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TiVo settles long-standing DVR lawsuit with Motorola, TWC, Cisco

Written by Andre Yoskowitz @ 07 Jun 2013 6:47 User comments (3)

TiVo settles long-standing DVR lawsuit with Motorola, TWC, Cisco TiVo announced this morning that it finally settled a dispute with Motorola, Time Warner Cable and Cisco over DVR patents.
The company will collect $490 million, which is much less than analysts and industry insiders had estimated, sending TiVo's shares down 20 percent today. Even TiVo had once suggested the amount could be upwards of a billion, so the amount was somewhat shocking.

Cisco and Google will now enter a patent-licensing agreement with TiVo to use the technology. Altogether, TiVo has now collected $1.6 billion in awards and settlements related to use of the patents.

Motorola and Cisco had been providing the DVRs to Time Warner for six years, and the case was set for trial next week. TiVo has already settled with Dish, AT&T, Verizon and others, most of which now license the patents. Cisco says it will pay $294 million of the damages.

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3 user comments

18.6.2013 11:05

Go Tivo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The first, the original and still.............the BEST

28.6.2013 18:41

I luvv ma tivo although the sky+ box does have a pretty funky digiguide...

Wish the tivo didnt loose the guide when you select a channel unlike the sky+ box

Tivo needs a better processor or more memory the box can lag for a few seconds when recording even one channel havent seen it on a sky+ box although the Tivo boxes use a WD 500Gb+ "green drive" with only a limited spin speed and the sata interface seems to only be up to SATA-II Interface so the tech inside the Cisco box is pretty old.

Can go back 7 days with a teevO though - nogo for a sky+ box
Using internet on the boxes is simple the Tivo wins hands down

Suggestions and the thumbs up down feature on the Tivo is also pretty neat!

Graphically the Tivo is hard to beat the Sky+ Blue design is like looking at a bad crt screen of an old Prestel or Speccie 48k...


This message has been edited since its posting. Latest edit was made on 08 Jun 2013 @ 6:47

39.6.2013 12:01

Replay was the first, not Tivo and Replay was better (at the time Tivo first appeared). Just my opinion.

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