MacBook Air

Apple first M1 product announcement yesterday was the most popular 13-inch laptop in the world, MacBook Air. MacBook Air is the perfect device ......

One the more anticipated new devices from today's Apple event is definitely a new MacBook Air.
The update has been rumored for ages it seems, ......

Maybe Apple has been focusing too much on the iPhone? Especially recently people have seemed to become less enamored about Apple's computer lineup.

Apple Inc. has made some changes to its line of MacBooks as it looks to bump up disappointing sales.

Apple has updated their MacBook Air line, as expected.
The 11 and 13-inch models will add Ivy Bridge processors, moving in line with ultrabook rivals.

The streaky Digitimes is reporting today that Apple is preparing a cheap $799 version of their popular ultrabook.
If accurate, the MacBook ......

HP has confirmed that it will soon release a competitor to the MacBook Air in the ultraportable market.
"Ultrabooks," as they are called, ......

It appears that Apple is quietly moving away from Toshiba's X-Gale SSDs to faster Samsung models for its MacBook Air ultra-portable.
Over ......

Apple pushes out supplemental update for users of MacBook Air devices.
Apple customers who bought a MacBook Air last year have been complaining ......

Apple's updated MacBook Air line has quietly become a hit, with the company having shipped 1 million of the notebooks in the fourth quarter.

Dell has announced today that it is discontinuing the Dell Adamo line of ultraportables, the last real competitor to the MacBook Air.
The ......

Dell has slashed the price of the Adamo 13 ultraportable this week, also adding more powerful specs.
The aluminum 0.65-inch thick notebook ......