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Version history for SoftPerfect NetWorx Portable

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Changes for v6.0.3 - v6.0.4

  • Fixed saving graph visibility on Windows 10+
  • Fixed a memory leak when looking up geo-IP info in Netstat.
  • Fixed incorrect usage on the graph after waking up from sleep.

Changes for v5.5.3 - v5.5.4

  • Added Reset Session command to reset the numbers recorded since boot.
  • Added drawing the graph's background bitmap in the desk band graph as well.
  • Fixed an uninstallation issue on Windows 10 where the driver was not removed.
  • Fixed a few minor UI issues when exploring past graph readings with arrow keys.

Changes for v5.5.2 - v5.5.3

  • Added a workaround for picking-up UPnP devices whose UDN changes after a reboot.
  • Added per-application output in automatic HTML reports when Ignore LAN traffic is on.
  • Added showing average and maximum speeds together in the Speed Meter.
  • Added a hidden setting to write graph data to a CSV file for further analysis.

Changes for v5.5.1 - v5.5.2

  • Fixed converting per application usage records from older databases.
  • Fixed doubling entries stored as a list when a backup was restored.
  • Fixed updating the options UI dialog when a backup was restored.
  • Added new Speed Meter with active connection throughput testing.

Changes for v5.4.2 - v5.5.1

  • Fixed an error in UPnP router detection when malformed XML was received.
  • Fixed polling some routers whose UPnP module didn't support HTTP/1.0.
  • Fixed flicker when Session Usage Summary was shown on the graph.
  • Fixed recording apps usage during the hours marked as Unmetered.
  • 2016-01-20 5.5
  • Added graph smoothing with a moving average for a prettier graph.
  • Added a custom UPnP implementation that supports more routers.
  • Fixed an error message shown when Windows ran out of TEMP space.
  • Fixed sending sync broadcasts on PCs with more than one network card.
  • Fixed a few issues with exporting reports to a file from Usage Reports.
  • Updated SNMP implementation to minimise the number of requests.
  • Updated third-party TDI and WFP drivers to the latest version.

Changes for v5.4.1 - v5.4.2

  • Added filter by date in Applications report and showing application names rather than paths.
  • Changed usage backup from XML to SQLite DB file and it now also includes program settings.
  • Changed the Netstat tool to a connection tree to enable real-time application monitoring.
  • Fixed monitoring apps that were monitored even if the selected network was unavailable.
  • Fixed a memory leak in connection tracking when the Ignore LAN option was used.
  • Fixed closing CSV and HTML files that stayed open when exporting a report.
  • Updated LAN traffic filtering drivers with latest compatibility fixes.

Changes for v5.4 - v5.4.1

  • Added rounding to good-looking values in the usage report barchart.
  • Added hidden settings to show/hide dial-up and on/off-peak features.
  • Added a warning if DB is not writable or can't be created on disk.
  • Added dialog to allow to reset to a set value other than zero.
  • Minor bug fixes and improved Windows 10 compatibility.

Changes for v5.3.5 - v5.4

  • Added Y-axis labels rounding to good-looking values on the graph, e.g. 10K, 20K, 30K, 40K, 50K.
  • Added logarithmic scale on the graph to enable showing very small and very large values together.
  • Added a monthly total in daily auto reports and HTML reports are sent inline, not as attachment.
  • Added SNMPv3 support for monitoring the router (see the hidden settings).

Changes for v5.3.4 - v5.3.5

  • Fixed text overlapping in the bar chart and use the thousand separator by default.
  • Fixed initialisation of the UPnP router monitoring if it wasn't ready on startup.
  • Added automatic reports saved to a file or sent by e-mail.

Changes for v5.3.3 - v5.3.4

  • Added a hidden setting for virtual adapters monitoring ignored by default.
  • Fixed firing off-peak notifications as they were sometimes not processed.
  • Fixed graph disappearance when clicking the desktop in Hide Graph on Full Screen.
  • Added Properties and Open File Location menu options in the application view.
  • Added experimental workaround for routers with incorrect UPnP implementation.
  • Added getting process name from the kernel for reliable application names reporting.
  • Updated languages, filter drivers, done numerous minor fixes and improvements.

