Bieber, just so you can lace your pockets with the latest feminine crotch drooler isn't helping matters either.

One should be shot for taking advantage of teenage age girls & robbing them of their hard earned cash (Which should virtually be called pedophilia in my book) & the other should be shot for thinking he had that much talent to continue on with his behavior. I'll let you all choose.

Sermon has ended... Reverend Russ has left the pulpit.
you are a saint among sinners Russ. Its like south park did so wonderfully, I KILLED JUSTIN BEIBER. The MPAA and RIAA will lose eventually, and it will all come crumbling down as everything else does. We are the people, and word of mouth is still the most effective.
This message has been edited since its posting. Latest edit was made on 30 Jul 2012 @ 1:49

830.7.2012 18:11

Originally posted by djkorn:
you are a saint among sinners Russ.
Oh lord the mighty damn! If you even knew 1/10th my history, you might retract that one... but I appreciate the sentiment all the same... ;)

930.7.2012 18:22

Originally posted by LordRuss:

In turn, Ryan Seacrest shotgunning us twat slobbering festivals like Justin Bieber, just so you can lace your pockets with the latest feminine crotch drooler isn't helping matters either.

yeah that little asshole makes me somewhat embarassed to say i am canadian.

104.8.2012 17:30

It depends of the type of videos

1110.8.2012 08:43

Originally posted by LordRuss:
Put that in your ass & smoke it RIAA... Word of the mouth is STILL the best form of advertising you'll ever get. Sure, it's not always the fastest, but it is the finest, most incontrovertible means by which to not only get your message, but to bury the sale on your next 'to be' customer.

Nauseating, Blitzkrieg, every 5 minute repetitious ad campaigns on TV & radio are simply causing all of us to tune out & find other ways to AVOID YOU! This in turn causes a lax in the general public ruling out what could be some really great talent.

In turn, Ryan Seacrest shotgunning us twat slobbering festivals like Justin Bieber, just so you can lace your pockets with the latest feminine crotch drooler isn't helping matters either.

One should be shot for taking advantage of teenage age girls & robbing them of their hard earned cash (Which should virtually be called pedophilia in my book) & the other should be shot for thinking he had that much talent to continue on with his behavior. I'll let you all choose.

Sermon has ended... Reverend Russ has left the pulpit.
feminine crotch drooler...!? I don't know WTF you just said man but I'm definitely laughing because of it!

1210.8.2012 14:39

Originally posted by SoulGLOW:
feminine crotch drooler...!? I don't know WTF you just said man but I'm definitely laughing because of it!
If I explained what went on in this Salvador Dali domain I call a brain, I would be kicked out of this fine forum so fast there'd be skid marks on the back of my skull!

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