AfterDawn: Tech news

Google Lens is now available on the iPhone

Written by Matti Robinson @ 17 Mar 2018 11:48 User comments (4)

Google Lens is now available on the iPhone

Google's one of the more known ad campaigns, for Pixel phones, has reminded people of how limited iPhone's storage is. Google Photos offers unlimited storage which Apple doesn't and that's why, the search giant claims, you'll often run out of storage space just when you're about to snap an important picture.
Obviously this is not the only strength of Pixel 2, or even the Google Photos app. In fact, Google Photos is an excellent solution for photo storage, and even has some nifty smart features.

One of the smart features uses machine learning, or more generally artificial intelligence, to recognize subjects and object in the photos. It's called Google Lens, and it's now available on the iPhone.

Google Lens adds a new button (camera icon) to your Photos app on the iPhone with which you can get information about object in your camera finder, or easily save information from a business card. It even recognizes things like dog breeds and car models.

You can find the new feature from Google Photos v3.15, and it should be available on the App Store in the coming week, if you can't find it already.

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4 user comments

119.3.2018 13:28

Waste! Google like Microsoft using scare tactics once again.

If the given storage from Apple isn't enough for the vast majority of cellular users then tough! It's been enough since the Iphone inception and i have yet to hear of ANYONE bitching about their 64/128/256GB of storage not being enough to hold all their pictures and therefore requiring them to delete pics to make room for more. Last I heard this nonsense was like 8 years ago and only with those that had 16GB or maybe 32GB.

Uh......can you say "USB cable to computer and copy/paste to offload?"

I so hate MS.

220.3.2018 23:28

Um... Whut? M$ is NOT part of this story.

38.4.2018 10:51

Originally posted by hearme0:
Waste! Google like Microsoft using scare tactics once again.

If the given storage from Apple isn't enough for the vast majority of cellular users then tough! It's been enough since the Iphone inception and i have yet to hear of ANYONE bitching about their 64/128/256GB of storage not being enough to hold all their pictures and therefore requiring them to delete pics to make room for more. Last I heard this nonsense was like 8 years ago and only with those that had 16GB or maybe 32GB.

Uh......can you say "USB cable to computer and copy/paste to offload?"

I so hate MS.
The sheep has spoken. The fact that they tell you what you can and can't do with something you purchased is crazy. Also, its 2018, why in the world do you need to connect your phone to a cable to move information. Is Apple really that limited. Google also stole a lot of this tech from Office Lens which Microsoft released years ago.

Apple sucks but has one hell of a marketing department.

48.4.2018 11:41

Originally posted by bw5011:
Google also stole a lot of this tech from Office Lens which Microsoft released years ago.

This software is an obvious iteration of Google's AR tech, such as "Google Goggles", released in 2009. If anything, M$ copied them.
This message has been edited since its posting. Latest edit was made on 08 Apr 2018 @ 11:44

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