Changes for v5.3.2 - v5.3.3

  • Added graph line width setting in the hidden settings.
  • Fixed black rectangle artefacts in the application view.
  • Fixed the drop-down interface boxes in router setup.
  • Fixed the re-opening WinPCap when there is a capture issue.
  • Fixed the monitoring of all virtual network adapters.

Changes for v5.3.1 - v5.3.2

  • Fixed disabling Teredo where it was unnecessary for the TDI driver.
  • Fixed quota settings they are now protected too when a password is set.
  • Fixed quota and usage computations when a custom Time Zone Offset was used.
  • Added connection monitor Timeout and Retries variables to the hidden settings.
  • Added showing hints for hotkeys where long hotkey combinations did not fit.
  • Added computer name in subject and body of e-mails for easier identification.

Changes for v5.3 - v5.3.1

  • Added a hidden setting to disable TCP/UDP tracking in the Ignore LAN mode.
  • Added Mobile Broadband support for monitoring as all available connections.
  • Added showing units on the graph (configurable in the hidden settings).
  • Added email notifications for short-term conditions.
  • Fixed crashing if UPnP was not ready at startup.

Changes for v5.2.12 - v5.3

  • Added application usage data in netstat showing each process actvity.
  • Added view scroll bar and a way to reset the connection uptime log.
  • Added e-mail notifications and blocking Internet access in the quota.
  • Added Windows high DPI awareness for high-resolution displays.

Changes for v5.2.11 - v5.2.12

  • Fixed doubling dial-up sessions and applications when two users were logged on.
  • Added driver hash sum verification upon installation to avoid unnecessary reboots.
  • Fixed dynamic bars to be relative to a maximum in the last 5 secs rather than session.
  • Added displaying dial-up volume in the At a Glance report in addition to its duration.
  • Added environment variable NOTIFY when launching a program in the notifications.
  • Added UPnP router monitoring for routers that do not support SNMP (experimental).

Changes for v5.2.10 - v5.2.11

  • Added showing usage in terabytes for large numbers over 1000 GB.
  • Added SNMPv1 and SNMPv2 support for router monitoring via SNMP.
  • Fixed an issue with garbled or incorrect application names recorded.
  • Allowed users to choose which implementation of driver to install (WFP/TDI).
  • Added automatic firewall rule creation/removal for usage synchronisation.
  • Updated LAN traffic filtering drivers and improved Windows 8.1 compatibility.

Changes for v5.2.9 - v5.2.10

  • Added a hidden setting to suppress the graph on full-screen apps.
  • Added highlighting changed hidden options in bold.
  • Added totals to the dial-up log and a session filter.
  • Added sorting by application in the application view.
  • Added a more stable version of the WFP driver for LAN traffic filtering.
  • Fixed showing popup menu on the graph on left-positioned secondary display.

Changes for v5.2.7 - v5.2.9

  • More reliable uninstallation process to ensure no orphan files are left.
  • Added a workaround to obtain application names that were previously recorded as unknown.
  • Added deleting past records for applications from the Applications view.
  • Expanded the default multicast IP address range to avoid recording multicast traffic as non-local.
  • Updated LAN traffic filtering driver (now uses Windows Filtering Platform on Windows 7 and above).

Changes for v5.2.4 - v5.2.7

  • Added a built-in network driver for LAN traffic filtering similar to that in v5.1.7 to v5.2.0. It should be more stable now.
  • Fixed repositioning the graph after PC resume as sometimes it could have been unnecessarily reset.
  • Hidden settings are made easier to use with boolean options toggled with a double click.

Changes for v5.2.2 - v5.2.4

  • Portable version uses INI file if present or DB file otherwise.
  • Fixed recording and displaying heavy transfers over 500 MB/s.
  • Added showing MAC addresses for WinPCap adapters.
  • Redesigned Speed Meter also displays total traffic volume.
  • Currently logged user highlighted in the list of users in totals.
  • Added subheadings at the General tab showing actual periods.
  • Notification area icon's status and position are remembered correctly on Windows 7.
  • Fixed a possible crash in the traceroute code.
  • Improved compatibility with NetBalancer.

