
Apple has once again sued the world's largest mobile chip manufacturer Qualcomm. As you might have guessed, it's once again another patent dispute ......

There probably isn't a smartphone company that has not been in patent disputes with a rival. However, Apple is especially plagued with the lawsuits, ......

Apple has been granted a patent for Management, Replacement and Removal of Explicit Lyrics during Audio Playback, giving the company technology that will automatically scan any streaming song online and remove any curses.

Microsoft and GoPro announced a patent licensing deal earlier this week for “certain file storage and other system technologies.”

While most of the US was concentrating yesterday on turkey and pumpkin pie the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office published a patent by Apple, ......

The patent details accessory device for a tablet device that can display notifications and other information.

Two months after launching the device, it appears Samsung's ATIV Q may never see the light of day.
The device, which is a tablet/notebook ......

TiVo announced this morning that it finally settled a dispute with Motorola, Time Warner Cable and Cisco over DVR patents

Sony has patented new technology that can block the use of used games on consoles.
The patent is for tech that will match individual game ......

LG is seeking an injunction on Samsung tablet sales in Korea, the home country of both companies.
The tablet in question is the Galaxy Note ......

A federal jury in Texas has ordered Apple to pay $368 million to software patent company VirnetX.
The patent in question is related to VPN, ......

Apple is seeking more money from Samsung, along with a permanent U.S. sales ban on products that violated their patents.
The iPhone maker ......

Nokia has lost its German court case this week, another blow to the company's reputation.
The court in Mannheim found the Finnish-based mobile ......

According to multiple credible sources, Samsung and Motorola have been approached by Apple who is asking for $5-$15 per handset in patent licensing fees.

HTC has lost the first of their patent-infringement cases against Apple filed with the U.S. International Trade Commission (ITC).
The ITC ......

Apple's has been granted a patent that amounts to nothing more than using a smartphone's multitasking capabilities in the phone app.

Apple has been granted another patent for swipe-to-unlock functionality on mobile devices in the US.

The ITC has issued a preliminary ruling against HTC in their attempt to get Apple products banned from the US.

VIA Technologies has sued Apple over patent infringement.
The company designs low-power microprocessors and controllers.
HTC recently ......

Nintendo is having a really bad year.
This week, ThinkOptical has filed a lawsuit against the gaming company, claiming the Wii console infringes ......
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