
The U.S. communications regulator has urged Apple to enable FM radio chips in iPhones, as it would help in emergency situations.

Host of HBO show had called on the public to flood the FCC with comments opposed to repealing net neutrality regulations.

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is working on a plan to subsidize broadband prices for low-income families, giving households $9.25 per month towards the cost of high-speed Internet.

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has said this week that the average download speed for U.S. Internet connections has surged to 31 Mbps as of September 2014, up from 10 Mbps in March 2011.

The U.S. FCC has greenlighted AT&T's proposed acquisition of DirecTV, the $48.5 billion merger that will now create the U.S.' largest pay-TV company.

The Justice Department and Federal Communications Commission are both near ending their review of the proposed AT&T acquisition of DirecTV, and are unlikely to block such a deal.

Verizon and Sprint have settled with the FCC and will pay out $158 million over charges of 'cramming,' a practice in which the carrier allowed third-parties to charge customers for services without their knowledge and then hid the charges.

The cable industry apparently does not want to give Americans faster Internet, with the industry's lobbying group opposing the FCC's wishes.

Thanks to new documents that have passed through the FCC, it appears that Google is working on a second-generation Chromecast, although there do not appear to be any killer new features.

The FCC has approved a new $2 billion fund that will help schools build school-wide Wi-Fi networks.

Massive satellite broadcaster Dish Network (DISH) has met with FCC officials last month in an effort to try to get the proposed Time Warner Cable and Comcast merger blocked.

According to a new report from the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), DSL subscribers are not getting their advertised speeds, especially not during peak hours.

The Federal Communication Commission (FCC) has denied a report from VICE that its website suffered from a denial of service attack last week.

If you run into trouble with Netflix streaming in the United States, Netflix will now let you know exactly who is to blame: your provider!

As of writing, to be defined as high-speed Internet (broadband), the connection had to have just a 4 Mb/s down stream.

A large number of Internet and tech firms have signed an open letter to the FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler opposing Net Neutrality proposals that could lead the way to paid prioritization.

The FCC has come under fire this past week with the emergence of proposals to allow Internet Service Providers to charge fees for access to ‘fast lanes’ on their networks.

Your traffic will no longer be treated equally.

Just one month after being sworn in as FCC chairman, Tom Wheeler has already made a controversial move.

The Obama administration is petitioning the FCC to make moves that will thwart a law that criminalizes the unlocking of smartphones and tablets that are owned by users.
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