Changes for v5.2.1 - v5.2.2

  • Fixed launching applications with a space in their name in notifications.
  • Fixed painting legend for hourly graph in left to right mode.
  • Fixed numeric desk band disappearance upon locking/unlocking the task bar.
  • Added a few hidden settings: fixed rate unit, router community string, quota dialog instead of usage on hotkey.
  • Added displaying time and sorting in dial-up session view.
  • Reopening WinPCap adapter after resuming from stand by and hibernation.
  • Added opening netstat on tray icon double click and opening usage report at single click.
  • Added highlighting items exceeding quota for daily, weekly and monthly reports when appropriate quota is set.
  • Fixed writing XLS files, now writing numbers as numbers, not as strings.

Changes for v5.1.7 - v5.2.1

  • Fixed establishing/dropping dial-up connection on 64-bit systems.
  • Made several optimisations to display usage reports faster.
  • Added NetWorx popup menu to the desk band as well.
  • Fixed sorting weekly, monthly, dial and hourly reports when ascending sort was set.
  • Using WinPCap instead of custom network driver for ignoring local traffic.
  • Graph is no longer stranded if an auxilary monitor is disconnected.
  • Fixed a few issues with recording traffic in the Ignore LAN traffic mode.
  • Added Vietnamese languages and a few others have been updated.
  • Fully 64-bit release including desk band now available on 64-bit systems.
  • Desk band is now displayed properly on the translucent taskbar.
  • Fixed a problem with metering UDP traffic in the Ignore LAN traffic mode.
  • Fixed incorrect alignment of certain user interface elements on systems with large fonts enabled.
  • Fixed refreshing dial-up sessions report that had no effect.
  • Last opened tab in the usage reports is now preserved between views.
  • Fixed choosing another user in the usage report did not update the view.
  • Fixed graph visibility and size was not saved in some cases upon shutdown.
  • Added showing user quota dialog upon the tray icon click.
  • Added redialing a dial-up connection if it seems to hang.
  • Added SNMP-capable router monitoring feature.
  • Today and since traffic indicators at the general tab made configurable.
  • Ping and traceroute tools accept URLs in addition to plain host names.
  • A number of improvements to the user interface.
  • Updated network drivers solve incompatibility with AVG and several other issues.

Changes for v5.1.4 - v5.1.7

  • Improved compatibility with systems with VirtualBox installed.
  • Rarely used settings "Snap to desktop edges" and "Smooth spikes" moved to hidden settings.
  • Added an option to show/hide animated usage bars.
  • Added an option to choose appearance of the tray icon.
  • Using a new network driver to filter out LAN traffic. If it works okay, NetWorx will soon be able to track usage per application.
  • The Ignore LAN option has been removed from the portable build as it now requires installation of a network driver. Use the installation package if you need this option.
  • Added a configurable delay in the hidden settings that allows to postpone making a dial-up connection.
  • Notification condition can now be set to less than 1 KB (previously 1 KB was the lower limit).
  • If automatic dialing is turned on, also dial a connection upon resume.
  • Dial-up connections are logged more accurately (log sessions established before NetWorx was started).
  • Added a hidden setting to set number of seconds between minute ticks.
  • Fixed failure to launch from notifications programs with command-line parameters.
  • Added usage bars shown on the graph when fixed Y-scale is turned on.
  • Fixed bridged connections monitoring that was broken in the previous version.
  • Removed the Display Graph on Startup option. Instead NetWorx remembers last graph state.
  • The Grid Lines in Reports option has moved to the hidden settings as rarely used.
  • Added hotkeys for the graph and usage windows.
  • Added initial configuration wizard shown upon first launch.
  • Improved compatilibty with Online Armor Firewall.
  • Added time zone offset in the hidden settings to allow users to compensate clock if their ISP uses a different time zone.
  • Added dial-up summary on the At a Glance report.
  • Fixed dial-up connection recording for the case when NetWorx was shut down before a dial-up connection has been disconnected.

Changes for v5.1.2 - v5.1.4

  • Fixed double-click mode that could not be set.
  • Quota overuse notification no longer closes automatically.
  • Removed workaround added in the previous version as in some cases it failed to detect real network adapters.
  • Improved compatibility with ESet Smart Security and NetLimiter.
  • Added the Arabic language and a few others updated.
  • Added a quota on dial-up duration.
  • Added a period indicator in the quota manager showing user's progress towards the quota.
  • Double-click on the tray icon can now be configured.
  • Added daily/weekly/monthly usage summary shown on the graph.
  • Use a simple gray icon to indicate that NetWorx isn't monitoring the current network.
  • Added selectable max rate unit (bytes/KB/MB/bit/Kbit/Mbit).
  • Added additional remind option when quota is being used.
  • Added workaround for most virtual adapters that should no longer interfere with NetWorx readings.
  • Added an option to choose where to store user settings.
  • Added choice of unit when exporting usage data.
  • Added the name of a monitored interface to the system tray hint/tooltip.
  • At a glance report now shows on-peak usage and off-peak usage along with a total.

Changes for v5.1.1 - v5.1.2

  • Dial-up application launch list is made editable and accepts command-line parameters to be passed to applications.
  • Added all-time/on-peak/off-peak as an extra condition in notifications.
  • Currently active hour is now shown in the hour selection matrix.
  • Added a workaround to prevent incorrect readings when installed with NetLimiter 3.
  • Changed notification processing: if actions include dropping dial-up connections, the timer is reset when a new connection is dialed. Otherwise it caused premature occurrence of the event.
  • Added import of IP address to be ignored (formats understood are IP address range, CIDR and individual IP addresses).
  • Bandwidth rates shown under the graph are made monochrome (this can be reverted via a hidden setting).
  • Added a hidden setting allowing to relocate the database to another folder.
  • Updated language files and minor user interface tweaks.
  • Added more shutdown options: power off, stand by, hibernate and restart.

Changes for v5.1 - v5.1.1

  • Added dial-up connection name and speed shown in the tray icon tooltip.
  • Implemented correct usage recording when multiple users were logged on at once (fast user switching).
  • Fixed excessive reading from the disk when showing daily/weekly/monthly usage on hovering tray icon was enabled (now updated once a minute).
  • Updated language files and other minor tweaks.
  • Fixed sorting usage reports when daily usage exceeded 2 GB.

Changes for v5.0.9 - v5.1

  • Fixed a desk band issue that caused a crash on Windows 7 in certain circumstances.
  • Fixed graph shown off-screen if the monitor where it had been displayed became unavailable.
  • Fixed showing 'unavailable' in the graph title when the chosen adapter was not available at startup and became available later.
  • Added password check when accessing quota settings when the password protection is enabled.
  • Added network manager allowing to exclude certain networks from monitoring.
  • Fixed an error in computations of monthly periods when the month started 29th, 30th or 31st.

Changes for v5.0.8 - v5.0.9

  • Fixed doubling outgoing traffic records on Vista/Seven with mobile broadband and "dial-up" ADSL.
  • Fixed graph shown in taskbar when Frameless Graph Window in the hidden options was turned on.
  • Added Portuguese (Portugal) language.

Changes for v5.0.7 - v5.0.8

  • Fixed a memory leak on Vista and Seven in early downloads of version 5.0.7.
  • Fixed displaying month names when usage chart was in the non-stacked bars mode.
  • Any broadcast traffic is ignored in the Ignore LAN traffic mode.
  • Added Windows 7 locale bug workaround where the US date format was used instead of the one chosen in standards and formats.
  • Added Norwegian, Slovak and Turkish languages.

Changes for v5.0.3 - v5.0.7

  • Added 'All wireless connections' monitoring option (Vista and higher).
  • Fixed inability to select some network connections on Windows Vista and Seven.
  • Added graph fading out when the mouse is hovering and the click-through mode is turned on.
  • Added a few new preferences in the hidden settings (press Ctrl + O in the settings window).

Changes for v5.0.1 - v5.0.3

  • Added drop-down month list in custom reports to quickly access monthly usage.
  • Added import of DU Meter Backup files (*.sqbackup) and NetMeter files (*.csv) under the Restore button in the usage report.
  • Added IP address manager to exclude custom networks as local traffic.
  • Short-term notifications now can apply in a wider range. Now 'more' conditions trigger even if they occur before time elapses
  • Playing a windows sound when quota overused message shown.
  • Some fixes related to sleep and hibernation issues when the Ignore LAN option was turned on.
  • Volume unit multiplier made customisable (1000 or 1024 bytes per KB).
  • On/off-peak hours menu item in the usage report now causes the tray tooltip to display on/off-peak usage info accordingly.
  • Added Korean language.

Changes for v4.9.4 - v5.0.1

  • Added a language selector shown upon first launch.
  • Fixed Explorer crash on Vista/Windows 7 when desk band is turned on.
  • Added Chinese, German, Polish languages.

Changes for v4.9.3 - v4.9.4

  • Graph labels are now compactly formatted (K/M).
  • Added purely numeric graph display.
  • Hourly report made sortable.
  • Tray icon now has got static title if 'Hide inactive icons' Windows option is on.
  • Quota now shows allowance left in addition to used and total.
  • Added 'Enable Graph Click-Through' menu item (visible only if graph is being displayed and is semi-transparent).
  • Graph color selectors now offer a better choice of colors.
  • Added option to automatically bring up the graph when a certain condition is met.
  • Graph ticks are drawn with dots rather than dashes.

Changes for v4.9.2 - v4.9.3

  • Added option to display either a polyline or a histogram in the real-time graph.
  • Added 'remind me in' option in message about overused quota to make it less annoying.

Changes for v4.9.1 - v4.9.2

  • Quota settings are now saved when window closed.
  • Fixed the hourly report when last hour of the day might have been shown wrongly.
  • The hourly report highlights on/off-peak hours.

Changes for v4.8 - v4.9.1

  • Fixed quota and weekly/monthly report computations.
  • Days 29, 30 and 31 are now allowed again as the first day of the month.
  • A number of minor improvements: graph opacity can be adjusted with +/- numpad keys; fixed the remaining days counter in the quota; fixed a problem with hourly report (not all hours were displayed).
  • Monthly, weekly and daily reports now include a grand total.
  • Added a basic quota mechanism allowing to set a usage limit and keep an eye on it.
  • Added an alert mechanism when quota is used up by a set percent.
  • Added UL/DL volume to the hourly rate display.
  • The notification window now pops up topmost.
  • Fixed on-peak/off-peak hour settings. Now only on-peak hours need to be entered. Off-peak is computed automatically.
  • Monthly total shown in the system tray icon's tooltip is now computed properly when the month starts not from the 1st.
  • Added a hot key to activate/deactivate the click-through mode.

Changes for v4.7.4 - v4.8

  • In the desk band placed on a vertical taskbar numbers are shown underneath. In the deskband placed on a horizontal taskbar numbers are shown at the left as before.
  • Usage data stored on a per-hour basis. On-peak and off-peak hours can be configured for an accurate account.
  • Beginning of the month and beginning of the week can be customized if it is needed.
  • Added a hourly bandwidth rate report. You can see your average data transfer rate in recent days and hours.

Changes for v4.7.3 - v4.7.4

  • Fixed possible crash if NetWorx was started automatically before the Windows shell was fully initialized.
  • Added 'Apply settings' button.
  • Redesigned desk band made tidy and compact.
  • Total usage is now shown in the tooltip in addition to download and upload.

Changes for v4.6.2 - v4.7.2

  • Added a volume unit option (choosing among automatic, MB, KB and bytes).
  • Fixed a potential issue in the installation script that might have led to inability to install NetWorx on some computers.
  • Added option to have minute ticks on the graph.
  • Fixed wrong graph positioning if in two consecutive sessions graph was not brought up.
  • Added 'Reset graph' button to bring the graph back if it happens to be shown off-screen.
  • Fixed a timing issue where the program might have crashed on Windows start up.
  • The graph should now be properly saved and restored on multi-monitor systems.
  • Added option to have either numeric or graphical display when the desk band is in compact mode.
  • Tunnel and firewire interfaces are now ignored when monitoring all interfaces in addition to loopback.
  • Added a nice bar chart to daily, weekly, and monthly usage reports.
  • Enhanced tooltip can show weekly and monthly usage in addition to daily one.

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